4.5 Letter

Northern origin of the BRCA2 c.5286 T > G founder allele

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Oncology

A spectrum of BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline deleterious variants in ovarian cancer in Russia

Andrey Kechin et al.

Summary: This study investigates the distribution of BRCA1/2 pathogenic variants in Russian ovarian cancer patients. The most common variant identified was c.5266dup, followed by c.4035del, c.1961del, c.181 T > G, and others. The study also suggests that the c.5286 T > G variant in BRCA2 is a new founder mutation that occurred approximately 700 years ago.


Article Hematology

A founder effect in hemophilia A patients from Russian Ural region with a new p.(His634Arg) variant in F8 gene

Valentina V. Salomashkina et al.

Summary: This study identified a new founder effect mutation in hemophilia A patients from the Ural region of Russia. The patients shared the same haplotype, suggesting a common ancestor from the late 17th century. The Ural region did not experience recent bottlenecks or isolation, indicating that the founder effect may be a natural consequence of population structuring in a relatively stable population.