Criminology & Penology

Article Criminology & Penology

Reproductive Coercion, Intimate Partner Violence, and Unintended Pregnancy Among Latina Women

Karen Trister Grace, Michele R. Decker, Kamila A. Alexander, Jacquelyn Campbell, Elizabeth Miller, Nancy Perrin, Nancy Glass

Summary: The study highlights the risks of reproductive coercion (RC) and its association with unintended pregnancy and intimate partner violence (IPV) among Latina women. Factors such as younger age and concurrent IPV increase the risk for RC, while experiencing RC is linked to lower pregnancy planning scores. The combination of RC and IPV significantly impacts pregnancy planning scores, emphasizing the need for safety and harm reduction strategies for this population.


Article Criminology & Penology

Child Maltreatment and Subjective Well-being in Chinese Emerging Adults: A Process Model Involving Self-esteem and Self-compassion

Qinglu Wu, Hongjian Cao, Xiuyun Lin, Nan Zhou, Peilian Chi

Summary: This study examined the protective roles of self-related resources in the association between child maltreatment and subjective well-being in emerging adulthood. Results showed that psychological maltreatment negatively affected life satisfaction through self-esteem and the pathway from self-esteem to self-compassion, highlighting the importance of improving self-related resources for survivors of adverse childhood experiences.


Article Criminology & Penology

A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of EMDR and TF-CBT in Reducing Trauma Symptoms and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Adolescents

Larissa M. Hoogsteder, Lotte ten Thije, Eveline E. Schippers, Geert Jan J. M. Stams

Summary: Evidence-based trauma treatments such as TF-CBT and EMDR were found to have a large overall effect on reducing trauma symptoms and externalizing behavior problems in adolescents. Treatment was more effective in older adolescents, and the type of control group influenced treatment effects. Providing a comprehensive treatment approach that addresses individual risk factors for behavior problems is crucial for adolescents with severe externalizing behavior problems.


Article Criminology & Penology

Cyber Sextortion: An Exploratory Analysis of Different Perpetrators Engaging in a Similar Crime

Roberta Liggett O'Malley, Karen M. Holt

Summary: This study explored the crimes of 152 cyber sextortion offenders using qualitative content analysis of media articles and court documents. Four different types of offenders were identified, highlighting the diverse nature of cyber sextortion and its implications for crime control policies. The lack of legislative action targeting cyber sextortion also limits legal recourse for victims, presenting challenges for the criminal justice system.


Article Criminology & Penology

Disentangling the Impact of Covid-19: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Crime in New York City

Stephen Koppel, Joel A. Capellan, Jon Sharp

Summary: The Covid-19 stay-at-home restrictions in New York City resulted in a shift of movement away from public spaces and into residential settings. According to the study, these restrictions led to decreases in residential burglary, felony assault, grand larceny, rape, and robbery, while non-residential burglary and residential grand larceny motor vehicle increased. There was no change in murder and shooting incidents. Additionally, the protests following the police-involved killing of George Floyd were associated with increases in felony assault, grand larceny, robbery, and shooting incidents. Future research on the impact of Covid-19 on crime should consider these potentially confounding events.


Article Criminology & Penology

'It's a Hard Balance to Find': The Perspectives of Youth Justice Practitioners in England on the Place of 'Risk' in an Emerging 'Child-First' World

Anne-Marie Day

Summary: In recent years, there has been a shift in the central policy narratives of youth justice in England and Wales towards prioritizing the needs of children. However, this shift is facing challenges on the ground, including resistance, contradiction, and confusion about how to prevent youth offending as outlined by different government departments. This article emphasizes the importance of engaging youth justice practitioners in meaningful debates to address these challenges.


Article Criminology & Penology

The Slow Violence of Contemporary Policing

Rory Kramer, Brianna Remster

Summary: This review highlights the issue of slow violence inflicted on people of color by contemporary policing practices. The wide-ranging harms resulting from these practices have significant impacts on health, well-being, academic performance, and maintain racial and class inequalities. The authors urge researchers to study nonpolicing alternatives and adopt more critical perspectives in assessing modern policing practices.


Article Criminology & Penology

Barriers to Men's Help Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence

Julie C. Taylor, Elizabeth A. Bates, Attilio Colosi, Andrew J. Creer

Summary: Evidence suggests that male victims of intimate partner violence are less likely to seek help, with limited studies on barriers to help seeking in the UK. Findings indicate male victims face social stigma and health concerns when seeking help, and often experience discreditation and isolation when reaching out for assistance.


Article Criminology & Penology

The effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification: A meta-analysis of 25 years of findings

Kristen M. Zgoba, Meghan M. Mitchell

Summary: The study found that 25 years of Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) evaluations have no significant impact on recidivism. Whether analyzing a combined model or disaggregating by sexual or non-sexual offenses, arrest or conviction, there is no evidence to support the effectiveness of SORN policies in reducing recidivism.


Article Criminology & Penology

The Impact of Incarceration on Recidivism

Charles E. Loeffler, Daniel S. Nagin

Summary: This review examines the impact of incarceration on the probability of reoffending and analyzes how it is influenced by different factors. The majority of studies suggest that postconviction imprisonment has little impact on the likelihood of recidivism, while a smaller number of studies find significant effects, both positive and negative. Pretrial detention, on the other hand, is consistently found to have a deleterious effect on postrelease reoffending. Further research is needed to better understand the heterogeneous effects of incarceration and the mechanisms through which they are generated.


