
Article Dance

Online technologies in dance education (China and worldwide experience)

Yuhui You

Summary: The article analyzes the current prospects for using Internet technologies in the field of higher education and professional e-Learning in "Choreography and Dance." It aims to determine how students perceive the impact of online education on their subject-specific competencies and identify the competencies of an ideal online training program. The study suggests that online dance training shows promise, but the quality control system needs improvement. The main result is the development of a competence system for a Master of Arts in Dance education, which can be universally applied in educational management practices.


Article Dance

Mindfulness, recovery-stress balance, and well-being among university dance students

Peta Blevins, Gene Moyle, Shona Erskine, Luke Hopper

Summary: The study revealed significant positive relationships between mindfulness and positive affect, and significant negative relationships between mindfulness and stress, as well as mindfulness and negative affect. Low mindfulness may pose a risk factor for stress, while improvements in mindfulness could serve as a protective buffer for students.


Article Dance

Mental health, eating behaviour and injuries in professional dance students

T. F. Fostervold Mathisen, C. Sundgot-Borgen, B. Anstensrud, J. Sundgot-Borgen

Summary: There is a high frequency of mental health challenges and injuries among professional dancers. Understanding the complexity of these symptoms and exploring differences according to sex, academic year, and performance levels is important. The study found that symptoms of anxiety and depression in female dancers were related to perfectionism and self-esteem. Variability in low energy availability symptoms was associated with disordered eating and training volume. Injuries were influenced by BMI, academic year, and low energy availability. Improving body acceptance may reduce the frequency of mental health challenges in dancers.


Article Dance

How to persevere in a ballet performance career: exploring personal wisdom of retired professional ballet dancers

Heejin Kim, Susan Louise Tasker, Yan Shen

Summary: This study explored the perseverance of professional ballet dancers in their performance careers by conducting narrative interviews with retired dancers. Four themes were identified: looking after mental health and self-worth, being proactive in career navigation, growing as an artist, and living as a whole person. The findings highlight the importance of mental health support, skills training, mentorship, and career advice for aspiring and professional ballet dancers to persevere in their performance careers.


Review Dance

Growth, maturation, and overuse injuries in dance and aesthetic sports: a systematic review

Nico Kolokythas, George S. Metsios, Petros C. Dinas, Shaun M. Galloway, Nick Allen, Matthew A. Wyon

Summary: Overuse injuries are common in aesthetic sports due to repetitive training. The relationship between growth, maturation, and training load on these injuries remains unclear. The quantity and quality of available research on this topic in dance and aesthetic sports is lacking, leading to inconclusive results due to methodological approaches and heterogeneity of populations.


Article Dance

Teaching through TikTok: a duoethnographic exploration of pedagogical approaches using TikTok in higher dance education in China and Norway during a global pandemic

Tuomeiciren Heyang, Rose Martin

Summary: Considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, this article reflects on the use of TikTok in higher education by two dance education teachers and researchers in China and Norway. Through a duoethnographic approach, the authors discuss how TikTok can be seen as a posthuman educational encounter and explore its potential in creating a space for teaching and learning within a higher education setting. The article emphasizes the value of considering the interaction between human and non-human aspects in the utilization of social media platforms like TikTok in higher education.


Article Dance

A study on utilizing 3D motion-capture analysis to assist in Chinese opera teaching

Tai-Jui Wang

Summary: This study used 3D motion-capture technology to analyze and verify whether Chinese opera movements could improve teaching performance. The research was divided into two phases, and the analysis of the data revealed that the changes in teaching and learning during teaching have a significant impact on student learning outcomes.


Article Dance

Healing minds, moving bodies: measuring the mental health effects of online dance during the COVID-19 pandemic

Rachel Rugh, Ashlee Humphries, Noor Tasnim, Julia C. Basso

Summary: This data-driven project explores the benefits and challenges of virtual dance, examining whether online dance can acutely improve mental health and enhance social connectivity. The findings suggest that online dance can improve mood and increase community connectedness in healthy adults. The study also highlights the influence of individual learning styles on the effectiveness of online learning, with tactile learners benefiting the most in terms of mood state and visual learners benefiting the most in terms of social connectivity. Best practices for online dance learning are suggested, along with future areas of research and the importance of increasing dance accessibility through online learning.


Article Dance

Teachers' perspectives on dance improvisation and flow

Michele Biasutti, Katarina Habe

Summary: This study focuses on dance improvisation and flow, utilizing a qualitative approach. The findings suggest that there are significant connections between dance improvisation and flow, with flow having positive effects on dance education with children. The role of the teacher is crucial in dance improvisation, as they need to inspire and guide students to explore multiple ways of knowing.


