4.7 Review

Hydrogels as promising platforms for solar-driven water evaporators

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Review Chemistry, Physical

High-strength hydrogels: Fabrication, reinforcement mechanisms, and applications

Heyuan Huang et al.

Summary: With the continuous emergence and expansion of high-strength hydrogels in various fields, the synthesis and application of these hydrogels have made significant progress. This review focuses on the advantages of natural and synthetic materials, the characteristics of high-strength hydrogels from different raw materials, and the influence of physical interactions or chemical bonds on their strength. Furthermore, the strengthening strategies and the possible future development directions of high-strength hydrogels are also discussed.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

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Sadia Yazdani et al.

Summary: In this study, stretchable and conductive hydrogels were fabricated by interlinking lauryl methacrylate with acrylamide and sodium alginate, resulting in enhanced mechanical properties. The hydrogel strain sensor exhibited a wide range of strain measurement, excellent stability, and quick response time. Therefore, these hydrogel-based strain sensors could have potential applications in future wearable electronic devices and human movement monitoring.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A melanin-inspired robust aerogel for multifunctional water remediation

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Summary: Inspired by melanin, researchers have created a multifunctional aerogel for water remediation. The aerogel effectively removes organic dyes and heavy metal ions contaminants in wastewater, while also exhibiting excellent underwater oil resistance and oil-water separation ability. It has an impressive evaporation rate and efficiency under sunlight, making it ideal for long-term water evaporation. This melanin-inspired aerogel offers new strategies for developing robust photothermal devices for solar-driven water remediation.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

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Summary: Researchers have constructed an integrated structure with highly connected gradient pores inspired by the xylem vessels and phloem sieve tubes found in trees, which can achieve efficient water transport and salt rejection. The bio-inspired structure reduces resistance in water transport and salt rejection within the same channel. The evaporators using multilayer graphene oxide as the photothermal conversion material have shown high performance, with continuous operation for over 9 hours without salt crystallization and rejection rates of heavy metals exceeding 99.99%.


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Architecting the Water State of Polypyrrole/Polyvinyl Alochol-Wood Evaporator to Enhance Water Yield in Multistage Solar Stiller

Anqi Shen et al.

Summary: Solar desalination is a promising method for freshwater production. A hybrid design that involves adjusting the water state, recycling latent heat, and localizing low-concentration zones has been demonstrated to achieve stable and efficient solar-water harvesting. The system achieves a water yield of 1.62 kg m(-2) h(-1) and a solar-to-vapor conversion efficiency of 110% under one sun irradiation.

SOLAR RRL (2023)

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Summary: By investigating the pore-size dependence of water transport rate and evaporation enthalpy, we designed a lignocellulose aerogel-based evaporator with improved evaporation efficiency. The evaporator achieved the best solar evaporation rate by achieving a balance between water transport rate and enthalpy. This study is significant for developing efficient solar-driven evaporators for alleviating freshwater shortage.


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Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Biomimetically Assembled Sponge-Like Hydrogels for Efficient Solar Water Purification

Chuxin Lei et al.

Summary: The cryo-assembled templating and polymerization (CTP) method can be used to synthesize sponge-like hydrogels (SPHs) with excellent mechanical properties, and the biomimetically assembled B-SPH with a similar structure to conifer plants can significantly increase water transport rate, achieving efficient solar vapor generation.


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A Bionic-Gill 3D Hydrogel Evaporator with Multidirectional Crossflow Salt Mitigation and Aquaculture Applications

Lidian Zhang et al.

Summary: In recent years, interfacial solar-driven steam generation has gained attention as an energy-efficient technology. However, salt scaling on and inside the evaporator structure can lower the performance and durability. Inspired by the salt-expelling property of the gill filaments of large yellow croaker, a 3D hydrogel evaporator is proposed with multidirectional ion migration controllability. The designed structure ensures high evaporation performance for both pure water and high salinity brine, with no salt crystallizing after long-term use.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Understanding the Photothermal and Photocatalytic Mechanism of Polydopamine Coated Gold Nanorods

Daniel Aguilar-Ferrer et al.

Summary: A hybrid nanoplatform consisting of an AuNR core surrounded by a polydopamine (PDA) shell was synthesized and its photocatalytic behavior was studied. The nanocomposites exhibited better photocatalytic performance compared to bare AuNRs and bare PDA nanoparticles. The thickness of the PDA shell affected the plasmon response of the composite. Photodegradation kinetics, time-resolved spectroscopy, and finite-element-method simulations showed that the plasmons of AuNRs, coupled with the low thermal conductivity of PDA, provided slow thermalization while enhancing charge carrier transfer.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Molecularly Engineered Zwitterionic Hydrogel with Strengthened Anti-Polyelectrolyte Effect: from High-Rate Solar Desalination to Efficient Electricity Generation

Si Yu Zheng et al.

Summary: A molecular engineered zwitterionic hydrogel with enhanced salt binding ability and anti-polyelectrolyte effect is developed, which exhibits excellent water evaporation performance in high-salinity brine and generates considerable voltage. The gel also shows durable anti-microbial ability and has been optimized for water transport channel and heat confinement.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Ion-Transfer Engineering via Janus Hydrogels Enables Ultrahigh Performance and Salt-Resistant Solar Desalination

Nan He et al.

Summary: Emerging solar interfacial evaporation is the most promising solution to the freshwater crisis. However, the challenge lies in the conflict between resisting salt accumulation and maintaining high evaporation performance. This study proposes an ion-transfer engineering using a Janus ion-selective hydrogel, which enables effective salt removal and reduces heat loss. The experimental results show a record-high evaporation rate of 6.86 kg m(-2) h(-1) in 15 wt% brine, indicating great potential for future salt-resistant evaporators.


Article Chemistry, Physical

A self-floating Janus PPy@Ni sponge salt-resisting solar evaporator for efficient interfacial evaporation

Ru Song et al.

Summary: A Janus evaporator with low-density nickel sponge and polypyrrole coating was prepared, showing excellent evaporation rate and salt deposition resistance. The evaporator also exhibited great purification effects and possessed magnetic properties, self-floating, and environmental friendliness, suggesting potential applications in desalination, sewage treatment, and electromagnetic shielding.


Article Engineering, Environmental

A mechanically soft-tissue-like organohydrogel with multi-functionalities for sensitive soft ionotronics

Shuxiang Liu et al.

Summary: Hydrogels with skin-like ionic conduction mechanisms and tissue-like mechanical properties have gained popularity in fabricating soft electronics. This study presents a mechanically soft organohydrogel that exhibits tissue-like mechanical properties and multiple functionalities. By constructing sacrificial bonds between the hydrogel and ethylene glycol/water clusters, the organohydrogel displays desired mechanical properties, tear-resistance, strength, and ultra-stretchability. The organohydrogel also integrates a broad spectrum of functionalities, making it suitable for applications in healthcare monitoring and information encryption/decryption.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Photothermal Nanomaterials: A Powerful Light-to-Heat Converter

Ximin Cui et al.

Summary: This review focuses on the latest advances in photothermal nanomaterials, exploring their potential and underlying mechanisms as powerful light-to-heat converters. Various nanostructured photothermal materials, including metallic/semiconductor structures, carbon materials, organic polymers, and twodimensional materials, are extensively reviewed. The impact of material selection and rational structural design on improving photothermal performance is discussed. The review also covers the latest techniques for probing photothermally generated heat at the nanoscale, recent significant developments in photothermal applications, and the current challenges and future directions of photothermal nanomaterials.


