4.8 Article

Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus


Volume 7, Issue -, Pages -


DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12675




  1. National Cancer Institute (USA) [UM1 CA164920, CA 27469]
  2. National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia
  3. New South Wales Cancer Council
  4. Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (Australia)
  5. Victorian Breast Cancer Research Consortium
  6. Dutch Cancer Society [NKI 2007-3839, 2009 4363, RUL 1997-1505, DDHK 2004-3124, DDHK 2009-4318, NKI1998-1854, NKI2004-3088, NKI2007-3756]
  7. Breast Cancer Research Trust, UK
  8. Breakthrough Breast Cancer
  9. NHS
  10. National Cancer Research Network (NCRN)
  11. NIHR Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre
  12. Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
  13. King's College London, United Kingdom
  14. Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
  15. Dietmar-Hopp Foundation
  16. Helmholtz Society
  17. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
  18. Chief Physician Johan Boserup and Lise Boserup Fund
  19. Danish Medical Research Council
  20. Instituto de Salud Carlos III
  21. Red Tematica de Investigacion Cooperativa en Cancer
  22. Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer
  23. Fondo de Investigacion Sanitario [PI11/00923, PI12/00070]
  24. California Breast Cancer Act of 1993
  25. California Breast Cancer Research Fund [97-10500]
  26. National Institutes of Health [R01 CA77398, CA128978]
  27. California Department of Public Health
  28. Lon V Smith Foundation [LVS39420]
  29. Baden Wurttemberg Ministry of Science, Research and Arts
  30. Deutsche Krebshilfe [107 352]
  31. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Germany [01KW9975/5, 01KW9976/8, 01KW9977/0, 01KW0114, 01KH0402]
  32. Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart
  33. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ), Heidelberg
  34. Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine of the German Social Accident Insurance
  35. Institute of the Ruhr University Bochum (IPA), Bochum
  36. Department of Internal Medicine
  37. Evangelische Kliniken Bonn gGmbH
  38. Johanniter Krankenhaus, Bonn, Germany
  39. Helsinki University Central Hospital Research Fund
  40. Academy of Finland [266528, 250083, 122715]
  41. Finnish Cancer Society
  42. Nordic Cancer Union
  43. Sigrid Juselius Foundation
  44. Friends of Hannover Medical School
  45. Rudolf Bartling Foundation
  46. special Government Funding (EVO) of Kuopio University Hospital grants
  47. Cancer Fund of North Savo
  48. Finnish Cancer Organizations
  49. University of Eastern Finland
  50. National Breast Cancer Foundation
  51. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
  52. Queensland Cancer Fund
  53. Cancer Council of New South Wales, Victoria
  54. Cancer Council of New South Wales, Tasmania
  55. Cancer Council of New South Wales, South Australia
  56. Cancer Foundation of Western Australia
  57. United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command [DAMD17-01-1-0729]
  58. Cancer Council Victoria
  59. Cancer Council New South Wales
  60. Cancer Council South Australia
  61. Cancer Council Tasmania
  62. National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) [400413, 400281, 199600]
  63. California Breast Cancer Research Program [1RB-0287, 3PB-0102, 5PB-0018, 10PB-0098]
  64. California Department of Health
  65. National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program [N01CN25403]
  66. 'Stichting tegen Kanker' [232-2008, 196-2010]
  67. FWO
  68. Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V. [70-2892-BR I, 106332, 108253, 108419]
  69. Hamburg Cancer Society
  70. Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC)
  71. Italian citizens [5/1000]
  72. Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori
  73. Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation
  74. Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the 'CIHR Team in Familial Risks of Breast Cancer' program [CRN-87521]
