Ethnic Studies

Article Demography

The last straw? Experiences and future plans of returned migrants in the India-GCC corridor

S. Irudaya Rajan, Balasubramanyam Pattath, Hossein Tohidimehr

Summary: This article examines how precise information about migrants' working conditions in their destination countries affects their decision to migrate again. The study is based on household data from Kerala and Tamil Nadu from 2020-21 and focuses on return emigrants who returned during the first COVID-19 lockdowns in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Using binary choice and multinomial regression models, the research finds that negative experiences in the destination country significantly reduce the likelihood of re-migration and increase the preference to work in the country of origin. The findings provide insights for shaping future migration policies in the region.


Article Demography

Disgraceful return: Gulf migration and shifting national narratives amid COVID-19

Md Mizanur Rahman, Sabnam Sarmin Luna, Pranav Raj

Summary: This study examines the experiences of Gulf return migrants in Bangladesh and finds that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the image of migrants as 'national heroes' is challenged and replaced by the label of 'COVID-19 super-spreaders'. The study emphasizes the need for policy measures to protect involuntary returnees from disrespectful circumstances.


Article Ethnic Studies

Does Increasing Ethnic Diversity Reduce Electoral Turnout? The Case of New Zealand 1957-2020

Jack Vowles, Matthew Gibbons, Jie Huang

Summary: This study examines the impact of a diversifying population on electoral turnout, using New Zealand as a case study. By utilizing a large sample dataset, the authors estimate the turnout rates of different ethnic groups and avoid attributing fault to non-voting behavior by adopting a theory that does not conceptualize non-voting as deviation from civic duty.


Article Ethnic Studies

Black extras and actors in Francoist cinema

Mar Garcia

Summary: This article discusses the presence of Africans in Spanish filmography before 1975, which has been unnoticed. It highlights the fact that Africans were often portrayed by African American and Afro-Latin actors or by actors in blackface, perpetuating racial stereotypes. The article also examines the racial hierarchy and exoticism underlying Spanish cinema and the exceptional conditions that allowed African actors to portray African characters.


Article Humanities, Multidisciplinary

Uphill from the Maidan: centres of power in Kyiv's symbolic geography

Serhy Yekelchyk

Summary: This paper explores the long-term trends in Kyiv's symbolic geography that led to the main battles of the Revolution of Dignity in 2013-14. It focuses on the historical development of the Pecherske and Lypky neighborhoods as centers of authority in modern Kyiv and highlights the significance of the area between Khreshchatyk Avenue and Lypky as a space of interaction and conflict between the ruling authorities and society.


Article Demography

Foreign labour migration in Nepal in relation to COVID-19: analysis of migrants' aspirations, policy response and policy gaps from disaster justice perspective

Jagannath Adhikari, Mahendra Kumar Rai, Mahendra Subedi, Chiranjivi Baral

Summary: This paper examines the effectiveness of migration policies in addressing the challenges faced by Nepalese migrants during the pandemic from a disaster justice perspective. The study highlights the importance of understanding the social vulnerability of migrants in devising policies that can benefit them.


Article Demography

Remembrances of things past: evidence from a twenty-year Kerala panel

Donika Limani, Jean-Louis Arcand

Summary: This study constructs a panel dataset from five consecutive Kerala Migration Surveys to examine the determinants of migration and remittances. The findings suggest that migration and remittance behavior exhibit positive serial correlation over a five-year period, and the presence of a return migrant in the household increases the likelihood of migration and remittances. Additionally, the gender of the household head, employment status, age, and asset-poverty of the household also play a role in migration and remittance decisions.


Article Demography

Structured encounters and immigrant experiences of integration in Sweden

Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Alisa Rogers, Sarah Valdez, Elizabeth Roberto

Summary: This paper investigates immigrants' perceptions of the integration process, focusing on their perceptions of organizations and the built environment. Based on in-depth interviews and ethnographic data collected at two Swedish research sites, the study examines how immigrants who participated in formal and informal structured encounters perceive the impact of these encounters on their integration experiences. The findings reveal that immigrants who participated in formal structured encounters were able to access language and cultural learning as well as opportunities for social connections. Informal structured encounters were rare. The study also shows that immigrants who participated and did not participate in formal structured encounters had similar perceptions and experiences of the integration process, considering it as never-ending and burdened with challenges and discrimination.


Article Ethnic Studies

Factors influencing living space utilization among older Afro-Colombian adults

Yenny Vicky Paredes-Arturo, Andrea Carolina Florez-Madronero, Diego Mauricio Diaz-Velasquez, Eunice Yarce-Pinzon, Daniel Camilo Aguirre-Acevedo

Summary: Socioeconomic disadvantages limit living space utilization, particularly in the Afro-descendant population. Yet, social support can enhance living space use despite environmental and economic constraints.


Article Ethnic Studies

African women's trajectories and the Casa dos Estudantes do Império

Jessica Falconi

Summary: This article compares the trajectories of different women who were members of the Casa dos Estudantes do Imperio (CEI), a formal institution created by Portuguese colonial students in Lisbon in 1944 and played a significant role in the political and social paths of African national liberation movement leaders. However, historical research has mainly focused on male narratives, leaving the roles and lives of women in relation to CEI largely unexplored. By approaching these trajectories from a transnational and Afro-Iberian perspective and analyzing multiple sources, this article aims to reflect on the diversity of gender, race, class, and political ideology.