Review Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear

Tackling orientation of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): The quest to enhance MOF performance

Islam E. Khalil et al.

Summary: Controlling the orientation of anisotropic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) allows full utilization of their anisotropic properties. This review systematically summarizes the strategies utilized for the preparation and growth of oriented MOFs and explores the advantages of oriented MOF crystals over randomly oriented ones in various applications. It aims to showcase the possibilities and enhance the understanding of oriented MOF synthesis, properties, and applications.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Synergy of Light Trapping and Water Management in Interconnected Porous PEDOT:PSS Hydrogels for Efficient Solar-Driven Water Purification

Wenfang Cai et al.

Summary: Interfacial solar water purification is a sustainable and environmental-friendly approach for solar energy harvesting and clean water production. Porous evaporators are proposed to enhance solar-thermal-vapor conversion, but collaboration between light capture and water management is a challenge. This study introduces a pure PEDOT:PSS hydrogel as a solar evaporator for water purification, demonstrating high evaporation performance and efficient conversion of solar energy and wastewater into fresh water.


Article Materials Science, Ceramics

Polypyrrole-doped cellulose hydrogel evaporator for steam generation and wastewater cleaning

Ruizhi Wang et al.

Summary: Solar-driven steam generation is an energy-saving and environmentally friendly method for producing clean water. PPy-doped cellulose composite hydrogels (PCGs) were prepared to enhance water transport ability and reduce water evaporation enthalpy. The hydrogel exhibited a high water evaporation rate under sunlight and showed excellent adsorption capability for removing organic dyes. This study provides insights for the development of next-generation evaporators for wastewater treatment applications.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Thermal Management of the Solar Evaporation Process

Shuang Li et al.

Summary: Solar-driven interfacial evaporation has gained attention for its environmentally friendly properties. A multiphysics model using finite element method is developed to study thermal management and improve solar evaporation. Results show that tuning thermal loss, local heating, convective mass transfer, and evaporation area can enhance evaporation performance. Experimental results confirm that the solar evaporation ratio can be significantly improved with a 3D interface and thermal insulation between the interface and bottom water. These findings provide design principles for solar evaporation systems.


Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences

Why we need a new economics of water as a common good

Johan Rockstroem et al.

Summary: Anthropogenic pressures and climate change are causing significant changes in water flows globally. To prevent catastrophe, there is a need for better understanding, new economic thinking, and an international governance framework.

NATURE (2023)

Review Environmental Sciences

More effective application of biochar-based immobilization technology in the environment: Understanding the role of biochar

Jiang Huang et al.

Summary: Biochar-based immobilization technology (BIT) has been widely used in treating environmental issues due to its cost-effectiveness and high removal performance. However, the complexity of the real environment is often overlooked, hindering the commercial application of BIT. This review separately analyzes the internal (microbial fixation and growth) and external (function) aspects of BIT to achieve effective performance. It also summarizes the usage of BIT in various areas and systematically analyzes the key impacts during application. Finally, suggestions and perspectives are provided to address current issues regarding BIT.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Bioinspired Aerogel with Vertically Ordered Channels and Low Water Evaporation Enthalpy for High-Efficiency Salt-Rejecting Solar Seawater Desalination and Wastewater Purification

Zhong-Yi Wang et al.

Summary: A biomimetic aerogel with vertically ordered channels and low water evaporation enthalpy has been developed for high-efficiency solar energy-driven salt-resistant seawater desalination and wastewater purification. The biomimetic aerogel exhibits excellent mechanical properties, rapid water transportation, and superior solar water evaporation performance, making it promising for water purification to mitigate the global water crisis.

SMALL (2023)

Review Polymer Science

Role of Hydrophobic Associations in Self-Healing Hydrogels Based on Amphiphilic Polysaccharides

Marieta Nichifor

Summary: Self-healing hydrogels can recover their original properties after external stress, thanks to reversible chemical or physical cross-links. Physical cross-links, such as hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic associations, electrostatic interactions, or host-guest interactions, stabilize supramolecular hydrogels. Hydrophobic associations in amphiphilic polymers enhance the mechanical properties and introduce additional functionalities to self-healing hydrogels by forming hydrophobic microdomains. This review focuses on the advantages of hydrophobic associations in the design of self-healing hydrogels, particularly those based on biocompatible and biodegradable amphiphilic polysaccharides.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Dendritic Structure-Inspired Coating Strategy for Stable and Efficient Solar Evaporation of Salinity Brine

Hua Deng et al.

Summary: A dendritic structure-inspired coating strategy based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) colloids grabbing titanium trioxide (Ti2O3) to enhance the evaporative performance of solar thermal evaporation has been developed. The resulting core-shell composite demonstrated good salt resistance, self-cleaning ability, and adsorption capacity for dye molecules and heavy metal ions. This design provides new insights into the development of efficient, environmentally friendly, and salt-resistant solar evaporators.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Phase-Separated Polyzwitterionic Hydrogels with Tunable Sponge-Like Structures for Stable Solar Steam Generation

Bolun Peng et al.

Summary: Solar steam generation through hydrogel-based evaporators has shown great promise for freshwater production. However, developing hydrogel-based evaporators with stable performance in high-salinity brines remains challenging. In this study, phase-separated polyzwitterionic hydrogel-based evaporators with sponge-like structures were fabricated and shown to demonstrate stable water evaporation rates and high solar-to-vapor efficiency in high-salinity brines under simulated solar light irradiation. The polyzwitterionic hydrogel evaporators with sponge-like porous structures have potential applications in high-salinity seawater desalination.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Double-Plasma Ti3C2T x /Ag@SiO2 Gel Micro-/Nanoporous Structures for Improved Water Transport and Efficient Solar Steam Generation

Hao Li et al.

Summary: In this study, a Ti3C2T x /Ag@SiO2 gel evaporator with high absorption, stability, and efficient water transport was fabricated by the mixture of transition-metal carbide and core-shell Ag-SiO2 nanoparticles. It shows great potential in the field of solar steam generation.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Superwetting reduced graphene oxide/alginate hydrogel sponge with low evaporation enthalpy for highly efficient solar-driven water purification

Jilong Xu et al.

Summary: A high-performance hydrogel evaporator with excellent solar absorption was developed by designing the material structure and chemical properties. It achieved a high evaporation rate and energy conversion efficiency, addressing freshwater and energy issues.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Light-trapping texture bio-hydrogel with anti-biofouling and antibacterial properties for efficient solar desalination

Ahmed Mortuza Saleque et al.

Summary: In this research, a novel light-trapping texture on the surface of bio-hydrogel was presented, which improved solar absorption through a low-cost fabrication method. The light-trapping textures effectively converted solar irradiance into heat energy with minimal reflection loss, resulting in enhanced photothermal energy conversion efficiency compared to flat surfaces. Under 1 sun illumination, a superb seawater evaporation rate of 2.851 kg m(-2)h(-1) and an evaporation efficiency of 91.17 % were achieved. The decoration of bio-hydrogel with TaTe2 quantum dots exhibited remarkable antibacterial and anti-biofouling properties, with reduction rates exceeding 95 %.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Salt-blocking three-dimensional Janus evaporator with superwettability gradient for efficient and stable solar desalination

Xiao-Jing Guo et al.

