4.8 Review

3D-Printed Lattice Structures for Sound Absorption: Current Progress, Mechanisms and Models, Structural-Property Relationships, and Future Outlook

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
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Article Acoustics

Taking advantage of a 3D printing imperfection in the development of sound-absorbing materials

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Article Acoustics

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Summary: The acoustic black hole effect in waveguides was studied using finite element simulations, and the damping mechanisms involved were investigated. The results showed that adding damping material to the end of the waveguide did not significantly contribute to the performance, and local absorption effects on the outer surface of the cylinder were identified as the primary damping source.


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Article Engineering, Manufacturing

Additively manufactured dual-functional metamaterials with customisable mechanical and sound-absorbing properties

Zhendong Li et al.

Summary: This study proposes a plate-reinforced dual-functional microlattice metamaterial that exhibits elastic isotropy, dual crushing stages, and ultra-broadband sound absorption. By controlling the structural local strength and modulating the parallel coupling and cascade resonance effects, various application requirements can be met.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Less Is More: Hollow-Truss Microlattice Metamaterials with Dual Sound Dissipation Mechanisms and Enhanced Broadband Sound Absorption

Xinwei Li et al.

Summary: Micro-lattice metamaterials have attracted increasing research interest as sound absorbers due to their lightweight nature and high design freedom. However, the current micro-lattices are limited to one sound dissipation mechanism, which hinders their broadband absorption capabilities. In this study, a dissipation mechanism is introduced by hollowing out the struts of the micro-lattice, resulting in a new hollow-truss metamaterial (HTM) that harnesses dual concurrent dissipation mechanisms from its complex truss interconnectivity and hollow interior. Experimental measurements show that HTMs exhibit superior and customizable absorption properties compared to their solid-truss counterparts. An optimal HTM achieves a high average broadband coefficient of 0.72 at a thickness of only 24 mm. The study also proposes a dissipation theorem based on the superimposed acoustic impedance of the outer-solid and inner-hollow phases in the HTM. Mechanical property studies reveal improved compressive toughness in the HTMs. This work highlights the potential of hollow-trusses in achieving dissipative mechanisms and excellent acoustic properties.

SMALL (2022)

Article Acoustics

On the role of resonance and thermoviscous losses in an implementation of acoustic black holefor sound absorption in air

M. Cervenka et al.

Summary: In this work, a mathematical model of a sound-absorbing structure called the acoustic black hole is proposed. The structure consists of rigid rings separated by narrow fluid-filled cavities, and the wave speed in this structure can theoretically decrease to zero, reducing the reflection coefficient. The numerical results show that the absorption of acoustic energy in this structure is related to resonances in the cavities rather than the slow-down of the acoustic wave. The geometrical details strongly influence the behavior of the structure, indicating the possibility of optimizing it as an efficient absorber of acoustic energy in a wide frequency range.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Digital Light Processing 3D-Printed Silica Aerogel and as a Versatile Host Framework for High-Performance Functional Nanocomposites

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Summary: Vat-photopolymerization-based 3D printing is combined with the sol-gel process to produce advanced functional materials with complex shapes and hierarchical pore structures. Programmable post-printing processes enable the production of high-performance and multifunctional interpenetrating phase nanocomposites. This study provides new guidelines for the design and fabrication of novel materials by additive manufacturing.


Article Engineering, Manufacturing

Design of elastically isotropic shell lattices from anisotropic constitutive materials for additive manufacturing

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Summary: Additively manufactured elastically isotropic lattice structures are promising for lightweight structural applications. However, the layer-by-layer construction in additive manufacturing often leads to undesired anisotropy in fabricated materials. In this work, a design method using variable thickness triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) shell lattices is proposed to achieve elastic isotropy from anisotropic constitutive materials. The method utilizes a gradient-based optimization approach and the universal anisotropy index as the objective, allowing for the design of any orthotropic lattice.


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Recent advances in 3D printed structures for electromagnetic wave absorbing and shielding

Siyuan Zhou et al.

Summary: The rapid development of electronic devices and technologies has led to increased electromagnetic pollution, posing threats to human health and device reliability. Self-supporting three-dimensional structures are considered promising for electromagnetic interference solutions. 3D printed functional structures have attracted extensive attention for their ability to fabricate arbitrary shapes. This review summarizes the latest advancements in 3D printed structures for electromagnetic wave absorbing and shielding.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Mechanically robust lattices inspired by deep-sea glass sponges

Matheus C. Fernandes et al.