  75. Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade [PSR-SIIRI-701]
  76. Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
  77. Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education [UM.C/HlR/MOHE/06]
  78. Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation (CARIF)
  79. Biomedical Research Council, Singapore [BMRC08/1/35/19/550]
  80. National medical Research Council, Singapore [NMRC/CG/SERI/2010]
  81. NIH [CA128978, R01CA100374, CA116167, CA176785, R01CA64277, R01CA148667, R37CA70867]
  82. Finnish Cancer Foundation
  83. Academy of Finland (Center of Excellence) [251314]
  84. University of Oulu
  85. University of Oulu Support Foundation
  86. special Governmental EVO funds
  87. Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure [BBMRI-NL CP16]
  88. Intramural Research Funds of the National Cancer Institute, Department of Health and Human Services, USA
  89. Marit and Hans Rausings Initiative Against Breast Cancer
  90. Agency for Science, Technology and Research of Singapore (AstarSTAR)
  91. US National Institute of Health (NIH)
  92. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
  93. Genetic Associations and Mechanisms in Oncology (GAME-ON) Network [U19 CA148065]
  94. Yorkshire Cancer Research [S295, S299, S305PA]
  95. Sheffield Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre
  96. Cancer Research UK [C490/A10124, C490/A6187, C490/A10119, C536/A13086, C536/A6689, C1287/A10118, C1287/A11990, C1287/A 10710, C12292/A11174, C1281/A12014, C5047/A8384, C5047/A15007, C5047/A10692, C8197/A16565]
  97. UK National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at the University of Cambridge
  98. NUS start-up Grant
  99. National University Cancer Institute Singapore (NCIS) Centre Grant
  100. NMRC Clinician Scientist Award
  101. Biomedical Research Council [05/1/21/19/425]
  102. DKFZ
  103. Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Breast Cancer [CA116201]
  104. Breast Cancer Research Foundation
  105. David F. and Margaret T. Grohne Family Foundation
  106. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group research grant [HR R_BG/04]
  107. Greek General Secretary for Research and Technology (GSRT) Program, Research Excellence II
  108. European Union (European Social Fund - ESF)
  109. Greek national funds through Operational Program 'Education and Lifelong Learning' of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - ARISTEIA
  110. Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
  111. American Cancer Society [CRTG-00-196-01-CCE]
  112. California Cancer Research Program [00-01389 V-20170, N01-CN25403, 2II0200]
  113. Canadian Institutes for Health Research [MOP-86727]
  114. Cancer Council Queensland
  115. Cancer Institute of New Jersey
  116. Celma Mastry Ovarian Cancer Foundation
  117. Danish Cancer Society [94-222-52]
  118. ELAN Program of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  119. Eve Appeal
  120. Helse Vest
  121. Imperial Experimental Cancer Research Centre [C1312/A15589]
  122. Norwegian Cancer Society
  123. Norwegian Research Council
  124. Ovarian Cancer Research Fund
  125. Nationaal Kankerplan of Belgium
  126. Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare of Japan
  127. L and S Milken Foundation
  128. Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education [4 PO5C 028 14, 2 PO5A 068 27]
  129. Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation
  130. Roswell Park Cancer Institute Alliance Foundation
  131. US National Cancer Institute [K07-CA095666, K07-CA143047, K22-CA138563, N01-CN55424, N01-PC067010, N01-PC035137, P01-CA017054, P01-CA087696, P30-CA15083, P50-CA105009, P50-CA136393, R01-CA014089, R01-CA016056, R01-CA017054, R01-CA049449, R01-CA050385, R01-CA054419, R01-CA058598, R01-CA058860, R01-CA061107, R01-CA061132, R01-CA063682, R01-CA064277, R01-CA067262, R01-CA071766, R01-CA074850, R01-CA076016, R01-CA080742, R01-CA080978, R01-CA083918, R01-CA087538, R01-CA092044, R01-095023, R01-CA106414, R01-CA122443, R01-CA112523, R01-CA114343, R01-CA126841, R01-CA136924, R01-CA149429, R03-CA113148, R03-CA115195, R37-CA070867, R37-CA70867, U01-CA069417, U01-CA071966, R01-CA063678]
