
Increasing Resilience via the Use of Personal Data: Lessons from COVID-19 Dashboards on Data Governance for the Public Good (vol 3, E29, 2021)

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Article Public Administration

Increasing resilience via the use of personal data: Lessons from COVID-19 dashboards on data governance for the public good

Veronica Qin Ting Li et al.

Summary: This study explores how governments can use data tools to balance public health and data privacy during a public health crisis. Survey and interviews were conducted to understand the perspectives of developers and users of COVID-19 dashboards in Hong Kong, revealing two key factors - informed actions based on open data and significant public trust in data transparency, are crucial in the design and improvement of dashboards. Norms surrounding reporting on COVID-19 cases should be co-constructed among citizens and governments for policies to be acknowledged as salient, credible, and legitimate.

DATA & POLICY (2021)