
Article Geography

Geology of the Zicavo Metamorphic Complex, southern Corsica (France)

Lorenzo Dulcetta, Michel Faure, Philippe Rossi, Gabriele Cruciani, Marcello Franceschelli

Summary: This study investigates the Zicavo Metamorphic Complex in southern Corsica, which is part of the innermost Axial Zone of the Corsica-Sardinia Variscan belt. A 1:5000 geological map, along with new structural/microstructural and petrographic data, is used to analyze its geological and structural outline. The complex consists of three tectonic units separated by ductile shear zones. It has undergone multiple phases of deformation and metamorphism.


Article Geography

Structural setting and architecture of the North Cycladic Detachment System in the northeastern sectors of Mykonos Island (Greece)

Raffaele Gazzola, Costantino Zuccari, Chiara Frassi, Paraskevas Xypolias, Giovanni Musumeci

Summary: This study presents the geological conditions in the northeastern sector of Mykonos Island, including igneous, metamorphic and siliciclastic sequences, and discusses the structural characteristics and deformation patterns of the detachment systems in the region.


Article Geography

Glacier area changes in the Arctic and high latitudes using satellite remote sensing

Asim Ali, Paul Dunlop, Sonya Coleman, Dermot Kerr, Robert W. McNabb, Riko Noormets

Summary: Glaciers have been retreating due to climate change, particularly in the Arctic, causing sea levels to rise and potentially altering global weather and climate patterns. In this study, 2203 glaciers in different Arctic regions were mapped using Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) on Landsat satellite imagery in Google Earth Engine (GEE) to assess changes in glacier area over three decades. The results showed significant glacier area losses in Novaya Zemlya, Penny Ice Cap, Disko Island, and Kenai, with a total of seventy-three glaciers disappearing entirely.


Article Geography

Reconstruction of the structural setting of the north-eastern side of the high Agri Valley (Southern Apennines, Italy) based on detailed field mapping

Giuseppe Palladino, Giacomo Prosser, Fabio Olita, Dario Avagliano, Beniamino Dello Iacovo, Salvatore Ivo Giano, Mario Bentivenga, Fabrizio Agosta, Salvatore Grimaldi

Summary: The Southern Apennines is a complex structural system formed by the progressive emplacement of various tectonic units. In order to better define the structures and update the stratigraphic units, a detailed geological map was created, considering not only basic stratigraphic units but also finer subdivisions. This approach improved the stratigraphy of the area, identified new geological units, and reconstructed the structural setting and tectonic evolution of the Agri Valley in detail.


Article Geography

(Trans)regional embeddedness and the resilience of offshore campuses

Jana M. Kleibert, Marc P. P. Schulze, Tim Rottleb, Alice Bobee

Summary: Regional embeddedness is crucial for universities, including their transnational subsidiaries or offshore campuses. We identify four dimensions of regional and transregional embeddedness: partnerships, government funding, faculty and staff, and student recruitment. Through qualitative interviews and a global survey, we find that campuses with strong regional embeddedness have demonstrated resilience during the COVID-19 crisis. However, higher education managers should carefully consider the risks and trade-offs between regional and transregional embeddedness.


Article Geography

Ethnic inequalities in cycling to work in London: mobility injustice and regional approach

Zofia Bednarowska-Michaiel

Summary: This paper investigates ethnic inequity in cycling to work in London, as ethnic minorities in London cycle to work less frequently than white Londoners. The study adopts three methods: spatial statistics, linear regression and spatial econometrics based on recent UK census and official statistical data (2011-17) of 33 London regions. The spatial analysis shows that cycling networks and bike schemes are concentrated around Inner London. Regions with less cycling infrastructure tend to have a greater proportion of residents of ethnic minorities. The paper highlights the spatial dependence between ethnic inequalities and cycling to work at a regional level in London. There is also evidence of spatial spillovers between neighboring regions. The paper highlights the need to shift the policy focus from the provision of cycling infrastructure to mobility justice. This means recognizing the needs of distinct groups of cyclists coming from various ethnic minorities. Overall, this paper expands the transportation policies approach by linking it with the concepts of mobilities and regional inequalities. This study of London demonstrates the mechanisms responsible for regional ethnic inequalities in cycling to work that could be relevant in other large urban agglomerations.