Summary: A salt-blocking three-dimensional (3D) Janus evaporator with a superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic gradient was fabricated for solar interfacial steam power generation and seawater desalination. The top side of the evaporator was made superhydrophobic by spraying a composite dispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polydimethylsiloxane (CNTs/PDMS) onto a polyurethane (PU) foam, while the bottom side was made superhydrophilic by coating a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution. This asymmetrical wettability gradient of the evaporator achieved a balance between the evaporation rate and water transportation speed, leading to quick salt dissolution at the superhydrophilic interface. The evaporation rate of this 3D salt-resistant Janus evaporator reached 2.26 kg m-2 h-1 under 1 kW m-2 illumination.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Eco-friendly photothermal hydrogel evaporator for efficient solar-driven water purification

Anqi Ni et al.

Summary: In this study, a photothermal hydrogel evaporator incorporating eco-friendly poly(vinyl alcohol), agarose, Fe3+, and tannic acid (TA) was developed. The tannic acid-ferric ion (TA*Fe3+) complexes in the hydrogel exhibited excellent gelatinization and light-absorption properties. The hydrogel evaporator achieved a high interfacial evaporation rate of 1.897 ± 0.11 kg·m-2·h-1 with an energy efficiency of 89.7 ± 2.73%. Furthermore, the hydrogel demonstrated stability and maintained its evaporation performance in long-term tests and outdoor applications for wastewater treatment and seawater desalination.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Constructing of efficient interface solar evaporator: In-situ colloid foaming strategy for solar desalination and visible light response sewage purification

Xiuling Li et al.

Summary: The shortage of drinking water has become a global problem, and coastal cities can use desalination technology to make use of abundant seawater resources. This paper presents a novel interface evaporator design using superhydrophobic BiOI and CuO sponge, which can achieve solar desalination and sewage purification. This design will provide a new solution for solar desalination, sewage treatment, and large-scale application.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Synergistic Effect of Photothermal Conversion in MXene/Au@Cu2-xS Hybrids for Efficient Solar Water Evaporation

Hao-Sen Kang et al.

Summary: A three-plasmon hybrid material consisting of core-shell Au@Cu2-xS hybrids bonded with ultrathin Ti3C2Tx MXene is prepared for efficient photothermal conversion and solar water evaporation. The hybrid material exhibits excellent photothermal conversion efficiency, light absorption, and charge transfer capabilities. The combination with MXene as a membrane material results in high evaporation rate and light-to-heat conversion efficiency. Furthermore, a solar evaporation device is designed based on liquid pressure and connectors, demonstrating potential applications in water purification and drinkable water generation.


Review Polymer Science

Bioinspired polydopamine hydrogels: Strategies and applications

Yuanting Xu et al.

Summary: This article reviews the recent advances in the field of bioinspired PDA hydrogels, including the structural units of PDA and their functions in hydrogels. These functions have led to various interesting applications of hydrogels.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Rationally constructing a 3D bifunctional solar evaporator for high-performance water evaporation coupled with pollutants degradation

Lingfang Cui et al.

Summary: In this study, nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes encapsulated with Co were used to construct 3D evaporators on carbon fibers. These evaporators achieved highly efficient solar evaporation and organic pollutant degradation. The unique structure enabled the 3D evaporator to enhance solar evaporation with high evaporation rates and effectively prevent contamination from entering the clean water.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Physical dual-network photothermal antibacterial multifunctional hydrogel adhesive for wound healing of drug-resistant bacterial infections synthesized from natural polysaccharides

Xuan Yue et al.

Summary: A physical dual-network multifunctional hydrogel adhesive based on polysaccharide material was designed for the treatment of full-thickness skin defects infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria. The hydrogel exhibited good biocompatibility and wound-healing ability, along with rapid self-healing, injectability, shape-adaptation, NIR/pH responsiveness, high tissue-adhesion, and mechanical properties. Furthermore, the hydrogel demonstrated antioxidant, hemostatic, photothermal-antibacterial, and wound-healing effects.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Salt-resistant agarose-polyvinylpyrrolidone composite hydrogel with pitted-surface towards highly efficient water desalination and purification

Lina Chen et al.

Summary: In recent years, solar energy interfacial evaporation technology has been extensively explored for seawater desalination and wastewater treatment. However, salt accumulation and complex fabrication of evaporator largely constrains the applications of this technology in practice. A new type of hydrogel, composed of agarose and polyvinylpyrrolidone, was fabricated via hot-ice template method, which had a pitted-surface and microchannels structure. The hydrogel showed excellent salt resistance, achieving a high seawater evaporation rate of 3.2 kg m(-2) h(-1), as well as outstanding ion rejection performance and good treatment capacity for heavy metal ions and dye wastewater.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Enhancing solar steam generation in hydrogel evaporator by bio-based microfluidic component

Changyuan Song et al.

Summary: This study achieves long-term operation of polyacrylamide-based photothermal hydrogel by using customized microfluidic components, allowing it to generate efficient evaporation under continuous solar illumination. The regulation of water transport is accomplished by Nafion-modified corn straw. The hydrogel-based evaporator demonstrates significant achievements in outdoor seawater desalination experiments.


Article Engineering, Environmental

In situ polymerization of polypyrrole in oil body for efficient solar-driven freshwater collection

Hongxiang Liu et al.

Summary: Solar-driven interfacial water evaporation offers a solution for clean freshwater generation. By utilizing oil body (OB)-polypyrrole (PPy) as an absorber, higher water evaporation rate and freshwater collection capabilities can be achieved. The OB-PPy absorber exhibits excellent photothermal performance and water transporting ability. It also shows stability and reusability, with the ability to produce freshwater from humid air.


Review Environmental Sciences

Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future

Bridget R. Scanlon et al.

Summary: This review discusses the threats to water resources from human activities and climate variability, and explores ways to enhance resilience through green and grey solutions. The article evaluates the current and historical trends in water storage and availability, considering surface water and groundwater as interconnected resources. Diversifying management strategies, such as preserving forests and wetlands and increasing water supplies and storage, can help build a resilient water system.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Preparation of carbon nanotube/cellulose hydrogel composites and their uses in interfacial solar-powered water evaporation

Xue Wang et al.

Summary: Cellulose extracted from corncobs was composited with carbon nanotubes to construct CNT/cellulose hydrogel composites with superior water retention ability, degradability, solar-thermal conversion performance, mechanical properties, and biocompatibility. The composites were used in water purification by interfacial solar-powered evaporation, showing high evaporation rates and solar-steam conversion efficiency with resistance to salt and retention of organic pollutants.


Review Chemistry, Physical

High -strength hydrogels: Fabrication, reinforcement mechanisms, and applications

Heyuan Huang et al.

Summary: With the increasing appearance and expansion of high-strength hydrogels in various emerging fields, such as industry, medicine, and green development, there have been significant developments and achievements in the synthesis and application of high-strength hydrogels in terms of raw materials, preparation methods, and reinforcement mechanisms. However, there is a lack of systematic reviews on high-strength hydrogels. This article discusses the advantages of natural and synthetic materials, characteristics of high-strength hydrogels prepared from different raw materials, and the influence of physical interactions or chemical bonds on the strength of hydrogels. It also systematically explains various strengthening strategies and their mechanisms, and proposes possible future directions for the development of high-strength hydrogels based on application requirements and existing drawbacks.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Strong tough hydrogel solar evaporator with wood skeleton construction enabling ultra-durable brine desalination

Lin Li et al.

