Area Studies

Article Area Studies

Global Forces, Rural Radicalism, and the Dual Transformation of Urban and Rural Protest in Africa

Zachariah Cherian Mampilly

Summary: Studies of protest in contemporary Africa often overlook three related dynamics: the significance of rural radicalism in African political struggles, the transformation of rural political economies and its connection to urban areas, and the shift towards nonviolent and more national modes of protest.


Article Area Studies

Social Change, Employment and Development in Weekly Rural Markets in Odisha

Manish Tiwari, Rama Shankar Sahu

Summary: Based on an ethnographic study in Koraput district, India, this article confirms the importance of local rural markets as spaces of economic and social exchange. It explores the role of middlemen in regulating and controlling these markets, while also identifying the risks and opportunities faced by participants in these markets.


Article Area Studies

The Israel-Hamas War: Historical Context and International Law

M. T. Samuel

Summary: This essay places the 2023 Israel-Hamas war within a century-old legal history of Palestinian dispossession, highlighting the violation and misuse of international law. It argues that the motivations behind Hamas's attacks on October 7 were not solely driven by hatred of Jews, but rather by the Palestinians' disillusionment with an international system that has denied their right to self-determination, exacerbated by Israel's criminalization of nonviolent resistance. This historical perspective sheds light on not only the current war, but also the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Article Area Studies

Woman, Life, Freedom, One Year Later: Will the Iran Protests Succeed?

Mahmood Monshipouri, Ramtin Zamiri

Summary: This essay argues that the recent protests in Iran, initially triggered by compulsory veiling, are rooted in a broader dissatisfaction with dictatorship, corruption, and incompetence. Economic decline and deteriorating public services fuel the discontent. The Islamic Republic cannot return to normalcy, lacking the ability to reinvent itself due to political and socioeconomic constraints, as well as demographic and environmental challenges. External pressure might assist the protesters, but striking a balance between supporting the movement and engaging diplomatically with Iran's nuclear program is essential. Meanwhile, Iran seeks international assistance by turning to China and Russia. Given the government and security forces' willingness to use violence against protesters, civil disobedience appears to be the only means to systematically challenge the ruling order.


Article Area Studies

Turkey's Foreign Policy Toward Africa: Three Levels of Analysis

Abdurrahim Siradag

Summary: The study highlights the complex factors and dynamics driving Turkey-Africa relations, with systematic factors being the most overlooked. By using a systematic and holistic approach, this research provides a comprehensive understanding of the shaping of Turkish foreign policy towards Africa.


Article Area Studies

Enhancing the Chinese identity of young people in Hong Kong and Macao based on the creation of cinematic virtual reality art, taking the cinematic virtual reality work I love being me: in my place, my home as an example

Zhiyun Lei, Wen Zhou, Xifan Yang, Jiongsheng Zhou

Summary: This paper investigates the use of cinematic virtual reality (CVR) to study Chinese identity, and provides experimental evidence that CVR significantly enhances the sense of identity in young people from Hong Kong and Macao.


Article Area Studies

The Key to Authentic Pre-Columbian Fakes: The Racial Myth of the Natural Man and Its Mise-en-Scene

Laura Balan

Summary: This article explores the relationship between the Alzate family's fake pre-Columbian pottery business and the perception of Latin American indigenous peoples. It argues that through the production and circulation of these authentic fakes, along with various discourses and images, a constructed notion of uncontaminated, original, and traditional indigenous culture is created. These forgeries also challenge social hierarchies related to race and identity.


Article Area Studies

Posjudaísmo en Buenos Aires: Deconstruir comunidad para consumir identidad

Lorena Pena Jimenez

Summary: This article analyzes the theory of post-Judaism proposed by Dario Sztajnszrajber in response to the crisis of institutionalized Judaism in Buenos Aires (Argentina). The post-Judaism project aims to deconstruct traditional Judaism and give voice to Jews who do not find accommodation in the institutional structures. The article hypothesizes that the conceptual architecture of post-Judaism aims to liberate Jewish identity but may also lead to adapting identity to market fluidity, resulting in a new form of servitude.


Article Area Studies

'Bhadraloks' on the move: the Bengali diaspora in Singapore

Jayati Bhattacharya, Priyam Sinha

Summary: This research examines the ambiguous identity and sense of belonging of Bengalis in Singapore, focusing on the less-studied Bengali Bhadralok class. It highlights their distinctiveness within Singapore's multicultural landscape and their cultural continuities and discontinuities.


Article Area Studies

Voices of hidden children in customary adoption: The politics of identity under China's one-child policy

Ling Meng

Summary: This article examines the phenomenon of "hidden children" in customary adoption in rural China, which emerged as a family strategy to resist the one-child policy. Based on empirical data obtained from interviews and fieldwork, it explores the identity formation and unique experiences of these hidden children, who lead a life filled with discrimination and ambivalence. The study argues that individuals actively adopt strategies to cope with structural constraints, allowing them to reshape and renegotiate their identities and life experiences.


