4.7 Review

Methods of soil sampling for microplastic analysis: a review

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Environmental Sciences

Abundance, spatial distribution, and characteristics of microplastics in agricultural soils and their relationship with contributing factors

Muhammad Amjad Khan et al.

Summary: This paper investigates the contamination of microplastics (MPs) in the agricultural soil of Hainan Island, China. The study finds that plastic mulching and farming practices are the main contributors to soil MPs contamination, while social and environmental factors promote the fragmentation of soil MPs. The results of this study suggest a serious contamination of MPs in the agro-ecosystem of Hainan Island, posing a concern for ecological and environmental safety.


Article Environmental Sciences

Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in coastal plain soils under three land-use types

De Bi et al.

Summary: Microplastic pollution is a significant environmental concern on the east coast of China, with farmland showing the highest abundance due to high population density and agricultural activities.


Article Environmental Sciences

Pollution and Distribution of Microplastics in Grassland Soils of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China

Sumei Li et al.

Summary: In this study, 22 soil samples were collected from Qinghai Province, and microplastics (MPs) were detected in all samples. Various types, shapes, sizes, and colors of MPs were observed, with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as the dominant polymer. MPs ranging from 10-50 μm accounted for 50% of all identified MPs, and pellets were the dominant shape. Colored MPs made up 64% of all MPs. This study reveals the presence of large quantities of MPs in grassland soils, including remote areas, and provides a reference for further studies on terrestrial MPs.

TOXICS (2023)

Article Environmental Sciences

Effects of land use on the distribution of soil microplastics in the Lihe River watershed, China

Yifei Qiu et al.

Summary: Soil contamination by microplastics (MPs) varies among different land use types, with urban areas having the highest abundance of MPs. The distribution and community compositions of MPs in soil are significantly different among land use types. The geographic distance, woodlands, and freshwater sediments are potential sinks for MPs in the Lihe River watershed. Soil properties such as clay content, pH, and bulk density are significantly correlated with MP abundance and fragment shape. Human activities, particularly population density and Total-Point of Interest (POI), play a vital role in exacerbating soil MP pollution. Plastic waste is a major source of MPs in urban, tea garden, dryland, and paddy field soils.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Microplastic sources, formation, toxicity and remediation: a review

Ahmed I. Osman et al.

Summary: Microplastic pollution is a growing concern for human health as microplastics have been found in various ecosystems. This review discusses the sources, formation, occurrence, toxicity, and remediation methods of microplastics. It highlights the distinction between ocean-based and land-based sources, and the impact of microplastic exposure on human health and the aquatic ecosystem.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Are bioplastics an ecofriendly alternative to fossil fuel plastics?

Wajid Ali et al.

Summary: More than 390 million tons of fossil fuel plastics have been produced in 2022, causing major health issues and environmental pollution. Bioplastics are considered as a promising alternative due to their carbon neutrality and biodegradability, but technical and cost limitations prevent them from fully substituting fossil fuel plastics.


Review Environmental Sciences

Microplastics in agricultural soils in China: Sources, impacts and solutions

Kuok Ho Daniel Tang

Summary: The detection of microplastics in agricultural soils in China has raised concerns due to their potential impacts on agricultural production. This review provides a summary of the abundance, sources, and impacts of microplastics in the country's agricultural soils, as well as sustainable agronomic practices to mitigate their pollution. The study found that microplastics were present in varying amounts, with the highest concentration observed in Yunnan Province. Plastic mulching films were identified as the major source of microplastics in agricultural soils, followed by abandoned greenhouses and the use of organic fertilizers containing microplastics. The presence of microplastics in soils was found to alter soil properties and affect soil biota, as well as impact crop growth and nutrient demands. Sustainable solutions proposed include the use of organic mulches, proper decommissioning of abandoned greenhouses, and setting standards for allowable microplastics contents in fertilizers and irrigation water.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Microplastic contamination in groundwater on a volcanic Jeju Island of Korea

Young-In Kim et al.