Summary: Researchers have developed a novel skeleton-construct polyelectrolyte hydrogel evaporator with improved mechanical strength and additional properties. This material exhibits excellent stability and high evaporation rate, making it a promising candidate for practical desalination technology.

ECOMAT (2023)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Nature Sunflower Stalk Pith with Zwitterionic Hydrogel Coating for Highly Efficient and Sustainable Solar Evaporation

Xin Su et al.

Summary: Inspired by the sunflower stalk pith, a biomass porous foam modified with zwitterionic hydrogel coating for solar desalination devices is introduced, showing remarkable performance in handling various types of water and potentially becoming a new candidate for inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and portable water purification and desalination.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Polyzwitterionic Hydrogels for Efficient Atmospheric Water Harvesting

Chuxin Lei et al.

Summary: Atmospheric water harvesting is a promising strategy for providing sustainable freshwater to landlocked and arid regions. Polyquaternary ammonium salt hydrogels have been developed as an effective material platform for AWH, with superior performance and the ability to produce significant amounts of freshwater.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Highly Elastic Interconnected Porous Hydrogels through Self-Assembled Templating for Solar Water Purification

Youhong Guo et al.

Summary: The study introduces a method called self-assembled templating (SAT) to fabricate large-scale elastic hydrogel evaporators with excellent desalination performance. The highly interconnected porous structure and superior elasticity of the hydrogels enable stable and efficient evaporation, providing new possibilities for future water treatment applications.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Photothermally enabled MXene hydrogel membrane with integrated solar-driven evaporation and photodegradation for efficient water purification

Baoping Zhang et al.

Summary: A novel approach utilizing MXene hydrogel membrane for water purification with synergistic photothermal and photocatalytic effects is proposed in this study. The MXene hydrogel membrane demonstrates high solar-driven water evaporation rate and photodegradation efficiency under one sun irradiation, offering a feasible and effective route for sustainable water purification.


Article Engineering, Environmental

3D-printed hierarchical porous cellulose/alginate/carbon black hydrogel for high-efficiency solar steam generation

Jun Yuan et al.

Summary: In this study, 3D hierarchical porous hybrid hydrogel evaporators with embedded carbon black are built through 3D printing method for solar steam generation. The evaporators show high evaporation rate, solar energy conversion efficiency, and great application prospects in seawater desalination and wastewater purification.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Robust seawater desalination and sewage purification enabled by the solar-thermal conversion of the Janus-type graphene oxide evaporator

Yingying Chen et al.

Summary: The study introduces a novel Janus-type graphene oxide (GO) evaporator with extremely high solar absorbance and efficient solar-thermal conversion, capable of rapid water evaporation. This evaporator demonstrates robust purification performance in simulated seawater, sewage, and acidic/alkaline water, and achieves efficient desalination in real seawater.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Recyclable and efficient ocean biomass-derived hydrogel photothermal evaporator for thermally-localized solar desalination

Yanpei Tian et al.

Summary: Interface evaporation using a hydrogel evaporator with agar and titanium nitride nanoparticles shows high evaporation efficiency and solar absorptance, enabling efficient freshwater production and heat localization. The use of cotton wipe and polystyrene foam as water transportation channels and thermal barriers can effectively improve the evaporation rate. Furthermore, this hydrogel evaporator is easy to recycle and has a long lifespan.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Solar photo-oxidation of recalcitrant industrial wastewater: a review

Ahmed Tawfik et al.

Summary: This article reviews the application of solar photo-oxidation in degrading recalcitrant pollutants and discusses its limitations. Factors influencing the efficiency of solar photo-oxidation, such as pH, catalyst composition, and pollutant properties, are also discussed.


Article Chemistry, Physical

High-performance solar-driven interfacial evaporation through molecular design of antibacterial, biomass-derived hydrogels

Liang Hao et al.

Summary: The study presents a novel hydrogel hybrid solar evaporator designed with poly(vinyl alcohol) and sodium lignosulfonate, incorporating carbon nanotube for light absorption. The addition of sodium lignosulfonate enhances the interaction between hydrogel and water molecule, promoting hydrophilicity and water transport while reducing water vaporization enthalpy. The as-prepared hydrogel demonstrates high evaporation rate, anti-acid/basic abilities, antibacterial property, salt-tolerance, and self-cleaning capability, making it a promising solution for global freshwater shortage.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Covalent Organic Framework/Graphene Dual-Region Hydrogel for Enhanced Solar-Driven Water Generation

Changxia Li et al.

Summary: A new material with dual-region hydrogel has been developed, which can effectively utilize solar energy, adjust wettability, and reduce energy demand for water evaporation. The material can generate steam at a high rate under solar irradiation and can be used to convert seawater and sewage into drinkable water, showing significant potential for water treatment.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Azo-Crosslinked Double-Network Hydrogels Enabling Highly Efficient Mechanoradical Generation

Zhi Jian Wang et al.

Summary: Double-network hydrogels with increased mechanoradical concentration achieved by incorporating azoalkane crosslinker exhibit improved mechanical properties and functionality. This finding broadens the application range of force-responsive DN gels to biomedical devices and soft robots.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Ultrafast Solar-Vapor Harvesting Based on a Hierarchical Porous Hydrogel with Wettability Contrast and Tailored Water States

Meng Yang et al.

Summary: A one-pot method was used to regulate the hydrated structure and wettability in a hierarchical porous hydrogel, resulting in optimized water bonding network in an evaporator for efficient solar-driven vapor generation. The hydrophobic walls of the air pores in the foam provide vaporization sites and reduce heat loss, while the hydrophilic skeleton with secondary pores effectively pumps capillary water. The proportion of intermediate water in the foam reaches 87.6%, contributing to exceptional evaporation rate and robust solar-driven vapor generation performances.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Dual-Layer Multichannel Hydrogel Evaporator with High Salt Resistance and a Hemispherical Structure toward Water Desalination and Purification

Caiyan Zhang et al.

Summary: This study developed a dual-layer hydrogel-based evaporator with excellent resistance to salt formation, high evaporation rate, and purification properties. It has potential applications in seawater desalination, water pollution treatment, and other environmental remediation-related fields.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Composite Polyelectrolyte Photothermal Hydrogel with Anti-biofouling and Antibacterial Properties for the Real-World Application of Solar Steam Generation

Bolun Peng et al.

Summary: Solar steam generation is a promising and cost-effective method for freshwater production in energy scarcity areas. In this study, a composite polyelectrolyte photothermal hydrogel with anti-biofouling and antibacterial properties was developed. The hydrogel exhibited a high antibacterial ratio against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and achieved a rapid water evaporation rate and high solar-to-evaporation efficiency. The hydrogel also showed excellent durability in real seawater, making it suitable for real-world application of solar steam generation.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Superhydrophilic 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks as Broadband Absorbers for Efficient Solar Steam Generation

Xiaoli Yan et al.

Summary: By developing a covalent organic framework with superhydrophilicity and broad light absorption, researchers have overcome the intrinsic limitations of porous organic polymers in solar steam generation. The material exhibits excellent water evaporation and high energy conversion efficiency, with the potential for further extension of its light absorption range through post-synthetic modification.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Three-Level pore structure hydrogels for solar vapor generation

Yang Chen et al.

