4.7 Article

Vegetation restoration altered the soil organic carbon composition and favoured its stability in a Robinia pseudoacacia plantation

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
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Summary: Increasing phosphorus inputs have significant effects on soil carbon cycling and storage, but the mechanisms behind how phosphorus drives the regulation of soil organic carbon by plants and microbes are unclear. This study found that continuous phosphorus addition reduced fine root biomass and decreased plant lignin contribution to soil organic carbon. However, phosphorus addition increased microbial necromass contribution to soil organic carbon. Overall, phosphorus addition in the study area influenced the composition of soil organic carbon through changes in plant- and microbial-derived carbon contributions, but did not affect its physical and chemical stability.


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Summary: To predict and mitigate changes in soil carbon stocks, understanding the factors regulating soil organic matter formation and persistence is crucial. Recent studies have emphasized the dominance of microbial-derived organic matter inputs, but others have challenged this view, suggesting larger contributions from plants. However, methodological limitations introduce uncertainty into quantifying plant- and microbial-derived SOM. It is important to re-evaluate methods, define their limitations, and improve quantification strategies.


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Nitrogen availability and mineral particles contributed fungal necromass to the newly formed stable carbon pool in the alpine areas of Southwest China

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Summary: Nitrogen addition can enhance soil carbon storage, but the regulation of nitrogen availability on new carbon sequestration and microbial mechanisms in different forest soils remains poorly understood. In this study, the effects of nitrogen addition on the distribution of newly formed carbon in different organic carbon fractions and microbial necromass were investigated. The results show that nitrogen addition decreased the newly formed carbon but increased the microbial necromass, suggesting the importance of soil mineral particles in regulating the contribution of fungal necromass to a new stable carbon pool.


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Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Climatic and edaphic controls over the elevational pattern of microbial necromass in subtropical forests

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The accumulation of microbial necromass carbon from litter to mineral soil and its contribution to soil organic carbon sequestration

Baorong Wang et al.

Summary: The study revealed the important role of microbial necromass in soil organic carbon accumulation, showing variations in quantities from litter to mineral soil influenced by soluble nutrients.

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Tradeoffs among microbial life history strategies influence the fate of microbial residues in subtropical forest soils

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