Review Engineering, Environmental

Microplastics may increase the environmental risks of Cd via promoting Cd uptake by plants: A meta-analysis

Fengyu Huang et al.

Summary: Microplastics (MPs) and cadmium (Cd) have a detrimental impact on plant growth and Cd accumulation in soil-plant systems. MPs negatively affect shoot and root biomass, while promoting Cd uptake. Polyethylene has the strongest effect on Cd accumulation. MPs also lead to an increase in soil available Cd concentration and a decrease in soil pH. Moreover, MPs inhibit photosynthesis and enhance oxidative damage to plants. Overall, this study provides insights into the combined impacts of Cd and MPs on plants and offers guidelines for sustainable use of MPs in agriculture.


Review Environmental Sciences

Critical assessment of approach towards estimation of microplastics in environmental matrices

Deep Raj et al.

Summary: This review compares the global data on microplastics (MPs) concentration in various environmental matrices and discusses the methods used for their estimation and identification. Previous studies have mainly relied on microscopic observation and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, which may introduce errors in the estimation process. Newer techniques such as thermogravimetric analysis-FTIR spectroscopy, Raman microspectroscopy, optical photothermal infrared, and pyrolysis/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry are being used to improve the accuracy of MPs identification and quantification.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics contamination and characteristics of agricultural groundwater in Haean Basin of Korea

Jihye Cha et al.

Summary: This study examines the occurrence and distribution of microplastics (MPs) in groundwater from an agricultural area in the Haean Basin, Korea, without any definite source of pollution. The study identifies various types of plastic particles and reveals a strong positive correlation between MPs and groundwater use.


Article Environmental Sciences

Distribution characteristics of microplastics in soil of Loess Plateau in northwest China and their relationship with land use type

Mengwei Zhang et al.

Summary: This study investigated the distribution characteristics of microplastics (MPs) in different land use types in the Loess Plateau region. The study found that MPs had a high abundance in the region, with black, small size, and fragment MPs being dominant. Cultivated land had the highest average abundance, while grassland had the lowest. Human activities were the main source of MPs in cultivated land and construction land, while atmospheric deposition was more likely in woodland and grassland. The study also found that sunlight exposure and human activities could cause MPs to break down, but trees in woodland could slow down the breakage process.


Article Agronomy

Plastic film mulching significantly boosts crop production and water use efficiency but not evapotranspiration in China

Liangang Xiao et al.

Summary: Plastic film mulching technology plays a critical role in improving crop production, water use efficiency, and farmer's income in China. It also has important implications for other developing regions in overcoming food shortages.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics (MPs) distribution in Surface Sediments of the Freidounkenar Paddy Wetland

Negar Ashjar et al.

Summary: There is a pressing need for research on the distribution of microplastics in wetlands, as these ecosystems of special ecological value are under threat from the growing use of plastic. This study examines the occurrence of microplastics in the surface sediment of the Freidounkenar International Wetland in Northern Iran, an important habitat for migratory birds. The researchers found a total of 1368 microplastics per kilogram in the surface sediments, with the highest concentrations near agricultural fields, agroecosystems for birds, fishing areas, and roads. The dominant types of microplastics were fibers, white-transparent, and black-grey particles.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics in plateau agricultural areas: Spatial changes reveal their source and distribution characteristics*

Yang Zhou et al.

Summary: The Huangshui catchment on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was studied to investigate the abundance, distribution characteristics, and influencing factors of microplastics (MPs) in surface agricultural soils. The results showed that MPs were present in soil with levels ranging from 6 to 444 items/kg, and smaller-sized MPs were more abundant than larger-sized MPs. The main source of MPs was residual mulching film in farmland. The spatial distribution analysis revealed higher MP abundance in agricultural soils in neighboring urban areas. Human activities, population density, and irrigation were found to play a key role in MP pollution, while the direct effects of soil properties on MP abundance remain unclear.


