Ethnic Studies

Article Ethnic Studies

Towards Achieving Racial Equity in Juvenile Justice: Reexamining Conventional Trauma Instruments

Jamie Yoder, Camille R. Quinn, Rebecca Bosetti, Courtney Martinez

Summary: There is a lack of research on the experiences of early life trauma and trauma symptomology among youth of color involved in the juvenile justice system. Conventional trauma instruments used in this system may not be culturally relevant for racially minoritized youth and fail to capture race-based trauma. The study found significant differences in early life trauma experiences between racial groups, with white youth reporting higher rates of trauma events compared to black and Hispanic youth. Additionally, white youth had several trauma indicators associated with delinquency, while black and Hispanic youth had no associations.


Article Ethnic Studies

Ethno-racial and Down Payment Disparities in Mortgage Credit Access

Jose Loya

Summary: This paper utilizes data from HMDA to examine ethno-racial disparities in mortgage outcomes across varying down payment levels. The findings reveal that black and Latino borrowers are more likely to obtain high-cost loans and be denied a mortgage, while the situation for Asians is mixed. These disparities are particularly evident when examining mortgage denials.


Article Ethnic Studies

Trait Mindfulness Decouples the Association Between System Justification and Racial Outgroup Attitudes

Mollie A. Price-Blackshear, B. Ann Bettencourt

Summary: This study examines the role of trait mindfulness in the relationship between racial-system justification, negative ethnic attitudes, and other-group orientation. The findings suggest that trait mindfulness can reduce the negative effects of system justification and mediate the relationship for individuals with low or moderate levels of trait mindfulness. These findings highlight the importance of understanding and reducing prejudice.


Article Ethnic Studies

Native Appropriation in Sport: Cultivating Bias Toward American Indians

Laurel R. Davis-Delano, Renee Galliher, Joseph P. Gone

Summary: A study found that greater exposure to American Indian mascots and sports media were associated with more prejudice and less support for American Indian rights among White Americans. This suggests that American Indian mascots are harmful to American Indians.


Article Ethnic Studies

Drivers of Race Crime and the Impact of Bridging Gaps: A Dynamic Empirical Analysis

Kitty Kay Chan

Summary: Hate crimes in the US have reached their highest recorded levels in more than a decade. This study analyzes the causes of race crime in the US using a state-level dynamic empirical model derived from well-recognized criminological theories. The findings suggest that closing gaps is key in deterring race crime, and potential policy interventions include increasing cultural awareness education and improving access to credit.


Article Ethnic Studies

Between Inclusion and Exclusion: The Representations of Illegal Immigrants and Refugees on Spanish Party VOX's Instagram During the First Year of the War in Ukraine

Alberto Monroy Trujillo

Summary: This study analyzes the contrasting representations of illegal immigrants and refugees on VOX's Instagram account using Critical Discourse Analysis. The findings reveal that VOX characterizes illegal immigrants as young, African Muslim men frequently displaying aggressive or threatening behaviors, while refugees, consisting of Ukrainian white women, children, and elderly persons, are depicted as embodying civilized conduct.


Article Ethnic Studies

Indigenous People's Self-governing Bodies and the Role of Civil Society: The Case of the Norwegian Sámi

Per Selle, Kristin Stromsnes

Summary: This paper examines the relationship between the Sami Parliament in Norway and the Sami civil society, finding that Sami interest and participation in civil society are similar to that of the general population. However, the level of contact between political parties in the Sami Parliament and Sami civil society organizations is limited, and these organizations have a weak control and opposition role. The emergence of the Nordkalottfolket party does not appear to have changed this relationship.


Article Ethnic Studies

Colonial governmentality and Bangladeshis in the anthropocene: Loss of language, land, knowledge, and identity of the Chakma in the ecology of the Chittagong Hill tracts in Bangladesh

Urmee Chakma, Shaila Sultana

Summary: This paper discusses the ongoing violation of human rights experienced by the Chakma people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, including forced migration, extinction of indigenous languages, and destruction of biodiversity.


Article Ethnic Studies

Revision of Utrecht-Management Identity Commitment Scale and cultural equivalence in Chinese ethnic minority

Kuan Li, Jianjun Zhong, Yongfang Jia, Saqi Bai

Summary: This study revised the Chinese version of the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS) and investigated its reliability, validity, and practicability in Chinese cultural background and Mongolian and Han ethnic cultures. The results showed that the revised U-MICS had good structural validity and equivalence between Mongolian and Han subculture groups, and it had good internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability.


Article Ethnic Studies

Recontextualising graduate employability in support of pedagogical reform in public universities in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq

Victoria Whiteside, John Cross

Summary: In light of the high graduate unemployment rate and migrant crisis, graduate employability in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq is an ever more pressing issue. This article aims to explore the factors impacting graduate employability in the region and proposes the implementation of critical pedagogy in higher education institutions to address the skills gap and sociocultural and structural factors. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has already introduced a program of pedagogical reform to train academic practitioners in critical pedagogy.