Summary: A three-level pore structure hydrogel consisting of PVA and rGO was prepared for efficient photothermal evaporation. The hydrogel showed promising properties due to its unique pore structure and demonstrated stable evaporation rate and salt rejection ability.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Highly charged hydrogel with enhanced donnan exclusion toward ammonium for efficient solar-driven water remediation

Qingbo Xiao et al.

Summary: Developing solar-driven photothermal materials with superior rejection capability toward volatile ammonium is crucial for wastewater remediation. The Janus hydrogel evaporator achieved enhanced Donnan exclusion toward ammonium without sacrificing water evaporation capability, significantly increasing ammonium rejection rate and water evaporation rate for natural wastewater. This work opens up new possibilities for using photothermal materials to separate freshwater from small volatile molecules using clean solar energy.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Self-assembling fluorescent hydrogel for highly efficient water purification and photothermal conversion

Meng Li et al.

Summary: In this study, a cellulose-based fluorescent hydrogel with 0D sulfydryl-based carbon dots was developed for the detection and removal of hazardous Hg(II) ions. The hydrogel showed high sensitivity for Hg(II) detection and exhibited a large adsorption capacity. Additionally, the exhausted waste adsorbent was successfully upcycled into a suitable material for solar steam generation.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Shape-controlled fabrication of cost-effective, scalable and anti-biofouling hydrogel foams for solar-powered clean water production

Na Li et al.

Summary: This study develops 3D hydrogel foams based on biopolymer composites using a controlled foaming - gelation technique, which are then applied to a monolithic interfacial steam generator. The hydrogel foams possess several desirable properties, such as light-weight, low-cost, low thermal insulation, and efficient water diffusion. They demonstrate high water evaporation rate and cost-effectiveness for clean water production.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Polyelectrolyte-based photothermal hydrogel with low evaporation enthalpy for solar-driven salt-tolerant desalination

Congcong Li et al.

Summary: This study presents the development of an anionic polyelectrolyte-based hydrogel with both photothermal characteristics for evaporating seawater and electrostatic properties for preventing solid-salt crystallization. The hydrogel exhibited high solar absorption efficiency and excellent evaporation performance, making it a promising candidate for solar-driven seawater desalination.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Lignin hydrogel-based solar-driven evaporator for cost-effective and highly efficient water purification

Shan Jiang et al.

Summary: A lignin hydrogel-based evaporator with sufficient water supplement, effective water activation, and fantastic anti-salt accumulation performance is designed and demonstrated. The evaporator achieves a high and stable evaporation rate and efficiently removes heavy metal ions from polluted water.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Solar water evaporation using porous cellulose polyacrylamide hydrogel with carbon-based material containing copper oxide prepared from after-use adsorbent

Tongxing Zhang et al.

Summary: The global PCB industry produces a significant amount of wastewater containing Cu2+ annually, exacerbating the freshwater shortage. Utilizing chitosan-based adsorbents and carbon-based materials, a flexible porous hydrogel was developed for wastewater treatment and solar water evaporation, offering a potential solution for waste adsorbent reutilization and alleviation of freshwater shortage.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Yolk-like non-stoichiometric nickel sulfide-based Janus hydrogel photothermal film for enhanced solar-driven water evaporation and multi-media purification

Ye Zhang et al.

Summary: A highly efficient Janus hydrogel photothermal film was developed, with full-spectrum absorption characteristics and good hydrophilicity, capable of achieving efficient solar evaporation. The film can be easily prepared into various shapes by the pouring method, suitable for water evaporation applications in various media.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Construction of polysaccharide based physically crosslinked double-network antibacterial hydrogel

Chao Shi et al.

Summary: In this study, an environmentally friendly physically crosslinked hydrogel was successfully prepared, and by increasing the zinc ion content, the mechanical properties of the gel were improved, and excellent antibacterial activity was demonstrated.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Scalable super hygroscopic polymer films for sustainable moisture harvesting in arid environments

Youhong Guo et al.

Summary: By synthesizing a hygroscopic polymer film composed of renewable biomass, high water uptake at low relative humidity can be achieved, enabling the extraction of atmospheric water and addressing the global water crisis.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Dome-arrayed chitosan/PVA hydrogel-based solar evaporator for steam generation

Minyue Zhu et al.

Summary: This study investigates a water evaporation system driven by solar energy, where hydrogel evaporators are prepared using chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, and carbon nanoparticles. The study designs a tiny-pool evaporator structure and a dome-arrayed hydrogel structure, achieving significantly improved evaporation rates. The optimized system shows an approximately 66.7% increase in evaporation rate, indicating promising potential for water purification using solar-driven evaporation systems.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Sustainable Self-Cleaning Evaporators for Highly Efficient Solar Desalination Using a Highly Elastic Sponge-like Hydrogel

Aqiang Chu et al.

Summary: Interfacial evaporation using light-absorbing hydrogels offers efficient solar evaporation performance, ensuring affordable clean water supply. A sponge-like hydrogel with tailored surface topography, adequate water transport, excellent salt rejection, and good thermal localization properties was constructed for seawater desalination.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Enhanced Solar Evaporation Using a Scalable MoS2-Based Hydrogel for Highly Efficient Solar Desalination

Pan Liu et al.

Summary: In this study, a scalable MoS2-based porous hydrogel with good mechanical stability and salt resistance was successfully prepared. The hydrogel exhibited impressive evaporation rate and photothermal conversion efficiency under sunlight, and maintained high and stable photothermal properties for a prolonged period. Therefore, it holds promise as a feasible device for seawater desalination.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Polyzwitterionic Hydrogels for Highly Efficient High Salinity Solar Desalination

Chuxin Lei et al.

Summary: Polyzwitterionic hydrogels (PZHs) are proposed as a novel platform for high-salinity solar desalination, utilizing the anti-polyelectrolyte effects to improve solar vapor generation performance. PZHs exhibit a solar evaporation rate approximately 20% higher in high-salinity brines compared to pure water.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Ultrastretchable and adhesive agarose/Ti3C2Tχ-crosslinked-polyacrylamide double-network hydrogel for strain sensor

Tingrui Lin et al.

Summary: A novel double-network hydrogel, AG/T-PAM DN hydrogel, is synthesized by combining heating-cooling and gamma-ray radiation-induced polymerization. It possesses excellent mechanical properties and adhesion, and can be used as a strain sensor to monitor human body movements.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Robust PEDOT:PSS-based hydrogel for highly efficient interfacial solar water purification

Qi Zhao et al.

Summary: The article introduces a mechanically robust nanocomposite hydrogel with excellent evaporation performance and demonstrates its potential applications in seawater desalination and wastewater purification.


Review Engineering, Environmental

Hydrogel materials for sustainable water resources harvesting & treatment: Synthesis, mechanism and applications

Zhibin Zhang et al.

Summary: With the development of global industry and the increase of population, the shortage of freshwater resources has become a pressing issue, leading to extensive research on advanced water treatment and water harvesting technologies. Hydrogel, as a polymer material with excellent properties such as water absorption, water retention, and adsorption, has been widely used in water resources harvesting and treatment. This review provides an overview of the synthetic routes of hydrogel materials, the mechanisms of water absorption and desorption, and the recent research progress in atmospheric water harvesting, seawater desalination, and wastewater treatment using hydrogel materials.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Synergistically regulated surface structure and water transportation of sponge hydrogel evaporator for efficient water desalination

Wenwei Lei et al.

Summary: This work presents the fabrication of high-efficiency solar steam generators based on sponge-like hydrogels through a salt template method. These generators exhibit high water evaporation rate and energy conversion efficiency, along with stable desalination and contaminant removal performance.


