4.6 Article

Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection for Rare-Class Network Attacks

Related references

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On IoT intrusion detection based on data augmentation for enhancing learning on unbalanced samples

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Summary: This article proposes an intrusion detection method for the IoT based on Improved Conditional Variational Autoencoder (ICVAE) and Borderline Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (BSM). Experimental results show that the proposed method can more effectively improve the accuracy of IoT attack detection under the condition of unbalanced samples.


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Intrusion detection method based on imbalanced learning classification

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The Cross-Evaluation of Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems

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Summary: Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) with supervised Machine Learning (ML) is difficult due to the need for labeled data. We propose using existing labeled data for cross-evaluations of ML-NIDS to discover unknown qualities. We introduce the first cross-evaluation model and framework, demonstrating the potential and risks of cross-evaluations.


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Effective network intrusion detection via representation learning: A Denoising AutoEncoder approach

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Summary: This study introduces a semi-supervised intrusion detection framework that combines unsupervised and supervised techniques to address the lack of labeled network traffic. By using unsupervised pre-training and DNN classifier training, it achieves efficient intrusion detection and outperforms other competitive methods.


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Comparative research on network intrusion detection methods based on machine learning

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Summary: This paper systematically reviews the application literature of machine learning algorithms in network intrusion detection over the past decade, and compares the performance of different algorithms through experiments on various datasets. The results show that ensemble learning algorithms generally perform better, while Naive Bayes algorithm excels in dealing with new types of attacks. The performance of deep learning algorithms in this experiment is not particularly remarkable, but is influenced by factors such as structure and hyperparameters.


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Network Intrusion Detection Based on Dynamic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

Jialiang Xie et al.

Summary: This article proposes a network intrusion-detection algorithm based on dynamic intuitionistic fuzzy sets, which can effectively detect and analyze abnormal network behavior. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other algorithms in terms of classification performance on classic network intrusion datasets.


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An efficient intrusion detection system for MQTT-IoT using enhanced chaotic salp swarm algorithm and LightGBM

C. Prajisha et al.

Summary: This paper proposes an efficient intrusion detection mechanism for MQTT-IoT networks using an enhanced chaotic salp swarm optimization algorithm (ECSSA) and LightGBM classifier. Experimental results show that the proposed mechanism improves the overall accuracy rate and outperforms existing approaches in several test sets.


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Industrial IoT Intrusion Detection via Evolutionary Cost-Sensitive Learning and Fog Computing

Akbar Telikani et al.

Summary: Cyber attacks and intrusions pose significant barriers to the adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (HoT) in critical industries. Researchers have introduced the EvolCostDeep model to address the problem of imbalanced data distribution in HoT environments, and have designed the DeepIDSFog framework to improve the scalability of HoT IDSs.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

KDE-Based Ensemble Learning for Imbalanced Data

Firuz Kamalov et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a novel ensemble classification method that deals with imbalanced data by training each tree in the ensemble using uniquely generated synthetically balanced data. Data balancing is achieved through kernel density estimation, resulting in a lower variance of the model estimator. The proposed classifier significantly outperforms benchmark methods in various datasets.


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Machine and Deep Learning Solutions for Intrusion Detection and Prevention in IoTs: A Survey

P. L. S. Jayalaxmi et al.

Summary: The increasing number of connected devices in the era of IoT has led to an increase in intrusions. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) are important for developing security models, but there is a lack of coherence and advancements in existing models. Our survey presents a risk factor analysis and proposes a hybrid framework for an efficient security model for intrusion detection and/or prevention. We emphasize the importance of AI-based techniques, particularly Machine Learning and Deep Learning, for IoT security systems.


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Kumar Saurabh et al.

Summary: The proliferation of IoT devices in various sectors has led to a surge in botnet attacks, posing a threat to IoT security. To address this issue, a semi-supervised deep learning approach using SGAN for IoT botnet detection has been proposed and proven to be more accurate and efficient than existing supervised solutions.


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Qasem Abu Al-Haija et al.

Summary: In this paper, we propose an ensemble learning model called ELBA-IoT for botnet attack detection in IoT networks. The experimental results demonstrate that ELBA-IoT can detect botnet attacks with high accuracy and low overhead, outperforming other state-of-the-art techniques.


Article Computer Science, Theory & Methods

GAN augmentation to deal with imbalance in imaging-based intrusion detection

Giuseppina Andresini et al.

Summary: This paper presents a deep learning methodology for binary classification of network traffic by representing network flows as 2D images and using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The GAN is trained to generate new images of unforeseen network attacks to augment training data for a CNN-based intrusion detection model, leading to better predictive accuracy.


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