Article Geography

Advanced producer services in Germany: a relational perspective on spatial core-periphery structures, 2009-19

Silke Zoellner, Mathias Heidinger, Sebastian Sager, Stefan Luethi, Alain Thierstein

Summary: This paper challenges the traditional perspective of a territorial core-periphery pattern and introduces a relational perspective. It analyzes the spatial processes of knowledge creation in advanced producer services in Germany between 2009 and 2019. The study finds that the current conceptualization of core-periphery in Germany is too static and does not reflect the economic development of regions. It also identifies peripheralization and centralization as a dynamic and overlapping process with trans-scalar networks.


Article Geography

The nexus between spatial structure and labour income: evidence from Vietnam

Truong Cong Bac

Summary: Studies on the spatial structure and its impact have gained increasing attention due to their crucial role in the planning and economic development of geographical areas. This study specifically analyzes the influence of spatial structure on labor income in a typical Vietnamese case. Employing instrumental variables and two-stage least squares regression analysis (TSLS), the findings reveal the specific effects of spatial structure on labor income. Urbanization externalities are manifested in the size of the urban population, positively influencing labor income in the region. Conversely, population dispersion in the decentralized model has negative impacts. Additionally, a highly polycentric spatial structure has a negative impact on labor income, dominated by the size of the urban population.


Article Geography

Stay or emigrate? How social capital influences selective migration in Italy

Dario D'Ingiullo, Iacopo Odoardi, Davide Quaglione

Summary: Internal migration in Italy has changed significantly in terms of composition, with a rise in high-skilled migrants but a decline in low-skilled migrants. The role of social capital (SC) as a nonpecuniary factor in migration decision-making has been studied, and this paper empirically investigates its impact on interprovincial selective migration in Italy. Using data on 103 Italian provinces from 2004 to 2012, the study found that provincial SC primarily reduces migration flows of low-skilled individuals but also deters the emigration of high-skilled individuals. Control variables also revealed the importance of income and socioeconomic conditions in influencing migration patterns.


Article Geography

Mussolini meets Marshall in the city

Corrado Andini, Monica Andini

Summary: We investigate the relationship between population density and labor productivity at the city level. By exploiting a exogenous change in agglomeration that occurred during the fascist dictatorship in Italy, we use it as an instrumental variable to estimate the impact of density on productivity. We find evidence of a causal effect for the subset of cities affected by the instrument, with an estimated elasticity of 0.252 in our preferred specification.


Article Geography

Levelling up or widening the gap? An analysis of community renewal fund allocation in English regions using an economic resilience index

Christine Camacho, Roger T. Webb, Peter Bower, Luke Munford

Summary: This paper examines the relationship between economic resilience in English regions and the allocation of the government's Community Renewal Fund (CRF). Economic resilience is measured using indicators such as productivity, skills, unemployment, population density, and household income. The study finds that the current allocation of CRF funding may widen existing inequalities rather than addressing them. There is no significant correlation between resilience values and CRF allocations.


Article Geography

Green and just regional path development

Will Eadson, Bregje van Veelen

Summary: This article explores the concept of green path development and proposes a conception of green and just path development. It emphasizes the role of negotiation, struggle, inclusion and exclusion in path development processes, and focuses on outcomes for people and places, especially implications for work and communities.


Article Geography

Repeating partners and partnerships in European Territorial Cooperation: a quantitative analysis

Ricard Masana, Pol Montemayor Cejas

Summary: European Territorial Cooperation programmes, known as Interreg, encourage organizations in multiple regions to collaborate on projects addressing shared challenges, aiming to promote integration. However, research on participant organizations and their logic within partnerships, as well as their engagement in multiple projects, has been inadequate. This article presents a quantitative analysis of Interreg B and C programmes, exploring the variables influencing organizations' involvement in partnerships and the rationale behind repeated collaborations. The findings aim to enhance the understanding of this framework for programme planners, enabling them to make better-informed decisions in maximizing programme impact through partner and partnership selection.