Article Environmental Sciences

The spatial distribution of microplastics in topsoils of an urban environment-Coimbra city case-study

I. A. Leitao et al.

Summary: Microplastics, due to their widespread distribution and evident impact on the environment and human health, have become a global concern. However, little research has been conducted on the occurrence of microplastics in urban soils. This study evaluates microplastic contamination in urban soils in Coimbra city, Portugal, and finds that natural land use areas may contain higher levels of microplastics compared to artificial land use areas.


Review Environmental Sciences

The forgotten impacts of plastic contamination on terrestrial micro- and mesofauna: A call for research

Elaheh Daghighi et al.

Summary: The contamination of microplastics and nanoplastics in the terrestrial environment is a growing concern globally, and it is believed to impact soil biota, particularly the micro and mesofauna community, through various processes that may contribute to global change in terrestrial systems. Soils act as a long-term reservoir for microplastics, accumulating these contaminants and increasing their detrimental effects on soil ecosystems. Consequently, microplastic pollution affects the entire terrestrial ecosystem, posing a potential threat to human health through their transfer in the soil food web. Ingestion of microplastics by soil micro and mesofauna can adversely affect their development and reproduction, thus impacting terrestrial ecosystems. However, the effects of microplastics on terrestrial micro and mesofauna have been largely overlooked. This review provides the most recent information on the overlooked impacts of microplastic contamination on microfauna and mesofauna communities (protists, tardigrades, soil rotifers, nematodes, collembola, and mites) in the soil.


Review Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

A review on effects of microplastics on animal, environment and human health considering One Health perspective

Jin-Yong Lee et al.

Summary: One Health emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health, recognizing that they are not separate entities but influence each other. The global spread of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China in 2019 has highlighted the close relationship between animal and human health, calling for a holistic approach that considers their interaction with the ecosystem. Zoonotic diseases, medical antibiotics, drugs, and microplastics have adverse effects on animal and ecosystem health, in addition to human health. This article examines the impacts of microplastics as an emerging contaminant on animals, humans, and the environment, aiming to provide a foundation for future mitigation measures.


Review Environmental Sciences

Role of soil microplastic pollution in climate change

Rogers Wainkwa Chia et al.

Summary: In recent years, there has been increasing global attention to environmental pollution caused by microplastic and climate change. However, previous studies have primarily investigated these two issues separately, despite the cause-and-effect relationship between them. This study systematically analyzes the causal effect of soil microplastic pollution on greenhouse gas emissions and its indirect contribution to climate change. Further research is needed to investigate the underlying mechanisms and gather practical field-scale data.


Review Chemistry, Analytical

Distribution, sources, transportation and biodegradation of microplastics in the soil environment

Yizheng Li et al.

Summary: In recent years, there has been growing concern over the prevalence and accumulation of microplastics (MPs) in the soil environment due to their resistance to degradation and long-term ecological impacts. However, there is still a lack of critical reviews on the ecological effects and effective remediation methods of MPs in soil compared to aquatic ecosystems. This review summarizes the distribution characteristics, sources, transportation, and identification techniques of MPs in soil, as well as the interactions between MPs contamination and soil ecosystems. It also discusses the effects and degradation mechanisms of different organisms on MPs degradation, highlighting the potential breakthrough of transforming enzyme stability and performance through computer protein design. This review provides guidance for further exploration of feasible approaches and advanced remediation strategies for MPs contamination in the future.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Microplastics in agricultural soil: Polystyrene fragments inhibit soil microbial and enzymatic activities but promote nutrient concentration of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

Segun O. Oladele et al.

