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Enhancing environmental quality in Portugal: can CO2 intensity of GDP and renewable energy consumption be the solution?

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Summary: Political institutions, especially democracy, play a significant role in shaping a country's environmental footprints. This empirical study investigates the impact of democracy on the ecological footprint (EF) in Pakistan, a country where strict policies have weakened democracy and climate change has had severe consequences. By employing the Augmented ARDL (AARDL) approach and considering population density, clean energy, and economic growth, the study finds a negative association between democracy and EF in the long run. The results also support the Environment Kuznets Curve hypothesis when democracy is taken into account. Additionally, the study highlights the mitigating impact of clean energy on EF and the exacerbating effect of population density. Furthermore, the study applies a causality test based on AARDL, revealing causal relationships between most regressors and EF. Detailed policy implications are provided as well.


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Summary: This research discusses the design of an SDG agenda for China and provides a model for other Asian nations. It explores the impact of technological innovation and renewable energy on CO2 emissions in China, taking into account factors such as economic growth and structural change. The findings reveal that innovation can enhance environmental quality by regulating the relationship between renewable energy and CO2 emissions.


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Summary: Developing countries face the challenge of maintaining environmental quality while experiencing economic growth. This study analyzes the impacts of energy usage, industrialization, GDP growth, and urbanization on CO2 emissions in 23 developing countries from 1995 to 2018. The results suggest that these factors have significant effects on CO2 emissions, and policy initiatives such as environmentally friendly industrialization and renewable energy adoption can contribute to environmentally sustainable GDP growth.


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Summary: In the 22 well-developed countries, CO2 emissions have been reducing despite positive economic growth. Renewable energy and export quality are found to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Positive stimuli of technological innovation decrease CO2 emissions, while the negative shocks or counter incentives increase CO2 emissions. Bidirectional causality is found between renewable energy and CO2 emissions, technological innovation and CO2 emissions, GDP and renewable energy, and renewable energy and technological innovation.


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Summary: This study empirically analyzes the impact of renewable energy, technological innovations, trade openness, and transport services on carbon emissions in Germany. The findings show that only renewable energy and technology have substantial effects in mitigating carbon emissions, while trade openness has a positive impact on carbon emissions. Transport services significantly contribute to carbon emissions in both the long-run and short-run periods, but there are some mitigating effects due to the transition to green transportation in the long-run.


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Carbon dioxide intensity of GDP and environmental degradation in an emerging country

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Summary: This paper investigates the impact of carbon dioxide intensity of GDP on environmental degradation in Turkey, and finds that a decrease in carbon dioxide intensity can reduce environmental degradation. Additionally, economic growth is the primary factor for environmental sustainability in Turkey.


Article Economics

Analyzing nonlinear impact of economic growth drivers on CO2 emissions: Designing an SDG framework for India

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Summary: The study finds that India's economic growth pattern relies on fossil fuel and imported crude oil, making it environmentally unsustainable. Import substitution is identified as the first step to address this issue, leading to the design of a comprehensive SDG framework based on the study's outcomes.


Article Environmental Sciences

Can CO2 emissiovns and energy consumption determine the economic performance of South Korea? A time series analysis

Tomiwa Sunday Adebayo et al.

Summary: The study reveals a long-term link between CO2 emissions and economic growth in South Korea, supporting the need for a shift towards renewable energy sources for sustainable development. The hypothesis that energy-induced growth is validated, with causality analysis showing a one-way link from energy consumption to GDP, emphasizing the importance of avoiding conservative energy policies to maintain economic progress.


Article Energy & Fuels

Determinants of carbon emissions in Argentina: The roles of renewable energy consumption and globalization

Li Yuping et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the dynamic effects of globalization, renewable energy consumption, non-renewable energy consumption, and economic growth on carbon-dioxide emission levels in Argentina. The findings suggest that renewable energy consumption and globalization can reduce emissions, while non-renewable energy consumption can increase emissions. Additionally, the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis was confirmed.


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Does Globalization Moderate the Effect of Economic Complexity on CO2 Emissions? Evidence From the Top 10 Energy Transition Economies

Kai He et al.

Summary: The study examines the effects of economic complexity, economic growth, renewable energy, and globalization on CO2 emissions, revealing that globalization and economic complexity can reduce carbon emissions while economic growth increases them.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Impact of renewable energy consumption, globalization, and technological innovation on environmental degradation in Japan: application of wavelet tools

Tomiwa Sunday Adebayo et al.

Summary: The study found that globalization, GDP growth, and technological innovation increase CO2 emissions in Japan, while renewable energy usage helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the short to medium term. Therefore, policymakers should effectively coordinate policies to curb environmental degradation in Japan.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impacts of human capital, exports, economic growth and energy consumption on CO2 emissions of a cross-sectionally dependent panel: Evidence from the newly industrialized countries (NICs)

Mohammad Mafizur Rahman et al.

Summary: This paper explores the impacts of economic growth, energy use, exports and human capital on the environmental quality of newly industrialised countries (NICs) over the period of 1979-2017. The study found in the long run, economic growth and human capital improved environmental quality, while energy consumption and exports deteriorated it. Energy consumption was found to have the highest impact on the environment.


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Munir Ahmad et al.

Summary: This study systematically investigates the heterogeneous dynamic causality among the intensity of energy use, land agglomeration, carbon dioxide emissions, and economic progress across the development levels in the Chinese economy. Key findings include the impacts of economic progress and land agglomeration on CO2 emissions varying across different regions of China. The study reveals that the development level matters in determining the links among the variables of interest.


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Break point estimation and spurious rejections with endogenous unit root tests

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