Article Ethnic Studies

Repositioning, not replacing, race: the case for concepts of descent-based difference

Marcello Maneri, Ann Morning

Summary: This article responds to critiques of our book and advocates for a comparative sociological examination of race. We propose a framework that explores alternative notions of ancestry-based distinction and broadens the analysis of diverse groups' perception and categorization in different societies.


Article Ethnic Studies

Spanish Fake Sovereignty: From Privatising the Nation-State to Becoming a Digital Colony

Ekaitz Cancela, Jule Goikoetxea

Summary: The Spanish government aims to establish a new form of power through policies such as 'Digital Spain 2025' and 'National Artificial Intelligence Strategy.' However, this process has transformed the country into a digital colony, where legal, social, financial, and economic powers are handed over to private corporations, leading to discrimination against minority nations and oppressive law enforcement policies.


Article Ethnic Studies

Is the migrant share really the problem? Size of migrant population and individual authoritarianism as major determinants of xenophobic attitudes

Ayline Heller, Lisa Braunheim, Oliver Decker, Elmar Braehler, Peter Schmidt

Summary: This study examines the influence of individual and contextual factors on xenophobic attitudes using multilevel analyses. The results show that individual authoritarianism is the strongest predictor of xenophobia. On the county level, a higher proportion of migrants is associated with lower levels of xenophobia, supporting the contact hypothesis.


Article Ethnic Studies

Anishinaabek Giikendaaswin and Dùthchas nan Gàidheal: concepts to (re)center place-based knowledges, governance, and land in times of crisis

Susan Chiblow, Paul J. Meighan

Summary: This paper explores the importance and application of the concepts of "Anishinaabek Giikendaaswin" and "Duthchas nan Gaidheal" for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in times of climate crisis. These concepts emphasize the learning and interconnectedness of land, water, and the sky world, as well as the sense of belonging to the land and the importance of ecological balance.


Article Ethnic Studies

Nationalism and the energy transition: The case of the SNP

Owen Tutt, Harald Heubaum

Summary: This study investigates the impact of energy transition on nationalism by analyzing the discourse of the Scottish National Party. It reveals that renewable energy has been integrated into different forms of nationalism and coexists with fossil fuel-based nationalisms. The findings suggest that adaptations in discourse strategies allow for complementarity and mitigate goal conflicts between the two.


Article Demography

Rethinking Migration Studies for 2050

Anna Triandafyllidou, Marta Bivand Erdal, Sabrina Marchetti, Parvati Raghuram, Zeynep Sahin Mencutek, Justyna Salamonska, Peter Scholten, Daniela Vintila

Summary: Migration is a complex social process that is influenced by globalization, development, technological transformation, and urbanization, and it also affects identity, citizenship, and migration governance.


Article Ethnic Studies

Agricultural identity of Indigenous Salasacas in Ecuador

Pablo Lamino Jaramillo, Amy E. Boren-Alpizar

Summary: This study aimed to understand the agricultural identity of Ecuador's Indigenous Salasacas. Participants reported that many Salasacas have shifted from agriculture to other economic activities, such as textiles, due to limited agricultural programs and the influence of Hispanic culture. Cultural pride and unity are fundamental traits of the Salasacas.


Article Ethnic Studies

Te Whare Pora a Hine-te-iwaiwa: weaving tradition into the lives of pregnant Māori women, new mothers and babies

Beverly Te Huia, Niwa Brightwell, Fiona Cram, David Tipene-Leach

Summary: Te Whare Pora is a Maori approach that promotes the use of traditional knowledge and the woven flax bassinet (wahakura) as a safe sleep space for infants, aiming to enhance the safety of pregnant Maori women and their babies. Data collected from observations, interviews, and fieldwork show that Te Whare Pora empowers participants to reclaim their identity as Maori women and decolonize antenatal care, ultimately achieving better health outcomes.


Article Demography

Understandings of Happiness and Life Satisfaction Among Refugees in the UK

Daisy Pollenne

Summary: This article presents three important contributions based on in-depth interviews with refugees in the UK. First, life satisfaction is considered a comprehensive evaluation of key domains in refugees' lives. Second, refugees define happiness as both an emotion and a personal disposition towards experiencing emotions positively. Third, there is a complex relational conditionality between these two components of subjective well-being.


Article Demography

Entangled migration states: mobility and state-building in France and Algeria

Fiona B. Adamson

Summary: This article develops the concept of 'entangled migration states' and highlights the significance of migration governance in state-building processes, state sovereignty, and interstate relations. By examining the case of France and Algeria, the article demonstrates how migration played a crucial role in three phases of state-building. It also emphasizes the importance of migration diplomacy and transnational governmentality in contemporary migration management regimes.