Article Chemistry, Physical

High-flux flowing interfacial water evaporation under multiple heating sources enabled by a biohybrid hydrogel

Zhen Yu et al.

Summary: This study presents a polypyrrole-coated bacterial cellulose hydrogel as an effective absorber for a high-flux evaporator. The evaporator achieves a high evaporation rate and antifouling property, driven by solar irradiation and electro-heating. The results show that the evaporator maintains stable performance in seawater and industrial wastewater, and can be powered by low-temperature waste heat for large-scale application.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Highly Effective Multifunctional Solar Evaporator with Scaffolding Structured Carbonized Wood and Biohydrogel

Jie Chen et al.

Summary: A solar evaporator using composite carbonized wood and biobased hydrogel has been developed, showing high efficiency and versatility in water evaporation.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Dual-Network Liquid Metal Hydrogel with Integrated Solar-Driven Evaporation, Multi-Sensory Applications, and Electricity Generation via Enhanced Light Absorption and Benard-Marangoni Effect

Zechang Wei et al.

Summary: This study presents a highly efficient solar-driven evaporation system by using novel materials, such as EGaIn/PANI complex and cellulose nanocrystals, and regulating heat transfer through a dual-network hydrogel evaporator and water/ethylene glycol solvent. The engineered hydrogel exhibits excellent mechanical properties, photothermal conversion performance, and electrical characteristics, and achieves a high evaporation rate through the combination of broadband light absorption and the Benard-Marangoni effect. Additionally, the hydrogel possesses multiple sensory capabilities, skin-like function, and power generation.


Review Engineering, Environmental

Recent progress in solar photothermal steam technology for water purification and energy utilization

Chuanliang Chen et al.

Summary: Solar photothermal steam technology (SPST) has gained increasing attention for its potential in producing fresh water from various sources. This paper reviews the latest designs and applications of SPST, identifying the photothermal effect, rapid water supply, and rational thermal management as key factors for efficient SPST. It discusses the preparation methods of photothermal materials, analyzes the surface and structure of water supply materials, and explores strategies for optimizing these issues. Challenges and key issues facing SPST are also summarized.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Highly efficient and long-term stable solar-driven water purification through a rechargeable hydrogel evaporator

Jianhua Zhou et al.

Summary: A durable and rechargeable solar evaporator was demonstrated by integrating water-absorbing polyacrylamide hydrogels with light-harvesting carbon nanotubes. The hydrogel has a water storage capacity of 6 times its own weight and has reversible water uptake. The hydrogel with hydratable functional groups can form intermediate water with weak hydrogen bonds, reducing evaporation enthalpy. Without additional water supply, the 2D flat evaporator with the hydrogel achieved an evaporation rate of 3.03 kg m(-2) h(-1) under one sun irradiation. With net energy gain from the environment, the 3D cylindrical hydrogel achieved a high and stable evaporation rate of 4.85 kg m(-2) h(-1) under one sun irradiation. This rechargeable hydrogel can be easily recycled via swelling-evaporation, with outstanding evaporation rate suitable for long-term use, making it an ideal material for practical clean water production.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Molecular engineering of biomass-derived hybrid hydrogels for solar water purification

Ling Chen et al.

Summary: This study reports a cost-effective hybrid hydrogel for solar-driven multifunctional evaporator, which can efficiently produce clean freshwater from wastewater and has antibacterial, salt resistance and self-cleaning capabilities.


Article Environmental Sciences

Biomass hydrogels combined with carbon nanotubes for water purification via efficient and continuous solar-driven steam generation

Yuhao Jiang et al.

Summary: In this study, an environmentally friendly and economical solar evaporator was developed by integrating carbon nanotubes into a hydrogel network. The evaporator showed high solar absorption, good hydrophilicity, and effective prevention of salt crystallization. It achieved a high evaporation rate and removal efficiency of salt ions and dyes from seawater and wastewater.


Article Engineering, Environmental

3D-printed solar evaporator with seashell ornamentation-inspired structure for zero liquid discharge desalination

Shenghong Sun et al.

Summary: This study presents a spined groove-ridge pairs inspired by seashell ornamentation to address salt accumulation in solar-driven interfacial evaporation. The design enables high-performance water evaporation and localized crystallization, while enhancing salt resistance through salt reflux.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Water-Soluble and Degradable Gelatin/Polyaniline Assemblies with a High Photothermal Conversion Efficiency for pH-Switchable Precise Photothermal Therapy

Jia-Wei Li et al.

Summary: This study develops tumor pH-responsive PANI-Gel/Cu assemblies for targeted and precise ablation of tumors. By incorporating gelatin and the acid tumor microenvironment, the assemblies exhibit excellent dispersion and stability in biomedical applications, as well as enhanced photothermal therapy and photoacoustic signal amplification.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Recyclable physical hydrogels as durable and efficient solar-driven evaporators

Honglang Lu et al.

Summary: In this study, we developed a recyclable, durable, and efficient hydrogel evaporator by integrating poly(N-acryloyl glycina-mide), chitosan, and carbon nanotubes. The hydrogel exhibited high solar absorbance and exceptional solar-vapor conversion efficiency, making it suitable for desalination. Furthermore, the hydrogel could be recycled using a simple method without significantly affecting its performance.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Degradable and Recyclable Solar Desalination Membranes Based on Naturally Occurring Building Blocks

Ning Li et al.

Summary: This work presents a degradable and recyclable metal-phenolic network-based photo-thermal coating for solar steam generation. The coating, assembled from naturally occurring building blocks, achieves high evaporation rate and excellent steam generation efficiency. It can be rapidly degraded under acidic conditions and can be recoated and degraded multiple times while maintaining stable performance.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A robust starch-polyacrylamide hydrogel with scavenging energy harvesting capacity for efficient solar thermoelectricity-freshwater cogeneration

Xiaojiang Mu et al.

Summary: This article highlights the significance of utilizing solar energy to produce clean water and electricity simultaneously. It presents a thermoelectricity-freshwater cogenerator that utilizes a starch-polyacrylamide hydrogel and a thermoelectric generator to make the most of solar energy and scavenging energy. This innovative system achieves high efficiency and sustainability in harnessing solar and waste heat energy.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Porous polyvinyl alcohol/biochar hydrogel induced high yield solar steam generation and sustainable desalination

Jing Li et al.

Summary: In this study, polyvinyl alcohol/biochar hydrogels with different water/PVA ratio were fabricated as an effective solar-driven vapor generator. The hydrogels exhibited an openly porous structure, a solar absorber on the biochar interface, and thermal conduction, enabling fast and efficient vapor generation. The PBHs also showed excellent performance in salt rejection and wastewater purification.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

One-step biosynthesis of a bilayered graphene oxide embedded bacterial nanocellulose hydrogel for versatile photothermal membrane applications

Govindaraj Divyapriya et al.

Summary: This study introduces a facile one-step biosynthesis method for a bilayer structured hydrogel composed of reduced-graphene oxide (rGO) and bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) for various photothermal water treatment applications. The bilayer hydrogel was synthesized by modifying the BNC growth medium with an optimized concentration of corn steep liquor, which acted as a growth enhancer. The resulting rGO-BNC bilayer membrane showed comparable performance with ultrafiltration in terms of particle rejection and water flux, and also demonstrated efficient filtration, photothermal disinfection, and solar water evaporation.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Salting-in Effect of Zwitterionic Polymer Hydrogel Facilitates Atmospheric Water Harvesting

Sara Aleid et al.