Article Criminology & Penology

The migration-terrorism nexus: An analysis of German and Italian press coverage of the 'refugee crisis'

Maria Grazia Galantino

Summary: The article explores the discourse on the relationship between terrorism and migration in European cities, and reveals how the media constructs causal linkages between the two issues. Through an analysis of media coverage in Italian and German newspapers, the study uncovers the predominance of a chain of causation linking terrorism to new migrants and refugees.


Article Criminology & Penology

Assessing the impact of de-escalation training on police behavior: Reducing police use of force in the Louisville, KY Metro Police Department

Robin S. Engel, Nicholas Corsaro, Gabrielle T. Isaza, Hannah D. McManus

Summary: The study demonstrates that de-escalation training can significantly reduce police use of force and injuries to both citizens and officers. It is recommended that agencies continue to implement and evaluate de-escalation trainings and adopt other resiliency-based police training approaches. A holistic approach involving policies, supervisory oversight, managerial support, and community involvement is suggested to facilitate long-term changes in police behavior.


Article Criminology & Penology

'Covid-19 has caused a dramatic change to prison life'. Analysing the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the pains of imprisonment in the Scottish Prison Estate

Matthew Maycock

Summary: The study explored the impact of COVID-19 in the Scottish Prison Estate, analyzing how the pandemic heightened the pains of imprisonment for participants in terms of communication, isolation, and detachment from normal life in prison. The participatory correspondence methodology allowed project participants to influence the project direction by suggesting research questions, providing unique insights into the enhanced challenges faced by prisoners during the pandemic.


Review Criminology & Penology

Intimate Partner Violence and Barriers to Help-Seeking Among Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Immigrant Women: A Qualitative Metasynthesis of Global Research

Joanne Hulley, Louis Bailey, Gill Kirkman, Graham R. Gibbs, Tim Gomersall, Amrana Latif, Adele Jones

Summary: This study explores the barriers faced by Black, Asian, minority ethnic, and immigrant women in seeking help for intimate partner violence. The findings reveal that these women encounter additional obstacles due to institutional racism, immigration laws, culture and religion, cultural competence issues, and lack of diversity within frontline services. These barriers exacerbate feelings of fear, threat, isolation, and powerlessness, which are further exploited by perpetrators to maintain control. The women find themselves caught between staying in an abusive relationship or facing further threats and consequences if they attempt to leave. While the focus was on barriers to help-seeking, the study also includes facilitators to help-seeking, particularly informal support from females.


Review Criminology & Penology

The Multidimensional Taxonomy of Individual Resilience

Laura E. Miller-Graff

Summary: This article introduces the challenges in the field of resilience and proposes a new taxonomy (MTIR) to organize existing theoretical and empirical work. The taxonomy divides resilience into two primary branches and specifies the subdomains to provide a clearer theoretical framework.


Review Criminology & Penology

Examining the Associations Between Childhood Trauma, Resilience, and Depression: A Multivariate Meta-Analysis

Elizabeth R. Watters, Ariel M. Aloe, Armeda S. Wojciak

Summary: This study used multivariate meta-analytical techniques to examine the relationship between childhood trauma, resilience, and depression. The findings suggest a significant association between childhood trauma, resilience, and depression, with resilience mediating the association between trauma and depression.


Article Criminology & Penology

Questionable Research Practices and Open Science in Quantitative Criminology

Jason M. Chin, Justin T. Pickett, Simine Vazire, Alex O. Holcombe

Summary: This study examines the prevalence of questionable research practices (QRPs) and open science practices (OSPs) in criminology, and explores researchers' opinions on these practices. The results show that both QRPs and OSPs are common in quantitative criminology, with researchers being more supportive of OSPs. Methodological training does not seem to be associated with the use of either QRPs or OSPs. The study also highlights the need for further reforms to reduce QRP use and promote the use of OSPs in order to improve the validity and reproducibility of criminological research.


Article Criminology & Penology

Bullying Victimization, Coping Strategies, and Depression of Children of China

Shenghua Xie, Junling Xu, Yunjiao Gao

Summary: It is found that bullying victimization significantly affects children's psychological well-being, and different coping strategies have different effects on depression levels. Help-seeking strategy is more effective in reducing depression, while self-defense strategy can mitigate its impact. Furthermore, there is no single best coping strategy, as its effectiveness depends on the level of bullying victimization, and children may not be able to overcome the negative consequences of bullying on their own without external support.


Review Criminology & Penology

Child Maltreatment, Youth Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Elder Mistreatment: A Review and Theoretical Analysis of Research on Violence Across the Life Course

Todd Herrenkohl, Lisa Fedina, Karen A. Roberto, Kira L. Raquet, Rita X. Hu, Ashley N. Rousson, W. Alex Mason

Summary: This article presents a review of the literature on life-course patterns of violence, finding that encounters with violence starting in childhood raise the risk of violence in subsequent developmental periods. The strongest connections are between violence in childhood/adolescence and violence in early/middle adulthood. The connection between persistent violence in older adulthood and elder mistreatment is less well-documented but probable.


Article Criminology & Penology

The Meaning of the Victim-Offender Overlap for Criminological Theory and Crime Prevention Policy

Mark T. Berg, Christopher J. Schreck

Summary: Criminological theory traditionally focused on criminal offenders without acknowledging the overlap with victims. However, evidence consistently shows that there is a victim-offender overlap, indicating that crime and victimization occur for similar reasons and offenders primarily target certain individuals. This has significant implications for crime theories and policy-making.