  132. US National Cancer Institute (Intramural research funds)
  133. US Army Medical Research and Material Command [DAMD17-01-1-0729, DAMD17-98-1-8659, DAMD17-02-1-0666, DAMD17-02-10669, W81XWH-10-1-0280]
  134. National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia [400281, 199600]
  135. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany Programme of Clinical Biomedical Research [01 GB 9401]
  136. state of Baden-Wurttemberg through Medical Faculty of the University of Ulm [P.685]
  137. Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance
  138. Mayo Foundation
  139. Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
  140. Lon V. Smith Foundation [LVS-39420]
  141. Oak Foundation
  142. OHSU Foundation
  143. Mermaid I project
  144. Rudolf-Bartling Foundation
  145. UK National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centres at the University of Cambridge
  146. Imperial College London
  147. University College Hospital 'Womens Health Theme'
  148. Royal Marsden Hospital
  149. WorkSafeBC
  150. National Cancer Institute [UM1 CA164920, RC4CA153828]
  151. Lithuania (BFBOCC-LT): Research Council of Lithuania grant [LIG-07/2012]
  152. Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA)
  153. Morris and Horowitz Familes Endowed Professorship
  154. NEYE Foundation
  155. Spanish Association against Cancer [AECC08]
  156. RTICC [06/0020/1060]
  157. Mutua Madrilena Foundation (FMMA)
  158. City of Hope Clinical Cancer Genetics Community Network (COH-CCGCRN) [SAF2010-20493]
  159. Hereditary Cancer Research Registry
  160. Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health
  161. Cancer Research - UK [C1287/A10118, C12292/A11174]
  162. NHMRC Program Grant
  163. Greek national funds through Operational Program 'Education and Lifelong Learning' of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology: ARISTEIA
  164. European Social Fund
  165. NIHR grant
  166. Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
  167. University of Kansas Cancer Center [P30 CA168524]
  168. Kansas Bioscience Authority Eminent Scholar Program
  169. German Cancer Aid [109076]
  170. Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC)
  171. Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer
  172. Association 'Le cancer du sein, parlons-en!' Award
  173. Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the 'CIHR Team in Familial Risks of Breast Cancer' program
  174. French National Institute of Cancer (INCa)
  175. Non-Therapeutic Subject Registry Shared Resource at Georgetown University (NIH/NCI grant) [P30-CA051008]
  176. Fisher Center for Familial Cancer Research
  177. Swing Fore the Cure
  178. GOA grant (Ghent University) [BOF10/GOA/019]
  179. Ghent University Hospital
  180. ISCIII (Spain) [RD12/0036/0006, 12/00539]
  181. European Regional Development FEDER funds
  182. Helsinki University Hospital Research Fund
  183. Pink Ribbon grant [110005]
  184. BBMRI grant [NWO 184.021.007/CP46]
  185. Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry
  186. Dr Ellen Li Charitable Foundation
  187. Hungarian Research Grants [KTIA-OTKA CK-80745, OTKA K-112228]
  188. Norwegian EEA Financial Mechanism [Hu0115/NA/2008-3/OP-9]
  189. Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer, Spanish Health Research Fund
  190. Carlos III Health Institute
  191. Catalan Health Institute and Autonomous Government of Catalonia [ISCIIIRETIC RD06/0020/1051, RD12/0036/008, PI10/01422, PI10/00748, PI13/00285, PIE13/00022, 2009SGR290, 2014SGR364]
  192. Icelandic Association 'Walking for Breast Cancer Research'
  193. Landspitali University Hospital Research Fund
  194. Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance [019511]
  195. Ministero della Salute
  196. Istituto Oncologico Veneto grant
  197. Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro
  198. National RAMP
  199. D Program for Cancer Control, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, Republic of Korea [1020350]
  200. NCI Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Breast Cancer [CA116201, CA125183, R01 CA142996, 1U01CA161032]
  201. U.S. Department of Defence Ovarian Cancer Idea award [W81XWH-10-1-0341]
  202. MH CZ - DRO (MMCI) [00209805]
  203. European Regional Development Fund
  204. State Budget of the Czech Republic (RECAMO) [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101]
  205. Charles University in Prague project [UNCE204024]
  206. Robert and Kate Niehaus Clinical Cancer Genetics Initiative
  207. Andrew Sabin Research Fund
  208. Intramural Research Program of the US National Cancer Institute, NIH
  209. Westat, Inc, Rockville, MD [NO2-CP-11019-50, N02-CP-65504]
  210. Clalit Health Services in Israel
  211. Israel Cancer Association
  212. Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), NY
  213. Russian Federation for Basic Research [13-04-92613, 14-04-93959, 15-04-01744]
  214. NRG Oncology Statistical and Data Center [CA 37517]
  215. NRG Oncology's Cancer Prevention and Control Committee [CA 101165]
  216. Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
  217. ITT (Istituto Toscano Tumori)
  218. Isreal cancer association
  219. Swedish Cancer Society
  220. Ralph and Marion Falk Medical Research Trust
  221. Entertainment Industry Fund National Women's Cancer Research Alliance
  222. CRUK
  223. National Institutes of Health (NIH) [R01-CA102776, R01-CA083855]
  224. Susan G. Komen Foundation
  225. European Community's Seventh Framework Programme [223175, HEALTH-F2-2009-223175]
  226. Post-Cancer GWAS initiative (GAME-ON initiative) [1U19 CA148537, 1U19 CA148065, 1U19 CA148112]
  227. Department of Defence [W81XWH-10-1-0341]
  228. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for CIHR Team in Familial Risks of Breast Cancer
  229. Komen Foundation for the Cure
  230. [KULPFV/10/016-SymBioSysII]
  231. [P30 CA68485]
  232. [FISPI08/1120]
  233. [PBZ_KBN_122/P05/2004]
  234. Cancer Foundation Finland sr [150147, 110135] Funding Source: researchfish
  235. Cancer Research UK [20861, 10118, 12677, 11174, 16565, 16459, 16561] Funding Source: researchfish
  236. Medical Research Council [G0501974] Funding Source: researchfish
  237. National Breast Cancer Foundation [ECF-12-04, IF-12-06] Funding Source: researchfish
  238. Ovarian Cancer Action [OCA6] Funding Source: researchfish
  239. The Francis Crick Institute
  240. Cancer Research UK [10124] Funding Source: researchfish
  241. MRC [G0501974] Funding Source: UKRI
  242. Korea Health Promotion Institute [1020350] Funding Source: Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KISTI), National Science & Technology Information Service (NTIS)

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A locus at 19p13 is associated with breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Here we analyse 438 SNPs in this region in 46,451 BC and 15,438 OC cases, 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 73,444 controls and identify 13 candidate causal SNPs associated with serous OC (P = 9.2 x 10(-20)), ER-negative BC (P = 1.1 x 10(-13)), BRCA1-associated BC (P = 7.7 x 10(-16)) and triple negative BC (P-diff = 2 x 10(-5)). Genotype-gene expression associations are identified for candidate target genes ANKLE1 (P = 2 x 10(-3)) and ABHD8 (P<2 x 10(-3)). Chromosome conformation capture identifies interactions between four candidate SNPs and ABHD8, and luciferase assays indicate six risk alleles increased transactivation of the ADHD8 promoter. Targeted deletion of a region containing risk SNP rs56069439 in a putative enhancer induces ANKLE1 downregulation; and mRNA stability assays indicate functional effects for an ANKLE1 30-UTR SNP. Altogether, these data suggest that multiple SNPs at 19p13 regulate ABHD8 and perhaps ANKLE1 expression, and indicate common mechanisms underlying breast and ovarian cancer risk.


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