Summary: Computational analysis and mechanical testing have shown that the skeletal system of deep-sea hexactinellid sponges has achieved near-optimal resistance to buckling through evolution. The diagonal reinforcement strategy of the sponge achieves the highest buckling resistance for a given amount of material, and the sponge-inspired lattice geometry approaches the optimum material distribution for the design space considered. Lessons learned from studying sponge skeletal systems can be applied to geometrically optimize square lattice structures to avoid global structural buckling and improve material use in modern infrastructural applications.


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Enhancing the flow resistance and sound absorption of open-cell metallic foams by creating partially-open windows

Xiang Yu et al.

Summary: Metallic foams with partially-open window morphology between interconnected pores demonstrate significantly increased flow resistivity and sound absorption coefficient. A new microstructural model for permeability simulation has been developed to account for the increased specific surface area. This study explores a generic approach for designing microstructure-specific foams with increased flow resistance and fully open-celled microstructure.


Article Mechanics

Additive manufactured semi-plate lattice materials with high stiffness, strength and toughness

Tiantian Li et al.

Summary: Research has shown that semi-plate lattice structures with small holes play a significant role in controlling crack propagation, offering improved stiffness, strength, and energy absorption capability. As relative density and cell size increase, fracture toughness linearly increases, with semi-plate lattices showing more homogeneous stress distribution compared to traditional truss-based lattices.


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An overview of fused deposition modelling (FDM): research, development and process optimisation

Mohammadreza Lalegani Dezaki et al.

Summary: This study reviews research on process optimisation and machine development in FDM to enhance final product quality. Findings suggest that selecting appropriate process parameters can optimize printing results, eliminate defects, and produce high-quality final products. Discussing printing various materials and improving machines will benefit future research in the field.


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Benjamin C. White et al.

Summary: The study introduces the concept of multi-body interpenetrating lattices for controlling energy transfer and achieving multifunctional responses. Additive manufacturing enables the transformation of mathematical concepts into physical objects with specific properties.


Article Physics, Applied

Wave trapping by acoustic black hole: Simultaneous reduction of sound reflection and transmission

Yongzhen Mi et al.

Summary: Acoustic metamaterials, including the concept of Acoustic Black Hole (ABH), show great potential for trapping and dissipating sound energy. In a duct ABH with continuous cross-sectional reduction and impedance variation, the sound speed can be progressively reduced to trap sound waves within the structure. Research on the simultaneous reduction of sound reflection and transmission is promising and could overcome limitations of traditional noise control devices.


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Design of isotropic porous plates for use in hierarchical plate-lattices

Julian N. Heidenreich et al.

Summary: This work focuses on the elastic and plastic properties of two-dimensional periodic metamaterials, developing design maps to ensure isotropic elastic response and achieve theoretical stiffness limits. The study reveals that the strength of triangular perforated plates is closely related to the direction of unit cells, while the round hole staggered patterns exhibit uniform yield strength in all directions.


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3D-printed electroactive polymer force-actuator for large and high precise optical mirror applications

Kritsadi Thetpraphi et al.

Summary: A new development of a full 3D-printed-force actuator based on an advanced electroactive polymer for large and live optical mirror applications was described. The actuator consists of a plasticized terpolymer layer sandwiched between two electrodes made of conductive terpolymer carbon black composite. The electromechanical performance was analyzed on a flat glass surface in various configurations.


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Summary: The advancement of 3D printing technology has led to the development of microlattice metamaterials with excellent sound and mechanical energy absorption capabilities. High sound absorption coefficients and specific energy absorption have been measured, with absorption mechanisms and limitations being proposed.

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Daniel E. Hagaman et al.


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3D Plate-Lattices: An Emerging Class of Low-Density Metamaterial Exhibiting Optimal Isotropic Stiffness

Thomas Tancogne-Dejean et al.


Article Acoustics

Sound absorption by acoustic microlattice with optimized pore configuration

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Porous materials for sound absorption

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Mechanical metamaterials at the theoretical limit of isotropic elastic stiffness

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NATURE (2017)

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Geoffrey Searby et al.


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Acoustic wave propagation in double porosity media

X Olny et al.