4.7 Article

Psychedelics: Threshold of a Therapeutic Revolution

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Article Neurosciences

Psychedelics: Science sabotaged by Social Media

Edward M. Sellers et al.

Summary: The challenges of developing high and low dose psychedelic drugs for regulatory approval have been discussed in the scientific literature, but drug developers and social media continue to mislead patients, the public, and health professionals. Developing micro doses of psychedelics could overcome many of the scientific and regulatory challenges. If micro-dosing is proven to be effective and safe for long-term use, it could provide a cost-effective alternative to high dose psychotherapy for mental disorders. Outpatient psychotherapeutic agents may have a clearer path to approval and may have different therapeutic roles for high and low dose psychedelic drugs.


Article Neurosciences

Preclinical perspectives on the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic actions of psilocybin in psychiatric disorders

Andreas B. Wulff et al.

Summary: Psychedelic compounds have shown great potential in treating a wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as treatment-resistant depression. This review examines the preclinical models and experimental approaches used to study the neurobiological actions of these drugs, and explores the possible mechanisms underlying their therapeutic effects, including receptor binding and activation of signaling cascades. It also discusses potential biological processes that may be altered by psychedelics to produce lasting symptom improvement.


Article Neurosciences

National Institutes of Health psilocybin research speaker series: State of the science, regulatory and policy landscape, research gaps, and opportunities

Dan Xi et al.

Summary: The U.S. NIH organized the first ever speaker series on psychedelic drug substances, called the NIH Psilocybin Research Speaker Series, from April 22 to June 10, 2021. This series aimed to provide evidence-based scientific information, evaluate the current state of research, assess regulatory and policy landscape, and identify future research needs. The highlights of lectures and discussions by 26 distinguished experts formed the basis of this Neuropharmacology Special Issue.


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Special considerations for evaluating psilocybin-facilitated psychotherapy in vulnerable populations

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Summary: Psilocybin-facilitated psychotherapy has the potential to be effective for a range of mental health conditions in vulnerable populations. However, there is a lack of research in this area. This report highlights the challenges and opportunities of evaluating this therapy in vulnerable populations and provides actionable recommendations for future research.


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Policy considerations that support equitable access to responsible, accountable, safe, and ethical uses of psychedelic medicines

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Summary: There is growing evidence that psychedelic and entactogen medicines, when used with proper psychosocial support, can provide safe, rapid and significant clinical improvements with long-lasting effects. Regulatory changes are also increasing access to legal or decriminalized psychedelic use outside of medical settings. This review discusses the historical use of these medicines, the current empirical evidence, and important policy considerations to ensure responsible and safe use in various contexts.


Article Neurosciences

Novel ethical and policy issues in psychiatric uses of psychedelic substances

William R. Smith et al.

Summary: Classic psychedelics and related substances have promising initial research results, but they raise novel ethical and policy challenges due to their psychoactive properties, emergence from unregulated underground settings, rapid commercialization, and the shifting from Schedule 1 status to legalized use.


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Psychedelics as preventive treatment in headache and chronic pain disordersAfrikaans

Emmanuelle A. D. Schindler

Summary: The effects of psychedelic drugs in headache and chronic pain disorders have been studied for several decades, and evidence suggests that these drugs may have lasting therapeutic benefits. However, more research is needed to understand the mechanisms of action and safety of psychedelics in treating these conditions.


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Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to treat psychiatric and existential distress in life-threatening medical illnesses and palliative care

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Summary: Psychiatric and existential distress are common in advanced cancer and other serious medical illnesses. Current treatments are limited in effectiveness, and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy shows promise as a novel intervention. Further research is needed to evaluate its effectiveness and mechanisms of action.


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Psychedelic drug abuse potential assessment research for new drug applications and Controlled Substances Act scheduling

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Summary: This article discusses the development of new medicines containing classic hallucinogens and entactogenic psychedelics, and their classification and regulations under the US CSA. The article also explores the impact of abuse-related research on drug approval, labeling, and risk assessment, as well as the challenges in conducting abuse potential studies for substances with strong hallucinogenic effects.