4.2 Letter

Weight management in primary care: the call for a practical and evidence-informed approach

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Designing a Co-created Intervention to Promote Motivation and Maintenance of Time-Restricted Eating in Individuals With Overweight and Type 2 Diabetes

Nana Folmann Hempler et al.

Summary: The objective of this research is to design an attractive time-restricted eating (TRE) intervention that improves TRE adoption and maintenance among people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and overweight by exploring behavioral and social mechanisms. The study suggests a 2-phase design for the TRE intervention: a strict TRE period followed by a period focused on adapting TRE to individual needs, with support from healthcare professionals, relatives, and peers. The study highlights the importance of a whole-person approach by healthcare professionals and support from various sources to reinforce TRE motivation and maintenance.


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Calorie Restriction with or without Time-Restricted Eating in Weight Loss

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Review Effects of time-restricted feeding with different feeding windows on metabolic health: A systematic review of human studies

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Summary: This review summarizes the effects of time-restricted feeding (TRF) with different eating windows on metabolic health-related markers in humans. Both early TRF and delayed TRF improve metabolic health by reducing energy intake, decreasing body weight, improving insulin sensitivity, reducing blood pressure, and reducing oxidative stress. However, differences in blood lipid factor changes were found between early and delayed TRF. These preliminary findings may provide guidance for selecting suitable eating windows during TRF.


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Perspective: Time-Restricted Eating Compared with Caloric Restriction: Potential Facilitators and Barriers of Long-Term Weight Loss Maintenance

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Time-Limited Eating and Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Adolescents with Obesity: A Pilot Study

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Summary: The study found that TLE combined with CGM may be a feasible and safe approach for treating adolescents with obesity. Most adolescents assigned to the TLE group reported that limiting their eating window and wearing a CGM was feasible without negative impact on daily functioning or adverse events. Additionally, there were no significant differences between the experimental groups in terms of weight loss, dietary intake, physical activity, eating behaviors, and quality of life. Further research in larger samples and with longer intervention durations is needed to confirm these findings.


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Myths, Presumptions, and Facts about Obesity

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