Summary: The disintegration and fragmentation of plastics into microplastics and their transport into agricultural soils can harm soil health and crop growth. This study investigated the ecotoxicity impact of polystyrene microplastics (PS-MPs) on soil quality indicators and the growth of cowpea plants. The results showed that PS-MPs negatively affected microbial biomass and enzymatic activities but increased soil respiration and microbial stress. However, cowpea plants showed neutral or positive responses to PS-MPs, with increased nutrient concentrations at low concentrations. Overall, PS-MPs have short-term ecotoxicity effects on soil quality but may not always negatively impact certain C3 plant species.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Identification, characterization, and implications of microplastics in soil-A case study of Bhopal, central India

Surya Singh et al.

Summary: Microplastic contamination is a new challenge for the global scientific community and public. The wide use of plastics has increased their production which leads to poor recycling and waste management. A study in Bhopal, India found microplastics in soil samples, with a total of 752.5 ± 6.36 particles collected. The presence of microplastics in the area could lead to contamination in nearby wetlands, national parks, and groundwater, highlighting the need for further research in the region.


Article Environmental Sciences

Soil microplastic pollution under different land uses in tropics, southwestern China

Guorui Xu et al.

Summary: The study revealed the distribution characteristics and environmental risks of soil microplastics in tropical areas. The major sources of soil microplastics were identified as anthropogenic and atmospheric transport, with higher abundance in artificial ecosystems compared to natural ecosystems. Banana plantations showed the highest microplastic abundance, while rubber plantations and secondary/primary forests had lower levels of microplastics.


Article Environmental Sciences

Separation of microplastic from soil by centrifugation and its application to agricultural soil

Guido Grause et al.

Summary: A protocol utilizing Fenton oxidation, centrifugation, fluorescence microscopy, and image processing for the detection and quantification of microplastics was developed. Testing on agricultural soil near a contaminated site revealed the extent of microplastic pollution in the soil.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastic occurrence in urban and industrial soils of Ahvaz metropolis: A city with a sustained record of air pollution

Mohammad Javad Nematollahi et al.

Summary: This study investigates the concentration, distribution, fate, and chemical composition of microplastics in urban and industrial soils in Ahvaz, Iran. The study found higher concentrations of microplastics in urban soils, particularly in the city center, which may be attributed to insufficient sanitation infrastructure and high traffic loads. Microplastics were found in various shapes, colors, and sizes, with microfibers being the most abundant. The dominant polymers in the microplastics were polyethylene terephthalate and nylon, which could originate from textiles and tires.


Article Environmental Sciences

Hazardous contaminants in plastics contained in compost and agricultural soil

Costanza Scopetani et al.

Summary: This study investigated the occurrence of macro-, meso-, and microplastic in compost and their transfer of hazardous contaminants to compost and soil. The results showed that compost application is a significant source of plastic pollution in agricultural fields and that plastic can transfer hazardous contaminants to soil.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Current status and future perspectives of microplastic pollution in typical cryospheric regions

Yulan Zhang et al.

Summary: The cryosphere refers to the frozen areas on Earth, including snow and ice, which are being increasingly polluted by microplastics. This review highlights the distribution, transport pathways, and differences in microplastics found in snow and ice across cryospheric regions. It emphasizes the urgent need for improved standard procedures in sampling, pretreatment, and identification of microplastics. The study suggests that sea ice and atmospheric transport play important roles in the temporal storage and release of microplastics, while non-polar cryospheric regions may serve as important receptors of microplastics from mid-latitude emissions, posing potential climate risks.


Article Environmental Sciences

Soil contamination by microplastics in relation to local agricultural development as revealed by FTIR, ICP-MS and pyrolysis-GC/MS

Khawla Chouchene et al.

Summary: Plastic film mulching and use of wastewaters for irrigation are common agricultural practices in Tunisia, which have led to the contamination of farmland soil by microplastics. A study in the Moknine province found that the predominant type of microplastics in the soil is polypropylene, and these microplastics also carry a wide range of heavy metals, indicating soil contamination.


Article Environmental Sciences

Macro- and microplastic accumulation in soil after 32 years of plastic film mulching

Shitong Li et al.