Article Dance

Using mobile technologies to enhance learning and improve student engagement in the dance studio

Sarah Alexander, Jeffrey D. Boehm, Neil Glen

Summary: This project aimed to enhance collaborative and discursive opportunities for dance students by developing a dance repertoire module with the use of mobile technologies. The introduction of mobile technologies into face-to-face teaching environment improved student engagement and provided a wider range of activities according to tutor observations and student feedback.


Article Dance

Disturbed eating attitudes, social physique anxiety, and perceived pressure for thin body in professional dancers

Stavroula Kalyva, Mary Yannakoulia, Maria Koutsouba, Fotini Venetsanou

Summary: Professional dancers are at a high risk for disordered eating behaviors, and the type of dance genre does not significantly influence the presence of these behaviors. Body mass index (BMI) is an important contributing factor in self-control of eating behavior and perceived pressure.


Article Dance

May I have this dance: examining a community based dance program for people living with Parkinson's disease

Julia Brook, Amy Booth

Summary: The study found that designing an accessible environment allowed participants to move in new, unimagined ways. It also facilitated a positive space for people to feel beautiful and to meet other people who are going through similar experiences.


Article Dance

Identifying choreographicPhronesisteaching styles for creativity

Na-ye Kim

Summary: This research aims to identify effective teaching styles in the teaching of dance choreography in Korea that nurture creativity. Through a literature review and qualitative research methods, this study collected data from choreographers and their creative process. The identified teaching styles primarily promote reflection and provide learners with opportunities to engage in behaviors, thoughts, and emotions during the choreographic process through a learner-centered approach.


Article Dance

Gatekeepers to Gateway-makers: reimagining partnerships, collaborations, and celebrations of the many movers of university campuses

Nyama McCarthy-Brown, Karen Schupp

Summary: There are numerous dance clubs on college campuses in the United States that embrace different dance styles and cultures, welcoming all students. However, dance major programs in the US have traditionally focused on White culture, excluding dancers with unconventional training. This research aims to locate these dancers and understand why they choose to dance outside of dance departments.


Article Dance

(Re)positioning, (re)ordering, (re)connecting: A choreographic process of mind and body convergence

Nadra Assaf, Heather Harrington

Summary: Nadra Assaf from Lebanon and Heather Harrington from the United States are dancers and educators who explore the power of the body and feminism through their choreographic work. They investigate the meaning of female identity in the 21st century, using a feminist perspective from their respective countries. Through self-reflection and analysis, they apply their creative process to personal and social spheres, using tools such as dream analysis and diffraction theory to reveal deeper meanings in their work.


Article Dance

Classroom Korero: relationships and the delivery of Maori content in the New Zealand secondary school dance class

Tia Reihana-Morunga

Summary: This article critically examines how specialist dance teachers in New Zealand state secondary schools incorporate Maori arts content into their lessons in response to curriculum expectations. The achievement gap between Maori and non-Maori students is evident in the state schooling system. Understanding how teachers acknowledge diversity in their classrooms is crucial in understanding Maori students' experiences of secondary school education.


Article Dance

The uneasy, unexplored, and under-examined existence of Ballet in American higher education

Melonie B. Murray

Summary: This article addresses the overlooked history of ballet in American higher education's dance education narrative, and introduces the establishment of CORPS de Ballet International as an academic organization. Existing research predominantly focuses on early modern dance programs and educators, resulting in a homogenization of American dance curricula.


Article Dance

'(Non)dance and (non)math people': challenging binary disciplinary identities in education

Alison E. Leonard, Nicole A. Bannister, Nikeetha Farfan D'Souza

Summary: The study explores the use of dance-based approach in teaching geometric transformations in a teacher education program, emphasizing the importance of resisting binary identities in education and encouraging inquiry-based practices. Participants engaged in parallel disciplinary practices in dance and mathematics, shedding light on the intersection of learning, practice, and identity in dance and math education.


Article Dance

'We put on the music and then the children dance'-Swedish preschool teachers' dance educational experiences

Martha Pastorek Gripson, Anna Lindqvist, Tone Pernille Ostern

Summary: The study found that Swedish preschool teachers are well-prepared, flexible, and focused on meeting each child's needs when teaching dance. However, they lack their own bodily involvement, struggle with separating dance-specific knowledge from other learning areas, and find choreographic material intimidating. This lack of own bodily knowledge and choreographic tools may impact children's ability to develop dance knowledge in preschools.