4.1 Letter

Disability Milestones and Death in Parkinson's Disease under Subthalamic Neurostimulation

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Clinical Neurology

Morbidity Milestones Demonstrate Long Disability-Free Survival in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus

Nils Schnalke et al.

Summary: A cross-sectional analysis of 115 patients with STN-DBS showed that in the first year of the surgery, motor function improved while nonmotor symptoms and cognition remained stable. The occurrence of morbidity milestones led to worsening motor function, cognition, and HRQoL, and reduced survival time. Overall, PD patients with STN-DBS have a longer disease duration and delayed occurrence of morbidity milestones.


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How Does Deep Brain Stimulation Change the Course of Parkinson's Disease?

Philipp Mahlknecht et al.

Summary: A robust body of evidence has established the efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in reducing off time and dyskinesias in levodopa-treated patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). However, the long-term impact of DBS on the overall progression of disability in PD is less clear.


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Has Deep Brain Stimulation Changed the Very Long-Term Outcome of Parkinson's Disease? A Controlled Longitudinal Study

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