Summary: Plastic film mulch is an agricultural technology that significantly increases agricultural production but also leads to severe plastic pollution. This study found a considerable accumulation of macro- and micro-plastics in soil after 32 years of continuous plastic mulch film use in an agricultural field. The long-term use of plastic film mulch not only causes surface pollution but also contamination in deep soil layers, making removal and remediation challenging.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics in arid soils: Impact of different cropping systems (Altay, Xinjiang)

Hao Liu et al.

Summary: Although microplastic pollution in the soil environment is an important research topic, few studies have focused on farmland soil in arid regions. This study investigated the influences of different cropping characteristics and agricultural practices on microplastic abundances, sizes, polymer compositions, and forms in farmland soil. The findings suggest that different cropping characteristics can affect the abundance and fragmentation of microplastics in agricultural soils, even within the same region, and thus the level and type of microplastic pollution.


Review Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Activities of Microplastics (MPs) in Agricultural Soil: A Review of MPs Pollution from the Perspective of Agricultural Ecosystems

Tianyue Jin et al.

Summary: This review summarizes the origins, migration, and fate of microplastics in agricultural soils, discusses the interaction between microplastics and the components in farmland, and explores the impacts on ecosystems. It also highlights the effects on farmland ecosystem function, including agricultural product supply, food chain pathways, carbon deposition, nitrogen cycling, and soil and water conservation.


Article Environmental Sciences

Field studies on the deterioration of microplastic films from ultra-thin compostable bags in soil

Cesare Accinelli et al.

Summary: A study conducted in Italy at three different locations found that the deterioration of compostable film microplastics (CFMPs) in field soil was minimal, but significantly increased when industrial compost was used. The recovered CFMPs were mainly associated with the soil fungus Aspergillus flavus, with a significant increase in the presence of CFMPs when industrial compost was applied. This observation provides evidence for government regulation of CFMP accumulation and the elevation of hazardous fungi levels in agricultural soils.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Land-use patterns determine the distribution of soil microplastics in typical agricultural areas on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

Zhang Haixin et al.

Summary: Land-use patterns have a significant impact on the abundance of soil microplastics in agricultural areas of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The abundance of microplastics in grassland and farmland soils is positively correlated with precipitation and ground temperature, and negatively correlated with average wind speed. The abundance of microplastics in particles smaller than 1 mm and pellet-shaped microplastics is positively correlated with soil organic carbon. Overall, land-use patterns are the most important factor influencing the abundance of soil microplastics.


Article Engineering, Multidisciplinary

Development of a low-cost method for quantifying microplastics in soils and compost using near-infrared spectroscopy

L. Wander et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates a method for the low-level mass quantification of microplastics using near-infrared spectroscopy combined with a simple and rapid microplastic enrichment protocol. The method was optimized and successfully used to identify and quantify microplastics in the mass range of 1-10 mg.


Editorial Material Environmental Sciences

Comment on the paper Microplastic contamination of an unconfined groundwater aquifer in Victoria, Australia

Jihye Cha et al.

Summary: This paper comments on several important issues of an original paper published in this journal. The original paper used plastic materials for groundwater sampling and evaluated their potential contamination. To accurately and reliably analyze the presence of microplastics in groundwater, non-plastic equipment should be used at every step of the method, and larger volumes of groundwater samples should be collected. Additionally, the original paper computed Pearson correlation coefficients without conducting a normality test.


Article Environmental Sciences

The occurrence and effect of altitude on microplastics distribution in agricultural soils of Qinghai Province, northwest China

Mengfan Lang et al.

Summary: Microplastics (MPs) are a new type of environmental pollutant that has been widely detected in agricultural soils in Qinghai Province, China. The main sources of MPs were found to be mulching film and sewage irrigation, with a negative correlation between altitude and MPs abundance. This study revealed the distribution characteristics and sources of MPs in agricultural ecosystems, providing an important theoretical basis for further research.


Article Soil Science

Impact of anthropogenic pollution on soil properties in and around a town in Eastern India

Arpita Sarkar et al.