Book Review Area Studies

The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries

Andre Lecours


Article Area Studies

Demobilizing Veterans: Campaign-Style Stability Maintenance in China

Kai Yang

Summary: In the early Xi Jinping era, Chinese veterans' contention escalated, but by 2019, their broad-based mobilizations had largely faded into obscurity. The government successfully contained these mobilizations through a campaign-style stability maintenance approach, which involved top-down mobilization and swift suppression of designated targets. However, this approach may come at the expense of the rule of law and lack long-term sustainability.


Article Area Studies

Governance Assessment of Local Restorative Justice System: A Case Study of Village Court in Bangladesh

Nasir Uddin, Ismat Ara

Summary: This study investigates the management and effectiveness of restorative justice in Bangladesh in terms of participation, accountability, and transparency. The village court (VC), as the only accessible mechanism for rural residents, allows popular participation in adjudication processes and partial transparency through an open hearing system. However, it lacks formal mechanisms of accountability. The study emphasizes the importance of good governance practices in ensuring impartial and credible justice for the local community.


Article Area Studies

The Bureaucratic Politics of Urban Land Rights: (Non)Programmatic Distribution in São Paulo's Land Regularization Policy

Marcela Alonso Ferreira

Summary: This article examines how bureaucrats implement public policy in the distribution of land rights to informal settlements in Sao Paulo, Brazil, when faced with political intermediation. The study finds that bureaucrats adopt a twofold approach, documenting informal settlements and enacting eligibility criteria, and then managing and prioritizing beneficiaries based on political demands. They reconcile nonprogrammatic politics and policy rules by separating eligibility assessment from beneficiary selection.


Article Area Studies

Remittances, Nonlabor Income as a Source of Hysteresis in Unemployment in Colombia, 2010-2020

Carlos David Cardona-Arenas, Lya Paola Sierra-Suarez

Summary: This study investigates the impact of remittances and nonlabor income on the duration of unemployment and hysteresis phenomenon in Colombia. The results suggest that both factors have a significant influence on unemployment duration, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Article Area Studies

India's Export Potential to Southern African Customs Union

Jai Prakash Yadav, Bimlesh Singh

Summary: The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) is an important economic organization in Africa, consisting of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, and Eswatini. India's trade with SACU has significantly increased, but the country has only fully utilized its trade potential with South Africa and has not taken advantage of the export potential to other member countries. The trade intensity between India and SACU has also increased over time.


Article Area Studies

An Analytical Study on Managerial Competencies and Business Performance of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs): A Value Chain Perspective from India

Y. Prabhavathi, N. T. Krishna Kishore, C. T. Siddayya, C. T. Ramachandra

Summary: This study aimed to explore the relationship between business competencies and financial performance of FPOs operating in Andhra Pradesh, India. The results showed that market-centric FPOs had higher business competencies and financial performance compared to production-centric FPOs. Variables such as education, business exposure, leadership role in community-based organizations, and digital media exposure showed moderate correlation with various competency spheres.


Article Area Studies

Con(s)ciencia antisistema en la poética de Lina Meruane

Cora Lorena Requena Hidalgo

Summary: This article reviews the thematic and structural presuppositions used in Lina Meruane's novels "Las infantas" and "Fruta podrida" and explores the possibility of a reformulation of the anti-system premises that mobilize the characters around central points.


Article Area Studies

The Factors that Shape Chinese Officials' Political Attitudes: An Experimental Intergenerational Approach

Leizhen Zang, Feng Xiong, Qiongyu Zhang

Summary: This research investigates the dynamics of officials' attitudes toward the Communist Party of China (CPC) and explores the joint impact of parental political identity and political norms. The findings reveal that officials with parents who are CPC members tend to have adverse political attitudes, emphasizing the significance of familial affiliations. However, political pressure also plays a significant role in shaping officials' responses, aligning them more closely with CPC values. The study contributes to understanding the connections between parental political affiliations, political pressure, and officials' political attitudes within the CPC organizational context.


Article Area Studies

Circular Economy from a Consumer Perspective: Malaysia Versus Pakistan

Muhammad Tahir Jan

Summary: The industrial revolution has led to excessive production and consumption, causing severe damage to the environment. In order to address this issue, the concept of circular economy has been proposed, encouraging new and innovative approaches to production, consumption, and disposal that have minimal negative impact on the environment. However, there has been limited research on the circular economy by marketing scholars. This study aims to examine the consumer perspective in the circular economy by analyzing data from 757 consumers in two developing circular nations.