4.7 Article

Microbiome and metabolome in home-made fermented soybean foods of India revealed by metagenome-assembled genomes and metabolomics

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
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Metagenomic-Metabolomic Mining of Kinema, a Naturally Fermented Soybean Food of the Eastern Himalayas

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Review Microbiology

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Summary: This research investigated the use of Tartary buckwheat as the raw material for soybean paste, showing that Tartary buckwheat promotes the accumulation of protease, total acid, and amino acid nitrogen during fermentation. The bacterial communities of the two groups were similar, but the fungal communities were significantly different. The results provide valuable insights for the development of low salt Tartary buckwheat soybean paste and the study of microbial community succession in soybean paste fermentation.


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Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

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Summary: A study was conducted to screen for antimicrobial exhibiting bacteria using molecular methods, with a focus on investigating antibiotic biosynthesis genes in Bacillus species. The presence of subtilosin gene (sbo) and subtilosin in 28 bacterial strains and 3 induced mutants was screened using PCR and Mass spectrometry respectively. The results revealed that sbo gene was present in 16 out of 28 Bacillus strains. Sequence analysis indicated high homology to the sequences of the sbo-alb gene locus of B. subtilis 168 and other reported strains. This study supports the predominance of subtilosin gene among Bacillus strains isolated from the environment and identifies additional species containing homologous genes.


Review Food Science & Technology

Demystification of fermented foods by omics technologies

Wanping Chen

Summary: Microbial fermentation is an ancient bioprocess used worldwide for the production of foods and beverages. Despite their economic and cultural significance, most fermented foods remain mysterious to a certain extent. The application of omics techniques in recent years has shed light on the secrets of fermenting processes and microbiomics and foodomics are predicted to be the main trends in fermented food research.


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Protease-producing lactic acid bacteria with antibacterial properties and their potential use in soybean meal fermentation

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Summary: This study aimed to screen lactic acid bacteria with excellent growth and fermentation characteristics and evaluate their potential as probiotics for fermenting soybean meal. The selected strains showed good physiological and biochemical characteristics, as well as inhibitory effects against various harmful bacteria. The addition of lactic acid bacteria improved fermentation quality and reduced harmful bacteria, especially after 30 days of fermentation.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Screening of Poly-Glutamic Acid (PGA)-Producing Bacillus Species from Indian Fermented Soybean Foods and Characterization of PGA

Priyambada Pariyar et al.

Summary: This study aimed to screen PGA-producing Bacillus spp. from fermented soybean foods in Arunachal Pradesh, India, and characterize the extracted PGA. Seven Bacillus strains were identified as potential PGA producers, and the extracted PGA showed high molecular weight and viscosity.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

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Alexandra Meziti et al.

Summary: Recovery of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from metagenomic data is common in microbial studies, but the quality of MAGs may be worse than estimated. Strategies to recognize and improve MAGs are crucial for accurate downstream analyses.


Article Food Science & Technology

Diversity of beneficial microorganisms and their functionalities in community-specific ethnic fermented foods of the Eastern Himalayas

Jyoti Prakash Tamang et al.

Summary: The Eastern Himalayan regions of India, Nepal and Bhutan are home to over 200 varieties of unique fermented foods and alcoholic beverages, utilizing unseen microorganisms for preservation and fermentation. These ethnic foods are region- and community-specific, with significant health-promoting benefits.


Article Food Science & Technology

Bacterial and fungal communities and their predictive functional profiles in kinema , a naturally fermented soybean food of India, Nepal and Bhutan

Pynhunlang Kharnaior et al.

Summary: The study profiled bacterial and fungal communities in kinema, a naturally fermented soybean food from the Eastern Himalayan regions of India, Nepal and Bhutan. Various unique bacterial genera were observed in each country, while no unique fungal genus was found in kinema. Most bacterial species were culturable, while most fungal species were unculturable.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Shotgun sequence-based metataxonomic and predictive functional profiles of Pe poke, a naturally fermented soybean food of Myanmar

Jyoti Prakash Tamang et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the microbial community structure and gene functionality of Myanmar pe poke samples prepared in different fermentation periods, revealing the composition of various microorganisms and the diversity within the samples. The dominant phyla and species were identified, along with the predictive gene functions related to bioactive compound synthesis and metabolism.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Review Food Science & Technology

Microbial diversity and function of soybean paste in East Asia: what we know and what we don't

Xiqing Yue et al.

Summary: Soybean paste, as the oldest condiment worldwide, derives its unique flavor from the metabolic activity of microorganisms in different ecological niches during fermentation. Understanding the diversity and structure of microbial communities is crucial for ensuring quality in soybean paste manufacturing. Investigating the mechanism of microbial communities involved in fermentation can improve quality and safety in the manufacturing process.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

antiSMASH 6.0: improving cluster detection and comparison capabilities

Kai Blin et al.

Summary: antiSMASH, a tool for detecting biosynthetic gene clusters in microorganisms, has been updated to version 6, which increases the supported cluster types, displays the structure of multi-modular BGCs, adds a new comparison algorithm, allows integration of results from other prediction tools, and improves detection of tailoring enzymes in RiPP clusters.


Article Food Science & Technology

Comprehensive Metabolite Profiling and Microbial Communities of Doenjang (Fermented Soy Paste) and Ganjang (Fermented Soy Sauce): A Comparative Study

Da Hye Song et al.

Summary: The research found that metabolites and microbial communities in doenjang and ganjang undergo significant changes during fermentation. Doenjang is dominated by isoflavones, soyasaponins, and amino acids, with Debaryomyces and Staphylococcus as predominant microbes; while ganjang is characterized by higher levels of biogenic amines and phenylpropanoids, with Meyerozyma and Tetragenococcus as dominant microbes.

FOODS (2021)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Viruses in fermented foods: are they good or bad? Two sides of the same coin

Bruna Leal Maske et al.

Summary: The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 has raised concerns about viral diseases globally, with fermented foods potentially being a source of virus contamination. Studies have found human noroviruses, rotavirus, and hepatitis virus in various fermented foods, indicating a potential vulnerability of these foods to SARS-CoV-2 contamination. Additionally, some bacteriophages are being explored for their probiotic properties in modern fermented foods.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Characteristics of Bacterial Strains with Desirable Flavor Compounds from Korean Traditional Fermented Soybean Paste (Doenjang)

Sung-Hun Yi et al.

Summary: By isolating and evaluating microorganisms in Doenjang, certain Bacillus strains were found to have high enzyme activities, which may be associated with the production of specific flavor compounds in Doenjang. Additionally, different strains were found to be correlated with the production of different flavor compounds in Doenjang.


Article Food Science & Technology

Therapeutic effects of polyphenols in fermented soybean and black soybean products

Azin Khosravi et al.

Summary: Polyphenols act as natural antioxidants in plants, with isoflavones and anthocyanins being two main groups found in soybean and black soybean. Fermentation converts glycoside polyphenols into aglycone form, enhancing their therapeutic effects, including anti-cancer and anti-diabetes properties. Fermentation of soybean products leads to changes in the structure and composition of polyphenols, increasing their therapeutic activity.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Current Perspectives on the Beneficial Effects of Soybean Isoflavones and Their Metabolites for Humans

Il-Sup Kim

Summary: Soybeans are rich in proteins and lipids, as well as functional components such as isoflavones, which are structurally similar to estrogen and play a role in regulating estrogen in the human body. Isoflavones have diverse physiological functions, including anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-allergic effects.


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A review of computational tools for generating metagenome-assembled genomes from metagenomic sequencing data

Chao Yang et al.

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Carlos P. Cantalapiedra et al.

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