Summary: Urbanization leads to significant changes in terrestrial ecosystems, resulting in soil degradation and pollution. The study in Eastern India found high levels of microplastics in urban soils, along with heavy metal contamination, indicating the severity of soil pollution in small urban settlements due to unmanaged human activities.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Comparison of Microplastic Characteristics in Mulched and Greenhouse Soils of a Major Agriculture Area, Korea

Rogers Wainkwa Chia et al.

Summary: This study is the first to compare the abundance and distribution of microplastics in greenhouse and plastic mulch soils. The results showed no significant difference in soil microplastic contamination between the greenhouse and mulching sites.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics in the environment: Recent developments in characteristic, occurrence, identification and ecological risk

A. K. Priya et al.

Summary: Microplastics are persistent pollutants that are causing significant concerns for environmental health. The current state of knowledge regarding the characteristics, occurrences, and potential impact of microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems is incomplete. This study aims to review existing knowledge and scientific publications on the occurrences of microplastics in the environment, their fate and mobility, and their consequences. The review provides detailed information on the occurrences, features, and origins of microplastics in oceans, freshwater, sediments, soils, and the atmosphere, as well as data on their environmental toxicity, bioavailability, and bioaccumulation.


Editorial Material Environmental Sciences

Comment on the paper 'Soil microplastic pollution under different land uses in tropics, southwestern China'

Rogers Wainkwa Chia et al.

Summary: This article critically examines the weaknesses of a recent research paper on soil microplastic pollution in southwestern China. The authors failed to report essential details such as equipment used for soil sampling, the use of field blank samples, and misnaming a soil layer. Furthermore, the choice of filter paper and the omission of statistical analysis package and data set checks undermine the credibility of the research. Additionally, the reliability of the instruments used for sorting microplastic-like materials was called into question.


Article Environmental Sciences

Different functional areas and human activities significantly affect the occurrence and characteristics of microplastics in soils of the Xi'an metropolitan area

Hao Chen et al.

Summary: This study found that soil in the Xi'an metropolitan area is polluted by MPs, with Xi'an city having more severe pollution than the other two cities. Industrial and tourist areas, with frequent industrial and human activities, showed the worst MPs pollution. Residential areas and some commercial areas far from pollution sources had lower pollution levels and a more uniform distribution of MPs.


Review Environmental Sciences

Microplastic pollution in soils, plants, and animals: A review of distributions, effects and potential mechanisms

Xiao Chang et al.

Summary: Increasing production of synthetic plastics and poor management of plastic wastes have led to a significant increase in the amount of plastics in the environment. Marine plastic waste pollution has been listed as one of the top 10 pressing environmental issues. Microplastics (MPs) as a recognized pollutant have attracted attention from the public and governments. Studies have shown that MPs have negative effects on the environment and organisms.


Review Environmental Sciences

A review of microplastics in soil: Occurrence, analytical methods, combined contamination and risks

Zhiqin Zhang et al.

Summary: This paper reviews the main sources and spatial distribution heterogeneity of microplastics (MPs) pollution in soils, summarizes the analytical methods for soil MPs, and highlights the combined contamination of MPs with complex chemical contaminants and the associated risks to soil, plants, the food chain, and humans. The study provides a theoretical reference for understanding the separation of soil MPs and their ecological risk as pollution carriers.


Review Environmental Sciences

Soil health and microplastics: a review of the impacts of microplastic contamination on soil properties

Rogers Wainkwa Chia et al.

Summary: The presence of microplastics in soil is increasing globally. However, the effects of soil microplastic contamination on soil health indicators vary. It can either increase or decrease the trend of physicochemical and biological soil properties, and in some cases, it has no impact. The alteration of soil health properties by microplastics is influenced by factors such as microplastic concentrations, types, soil mechanics, and microorganisms.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastic characteristic in the soil across the Tibetan Plateau

Ling Yang et al.

