4.7 Article

Triaxial tests on anisotropic consolidated methane hydrate-bearing clayey-silty sediments of the South China Sea

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Undrained triaxial tests on water-saturated methane hydrate-bearing clayey-silty sediments of the South China Sea

Lei Wang et al.

Summary: Research has shown that in fine-grained sediments in the South China Sea, the failure strength of methane hydrate-bearing sediments increases with the increase in hydrate saturation and initial effective mean stress. Additionally, the excess pore-water pressure of methane hydrate-bearing sediments remains positive during shear. It is observed that as the hydrate saturation increases, cohesion in the Mohr-Coulomb model increases while the internal friction angle has little dependence on the hydrate saturation.


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Summary: This study measured and described the evolution of RSAH during methane hydrate dissociation using CT images, and proposed a fractal method to predict the relationship between RSAH and hydrate saturation. Simulation results showed that different RSAH predictions significantly influenced the hydrate production process, with the fractal model predicting lower gas production rates compared to Yousif's model.

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