4.4 Editorial Material

Advances in metallogeny and tectonics of the Eastern Tethyan Realm: Introduction

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
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Summary: In this study, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis was used to determine the distribution and occurrence of trace elements in sulfide minerals of the Dengjiashan deposit. The results revealed significant variations in trace element enrichment among different sulfides. Based on the trace element content, ratio, and principal component analysis of sphalerite and pyrite, it was suggested that the deposit formed in a medium-temperature environment. Comparative analysis of trace elements from multiple deposits of different origins, combined with the geological characteristics and distribution of sulfide trace elements, indicated that Dengjiashan is a sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX)-type deposit. This study provides important insights into the formation process and trace element distribution of the Dengjiashan deposit and can contribute to future metal prospecting and exploration efforts.


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Multiple Tethyan ocean basins and orogenic belts in Asia

Ian Metcalfe

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The copper polymetallic deposits and resource potential in the Tibet Plateau

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Triassic alkaline magmatism and mineralization in the Xiong'ershan area, East Qinling, China

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Earth history: A journey in time and space from base to top

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