Article Demography

The income effects of minority co-ethnic employment: the case of Hungarians in central and Eastern Europe

Zsombor Csata, Marton Peti, Betty Compton, Amy H. Liu, Zsolt Sandor

Summary: The effect of minority co-ethnic employment on income is examined through the lens of language competency and ideology. Shared language among co-ethnic minorities leads to the development of bounded trust and preference similarities, which can enhance firm productivity and individual wages. However, diversity does not necessarily have a positive effect on income, and co-ethnic employment is not solely determined by demographics but also influenced by strategic behaviors. Linguistic competencies and underlying ideologies can shape power hierarchies, thus limiting the benefits of diversity.


Article Demography

Demand for migrant workers: institutional system effects beyond national borders

Bridget Anderson, Upasana Khadka, Martin Ruhs

Summary: This paper explores the reliance of wealthy countries on migrant workers, not only within their borders but also in lower-income countries through global supply chains. Using the COVID-19 pandemic as an example, the paper discusses how trade policies, labor markets, and migration systems shape the employment of migrant workers and impact the societal resilience of higher-income countries.


Article Demography

Forced displacement and subsequent generations' migration intentions: intergenerational transmission of family migration capital

Zuzanna Brunarska, Artjoms Ivlevs

Summary: There is growing evidence supporting the hypothesis of 'family migration capital', which suggests that migration experience within a family influences the descendants' propensity to move. This study finds that descendants of individuals who experienced forced displacement during World War II are more likely to express an intention to migrate, highlighting the long-term consequences of forced displacement for future voluntary migration flows.


Article Education & Educational Research

A call to reshape our desires: contesting the inevitable answer of inclusion within empire

Theresa Burruel Stone, Pamela Rivas

Summary: While increased college access is celebrated for racially marginalized groups, this paper explores how inclusion is aimed at maintaining engagement and desires for wellbeing within the U.S. white supremacist settler state. The study examines a culturally relevant college preparation program for Mexican-origin youth in California, revealing how the competencies and desires fostered by the program ultimately uphold the settler colonial state. The findings highlight the socialization of youth to view college as the only pathway to a better life within the U.S. empire, emphasizing the need for anticolonial desires and alternative visions of wellbeing beyond the boundaries of empire.


Article Ethnic Studies

The context of struggle: racial capitalism and political praxis in South Africa

Andy Clarno, Salim Vally

Summary: The South African critique of racial capitalism emerged during the struggle against apartheid and offered a conjunctural analysis that focused on time, space, and political praxis. It provided a theoretical framework for guiding political strategy and engaged in dialogue with radical intellectuals and global anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist movements.


Article Ethnic Studies

Reproducing racial capitalism through retailing in South Africa: gender, labour and consumption, 1950s-1970s

Bridget Kenny

Summary: This paper theorizes racial capitalism in South Africa by examining concrete relations of retail labour in Johannesburg, using Stuart Hall's concept of articulation and Bridget O'Laughlin's focus on the struggles of living labour. It investigates the ways in which white working class women constituted retailing and how their struggles influenced the organization of black women in front-line service jobs.


Article Ethnic Studies

Whiteness and racial capitalism: to whom do the wages of whiteness accrue?

Zine Magubane

Summary: The essay discusses the utility of the writings of Neville Alexander and Bernard Magubane in resolving a acrimonious debate among American Marxist scholars about the analytic purchase of whiteness and the relationship between the logic of capital and racial identity. It analyzes the report of the Carnegie Commission on the Poor White Problem in South Africa and argues that middle class Afrikaner reformers used charity as a means to secure racial dignity and solidarity for the poor, while also teaching the upper classes to transform their feelings towards the poor. The essay concludes that their main interest was in securing higher wages for themselves rather than extending psychological wages to the poor.


Article Ethnic Studies

Geographies of racial capitalism: the 2021 July riots in South Africa

Ashwin Desai

Summary: This article discusses the riots in South Africa in July 2021, with a particular focus on the township of Phoenix in Durban. It highlights the racial turn of the violence and the failure of the ANC-led government to address the inherited apartheid geographies and racialized forms of capital accumulation. The article emphasizes the explanatory power of racial capitalism as an ongoing process.


Article Ethnic Studies

Does the Interpretation of Self-determination Affect Autonomy Struggles in Asia?

Hari Har Jnawali

Summary: The anti-colonial interpretation has impacted the struggles for ethnic autonomy in China and Nepal, leading these governments to reject autonomy and view it as an alternative to the right to independence.


Article Cultural Studies

Criminalizing black solidarity: Dublin deportations, raids, and racial statecraft in southern Germany

Aino Korvensyrja

Summary: This article examines the interventions of the police and courts in conflicts over deportation in southern German asylum camps. Through criminalizing protest and solidarity and spreading fear, the authorities drove many migrants to leave the camps. Additionally, they portrayed black individuals as dangerous 'others', contributing to the broader deportation agenda and producing racial issues.