Article Geography

Australian rental housing standards: institutional shifts to reprioritize the housing-health nexus

Lyrian Daniel, Emma Baker, Andrew Beer, Rebecca Bentley

Summary: A large proportion of Australia's housing stock, available for private or social renting, is of low quality, and this has negative effects on residents' health and well-being. This issue is a result of historically weak regulation of housing standards and limited investment in public housing services, which are characteristics of Australia's neoliberal housing regime. This paper examines the institutional contexts of the Homes Act 2018 (UK) and the Healthy Homes Guarantee Act 2017 (Aotearoa-New Zealand) in addressing housing quality problems. From these case studies, five institutional shifts are proposed to prioritize the link between housing and health in Australia: (1) policy objectives should explicitly connect housing conditions and health outcomes; (2) community awareness and sector advocacy should be utilized to overcome government complexities; (3) policy approaches should promote collective social responsibility; (4) mandatory requirements should be transparent and objective; and (5) robust protocols for tracking progress should be developed and implemented.


Editorial Material Geography

A 'donut effect'? Assessing housing transactions during COVID-19 across the Spanish urban-rural hierarchy

Miguel Gonzalez-Leonardo, Francisco Rowe, Arturo Vegas-Sanchez

Summary: We conducted an assessment on whether a 'donut effect' occurred in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our findings indicate a 30% synchronized decrease in housing purchases during the nationwide lockdown in 2020, followed by a significant increase across the rural-urban continuum, including core cities, suburbs, towns, and rural areas, surpassing pre-pandemic levels starting from 2021. Thus, we found no evidence of a 'donut effect' in Spain.


Article Geography

Glacial geomorphology between the Gran Campo Nevado and Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile (52-53°S, 73°W)

P. C. Rodriguez, A. J. Geiger, L. Ferri, R. K. Smedley, J. - L. Garcia, G. Herrera

Summary: In this study, we present the first extensive high-resolution glacial geomorphic map in the western Andean Cordillera in southernmost Chile. The map covers an area of 1565 km(2) and is based on high-resolution satellite images and aerial photographs. Field observations were used to validate the remotely mapped geomorphology in selected locations.


Article Geography

Bycatch species distribution from mid-water trawlers in the north-eastern Arabian sea: a step towards the implementation of marine spatial planning

P. Abdul Azeez, Prathibha Rohit, K. Mohammed Koya, Latha Shenoy, Ashok Kumar Jaiswar, Mini Raman, Shikha Rahangdale, Divu Damodaran

Summary: Spatial conservation planning in Indian waters requires knowledge of the spatial distribution of bycatch in fishing grounds. A preliminary study on the northwest coast of India identified the persistent bycatch areas for mid-water trawlers targeting largehead hairtails. By analyzing species abundance and habitat preferences, it was found that bycatch was concentrated in the inshore area during certain seasons. The distribution map of bycatch will aid in the implementation of spatial management measures.


Article Geography

Mining tailings dumps and socio-territorial inequalities in Chile: an exploratory study

Ivan Ojeda-Pereira, Hernan Pezoa-Quevedo, Fernando Campos-Medina

Summary: The aim of this study is to examine the correlation between the distribution of mining tailings and multidimensional poverty at a local level. A database was created using government information to identify municipalities with tailings and assess their levels of poverty. The results indicate widespread distribution of tailings throughout the country, with a higher concentration in economically disadvantaged areas. Furthermore, a small number of municipalities contain a significant portion of the national total. This study highlights the need for national governance to address the surveying and remediation of mining tailings and the social injustices they cause.


Article Geography

Race, rurality and geographic accessibility to medication for opioid use disorder in the US

Penelope Mitchell, Kevin M. Curtin, Nicholas R. Magliocca

Summary: This study investigates the geographic disparities in access to medication for opioid use disorder (OUD). The research finds significant variations in treatment accessibility based on urbanicity and racial makeup, highlighting the importance of intervention or policy reform to achieve equal access.


Article Geography

Visualising relational values in a region: how two conservation stakeholder groups in the US Northwest conceive of their relationships with the land

Timothy Pape

Summary: This paper explores the understanding of the relationship between land and nature by enrollers and enrolees in a nature conservation program. It visually presents complex qualitative data using geographic and tag cloud methodologies to enhance understanding of people's values towards nature at the intersection of public and private conservation.