Summary: This study discovers for the first time that the salting-in effect of a zwitterionic hydrogel can facilitate water vapor sorption by hygroscopic salt, leading to enhanced swelling capacity and performance of the sorbent. Experimental and theoretical calculations confirmed this salting-in effect. The study also demonstrated a solar energy-driven atmospheric water harvesting process using a photothermal component integrated into the sorbent.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Robust PEDOT:PSS-based hydrogel for highly efficient interfacial solar water purification

Qi Zhao et al.

Summary: This study presents a mechanically robust nanocomposite hydrogel with excellent evaporation performance, providing a new possibility for addressing water scarcity and pollution issues.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Recent advances and prospects of carbon dots in phototherapy

Baoling Li et al.

Summary: Carbon dots, as a novel zero-dimensional carbonaceous nanomaterial, have shown great potential in phototherapy as effective photosensitizers or photothermal agents for cancer treatment, and are expected to play an important role in phototheranostics.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Janus Polypyrrole Nanobelt@Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Evaporator for Robust Solar-Thermal Seawater Desalination and Sewage Purification

Xi Zhao et al.

Summary: This study successfully developed a novel solar evaporator with high efficiency and high evaporation rate, showcasing great salt resistance and contaminant purification performance suitable for seawater and sewage treatment. A portable solar-thermal purifier equipped with the evaporator has been designed, demonstrating potential for advanced clean water harvesting.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Biomimetic Hybridization of Janus-like Graphene Oxide into Hierarchical Porous Hydrogels for Improved Mechanical Properties and Efficient Solar Desalination Devices

Cheng Ma et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the assembly of light-absorbing hydrogels with a spongy structure and high toughness through strong interfacial interactions, enabling efficient solar-driven water evaporation. The hybrid hydrogel-based solar evaporator shows a high evaporation rate and efficiency, providing a new pathway for scalable and processable solar water purification devices.

ACS NANO (2021)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Ni-based Plasmonic/Magnetic Nanostructures as Efficient Light Absorbers for Steam Generation

Fan Yang et al.

Summary: The synthesis of Ni@C@SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles as promising light absorbers for high photothermal efficiency and evaporation rate is reported. Incorporating nanoparticles into a polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel can further enhance performance. Utilizing the magnetic property of the core-shell particles allows the creation of surface texture in a composite film, boosting the evaporation rate.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Flower-inspired bionic sodium alginate hydrogel evaporator enhancing solar desalination performance

Changkun Liu et al.

Summary: This study successfully prepared a flower-inspired bionic evaporator, which showed excellent evaporation rate and effective suppression of salt crystallization phenomenon. The 3D flower-shaped configuration of hydrogel tubes increased the effective evaporation area and accelerated the evaporation process.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Nanofibrous hydrogel-reduced graphene oxide membranes for effective solar-driven interfacial evaporation and desalination

Linlin Zang et al.

Summary: In this study, a hybrid nanofibrous hydrogel-reduced graphene oxide (NHrG) membrane was demonstrated, showing the presence of intermediate water in the porous membrane and its key role in lowering the vaporization enthalpy. The NHrG membrane exhibited highly efficient solar-driven interfacial evaporation with a high evaporation rate and energy conversion efficiency. Additionally, it showed excellent desalination performance in treating fresh seawater and removing salt and heavy metal ions.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Composite hydrogel-based photothermal self-pumping system with salt and bacteria resistance for super-efficient solar-powered water evaporation

Yaling Li et al.

Summary: The study introduces a novel smart 3D porous photothermal composite hydrogel for enhancing solar-powered water evaporation performance, which is controlled by a self-pumping system. It achieves a high water evaporation rate and resistance to fouling.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Metal-phenolic network coated cellulose foams for solar-driven clean water production

Yuan Zou et al.

Summary: Solar-driven water steam generation technology shows great potential for seawater desalination and wastewater purification. A metal-phenolic network-coated cellulose foam was developed, demonstrating high water evaporation rate and anti-oil-fouling ability. The foam's superb hydrophilicity and underwater lipophobicity enable efficient water steam generation even in oil-polluted seawater.


Article Materials Science, Composites

Enhanced solar steam generation of hydrogel composite with aligned channel and shape memory behavior

Jingxian He et al.

Summary: A novel acetylene black-doped dual-crosslinked hydrogel composite has been developed for solar steam generation, showing excellent light absorption and fast water transmission performance.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Interfacial Radiation-Absorbing Hydrogel Film for Efficient Thermal Utilization on Solar Evaporator Surfaces

Sen Meng et al.

Summary: Solar water purification technology utilizes hierarchically porous radiation-absorbing hydrogel film to significantly improve energy efficiency and achieve up to 95% evaporation efficiency. This technology is of great significance in controlling interfacial thermal energy.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Semiconductive, Flexible MnO2 NWs/Chitosan Hydrogels for Efficient Solar Steam Generation

Muhammad Sultan Irshad et al.

Summary: A novel solar-driven steam generator using semiconductor materials and chitosan has been designed, achieving efficient water evaporation and solar energy conversion, with excellent salt resistance and self-floating capabilities, as well as good performance in purifying industrial wastewater and oil-emulsified water.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Multifunctional Self-Healing Dual Network Hydrogels Constructed via Host-Guest Interaction and Dynamic Covalent Bond as Wearable Strain Sensors for Monitoring Human and Organ Motions

Xiong Liu et al.

Summary: Hydrogel-based flexible strain sensors have great potential in various applications such as body movement tracking and disease diagnosis. By utilizing dual network hydrogels, researchers have developed composite hydrogels with self-healing, biocompatibility, stretchability, and high sensitivity, which can be used for monitoring human motions and respiratory movements.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Bioinspired Elastic Hydrogel for Solar-Driven Water Purification

Xiaohui Xu et al.

Summary: Global demand for clean and safe water is increasing, necessitating sustainable innovations in water purification. A solar absorber gel (SAG) inspired by nature uses natural sunlight to purify water from contaminated sources.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Integrated multifunctional device based on Bi2S3/Pd: Localized heat channeling for efficient photothermic vaporization and real-time health monitoring

Xuemin Geng et al.

Summary: The study focuses on efficient solar steam generation using an innovative solar absorber and demonstrates outstanding performance in terms of light absorption and photothermal conversion. Additionally, the research showcases the capabilities of a solar thermoelectric generator coated with Bi2S3/Pd composite and a PAAH hydrogel for real-time sensing. Overall, the integrated system designed in this study offers new insights into the intelligent design of multifunctional devices.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Fully Biomass-Based Hybrid Hydrogel for Efficient Solar Desalination with Salt Self-Cleaning Property

Xiaojie Liu et al.

Summary: The study introduces a biomass-based GG/CI hydrogel evaporator using gellan gum and cuttlefish ink, demonstrating efficient freshwater generation and rapid salt self-cleaning behavior. Enhanced evaporation rate is achieved through photothermal conversion and vertical microchannels, offering a new approach for eco-friendly and sustainable freshwater production.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Surface Patterning of Two-Dimensional Nanostructure-Embedded Photothermal Hydrogels for High-Yield Solar Steam Generation

Yi Lu et al.

Summary: By utilizing the synergy of 2D nanostructure-embedded hydrogel evaporator and surface patterning, a high-yield solar steam generation method has been achieved to effectively mitigate the limitation of evaporation rate in seawater desalination, providing a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution to clean water shortages.

ACS NANO (2021)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Highly Salt-Resistant 3D Hydrogel Evaporator for Continuous Solar Desalination via Localized Crystallization

Lin Li et al.

Summary: The study presents a hydrogel-based 3D solar evaporator for high-salinity brine desalination through salt localized crystallization, showing excellent salt resistance and evaporation performance. This design holds significant potential in addressing the global freshwater crisis.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Molecular Engineering of Hydrogels for Rapid Water Disinfection and Sustainable Solar Vapor Generation

Youhong Guo et al.

Summary: This study introduces a novel antibacterial hydrogel that can efficiently disinfect water sources within a short period of time without the need for energy input, achieving over 99.999% disinfection efficiency. Additionally, the hydrogel exhibits excellent photothermal and biofouling-resistant properties, making it suitable for stable water purification as a solar evaporator under sunlight.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Rational Design of a High Performance and Robust Solar Evaporator via 3D-Printing Technology

Sourav Chaule et al.

Summary: This study addresses the issues of heat loss and salt accumulation in sea water desalination using the broad-band solar spectrum, with two cost-effective approaches. The design of a concave shaped supporter by 3D-printing and the use of a double layered photoabsorber significantly improve the efficiency and stability of the solar evaporator.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Sustainable self-cleaning evaporator for long-term solar desalination using gradient structure tailored hydrogel

Ting Xu et al.

Summary: The hydrogel evaporator with a three-layer structure demonstrates efficient water evaporation, salt resistance, and antibacterial properties for sustainable use in marine environments. It has the potential to be a practical solution for freshwater production in saltwater environments.


Article Energy & Fuels

A simple, flexible, and porous polypyrrole-wax gourd evaporator with excellent light absorption for efficient solar steam generation

Yuanlu Xu et al.

Summary: This study introduces a solar evaporation enhancement technology using a polypyrrole-wax gourd biomass evaporator with advantages such as superhydrophilic wettability, microporous channels, and high light absorption ability. The evaporator shows superior vapor generation capacity, stability, and durability under long-term usage and harsh conditions, along with outstanding wastewater purification and desalination performance. It offers a new strategy for developing novel biomass thermal evaporators for clean water production.


Article Chemistry, Physical

A scalable, cost-effective and salt-rejecting MoS2/SA@melamine foam for continuous solar steam generation

Juanxiu Xiao et al.

Summary: Solar steam generation is a promising strategy to address water shortage issues, but salt deposition in the evaporator is a challenge. A hybrid sponge has been developed to achieve efficient water evaporation under solar heat, with significant salt rejecting performance even in high salinity conditions. By carefully designing the evaporator structure, a sustainable and effective solar-thermal conversion efficiency is achieved.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Enhancing solar steam generation using a highly thermally conductive evaporator support

Yida Wang et al.

Summary: Interfacial solar steam generation is an efficient water evaporation technology with promising applications. Current designs using thermal-insulation support may hinder energy extraction in 3D evaporators. By using thermally conductive material instead of a thermal insulator, higher evaporation rates can be achieved.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Directional solution transfer of a 3D solar evaporator inhibiting salt crystallization

Ye Peng et al.

Summary: The novel 3D hydrogel evaporator prepared by a simple method showed excellent evaporation rate and long-term high-performance evaporation, solving the issue of salt crystallization.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Seawater desalination derived entirely from ocean biomass

Xiaojie Liu et al.

Summary: Solar-driven interfacial evaporation using a full ocean biomass-based evaporator composed of chitosan hydrogel and cuttlefish ink shows promising prospects for seawater desalination, with high evaporation rates achieved under solar irradiation. This environmentally friendly and sustainable evaporator offers a new possibility for efficient and stable solar evaporation with guaranteed water quality.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Sandwich hydrogel with confined plasmonic Cu/carbon cells for efficient solar water purification

Cheng Tian et al.

Summary: Designing a low-cost and efficient solar water purification technology is crucial. The sandwich hydrogel structure allows for high-efficiency solar water purification and evaporation, reducing solar absorber usage while maintaining high light-to-heat conversion efficiency, and simultaneously lowering heavy metal ion concentrations.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Harnessing synchronous photothermal and photocatalytic effects of cryptomelane-type MnO2 nanowires towards clean water production

Bolei Chen et al.

Summary: Solar energy is a major source of energy that has the potential to solve the water-energy nexus. Development in photothermal materials and photocatalysts has led to the fabrication of a solar steam generator that offers high-efficiency steaming and photocatalytic functions. By utilizing a cryptomelane-type MnO2 light absorber, the solar thermal efficiency reached up to 84% and an evaporation rate of 2.2 kg m(-2) h(-1) under one sun illumination. The dual-functional light absorber expands the utilization of solar energy in the device, showcasing promising applications for clean water production.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Engineering Hydrogels for Efficient Solar Desalination and Water Purification

Youhong Guo et al.

Summary: This article highlights the recent progress of hydrogels as a highly tunable material platform for solar-powered desalination and water purification. Strategies to promote efficient solar-to-vapor conversion are discussed, with emphasis on reducing water evaporation enthalpy, optimizing heat distribution, and tailoring the evaporation surface.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Biomass-Derived Hybrid Hydrogel Evaporators for Cost-Effective Solar Water Purification

Youhong Guo et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Accelerated solar steam generation for efficient ions removal

Changkun Liu et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Insights into the Photothermal Conversion of 2D MXene Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Mechanism, and Applications

Dingxin Xu et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Molybdenum Carbide/Carbon-Based Chitosan Hydrogel as an Effective Solar Water Evaporation Accelerator

Fang Yu et al.


Review Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Materials for solar-powered water evaporation

Fei Zhao et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Biomimetic MXene-Polyvinyl Alcohol Composite Hydrogel with Vertically Aligned Channels for Highly Efficient Solar Steam Generation

Yu Zhenchuan et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Hydrogels and Hydrogel-Derived Materials for Energy and Water Sustainability

Youhong Guo et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

E ffi cient catalysis of N doped NiS/NiS 2 heterogeneous structure

Hui Liu et al.


Review Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear

Supramolecular redox-responsive ferrocene hydrogels and microgels

Xiong Liu et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Highly Efficient Solar Evaporator Based On a Hydrophobic Association Hydrogel

Xiaoyu Zhang et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Topology-Controlled Hydration of Polymer Network in Hydrogels for Solar-Driven Wastewater Treatment

Xingyi Zhou et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Tailoring surface wetting states for ultrafast solar-driven water evaporation

Youhong Guo et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Melanin-Perovskite Composites for Photothermal Conversion

Kai Wang et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Hydrogels as an Emerging Material Platform for Solar Water Purification

Xingyi Zhou et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Quasimetallic Molybdenum Carbide-Based Flexible Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogels for Enhancing Solar Water Evaporation

Fang Yu et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Macroporous Double-Network Hydrogel for High-Efficiency Solar Steam Generation Under 1 sun Illumination

Xiangyu Yin et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A hydrogel-based antifouling solar evaporator for highly efficient water desalination

Xingyi Zhou et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Carbon-Based Photothermal Actuators

Bing Han et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

High-Performance Photothermal Conversion of Narrow-Bandgap Ti2O3 Nanoparticles

Juan Wang et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Interlayer-expanded MoS2

Kowsalya Devi Rasamani et al.