Summary: This study systematically investigated microplastic pollution in the soil across the Tibetan Plateau and found that microplastics were ubiquitous but relatively low in abundance in this region. Fibers were the predominant type of microplastics, followed by transparent and white microplastics. Higher levels of microplastic pollution were found near cities, areas with lower wind velocity, higher altitude, and higher precipitation. These findings provide valuable insights for future research on the ecological impacts of microplastics on terrestrial ecosystems.


Review Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Current status of researches on microplastics in groundwater and perspectives

Jin-Yong Lee et al.

Summary: Plastic production and consumption are increasing, causing severe environmental problems. Microplastics, as a new contaminant, pose a threat to natural ecosystems and human health. However, little research has been done on microplastics in groundwater systems.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics in urban soils of Nanjing in eastern China: Occurrence, relationships, and sources

Yujie Zhou et al.

Summary: This study investigated the abundance and composition of microplastics in urban soil in Nanjing, China, and found that fibers and fragments were the main components of microplastics in the soil. The study identified primary factors affecting microplastic abundance and composition and identified five potential sources of microplastics. The findings provide novel insights for quantitative source appointment and regional ecological control of microplastics in urban soil.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Vertically co-distributed vanadium and microplastics drive distinct microbial community composition and assembly in soil

Weiwen Yin et al.

Summary: This study investigated the distribution of vanadium (V) and microplastics in soil at a V smelting site and their effects on microbial community dynamics and assembly. The results showed that both V and microplastics were present in the soil profile, with different microbial community compositions in the topsoil and subsoil. V and microplastics had direct impacts on the microbial structure in the topsoil and indirect influences in the subsoil. Deterministic processes were more prevalent in community assembly in the topsoil, while stochastic processes governed the subsoil. The interspecific relationship was closer in the topsoil with greater network complexity and higher modularity.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Errors and recommended practices that should be identified to reduce suspected concentrations of microplastics in soil and groundwater: A review

Rogers Wainkwa Chia et al.

Summary: Many studies on microplastics have focused on marine environment, but studies on soil and groundwater microplastic contamination are recently emerging. However, a number of errors have been found in these studies, including sample quantity, quality assurance and equipment used, microplastic identification, and microplastic classification. Recommendations are provided to address these errors, such as using blank soil samples and metallic filters, using statistical software packages and verifying statistical prerequisite laws, and using stereo microscopes in conjunction with Raman or FTIR spectroscopy for microplastic identification in soils and groundwater.


Article Environmental Sciences

A comparative study on the distribution behavior of microplastics through FT-IR analysis on different land uses in agricultural soils

Seon Yeong Park et al.

Summary: Plastic materials have been exposed to arable land for decades, leading to the proliferation of microplastics that can further accumulate in living organisms and disperse in neighboring environments. However, little is known about their origin and fate in agriculture, especially with a size below 100 μm.


Article Soil Science

Plastics in soil description and surveys - practical considerations and field guide

Collin J. Weber

Summary: This paper highlights the negative effects of plastics on soil distribution and functions and proposes a more comprehensive approach for describing plastics in soils. By introducing a new classification method and a field guide, plastic residues are included in soil description and the potential issues and limitations during the description and extraction processes are discussed. This is important for enabling soil scientists to describe plastic residues in soils simply, comparably, and in accordance with existing standards in the future.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Innovations in analytical methods to assess the occurrence of microplastics in soil

Carolina N. Perez et al.

Summary: This review comprehensively summarizes the emerging techniques and state-of-the-art methods for extracting, analyzing, and characterizing microplastics (MPs) in soil. A wide range of concentrations of MPs in soil has been observed globally, mainly limited to China. The review also addresses the validation of analytical methods, quality assurance/quality control procedures, and recommendations for future research.


Review Environmental Sciences

Microplastics in agricultural soils: sources, effects, and their fate

Lili Tian et al.

Summary: This review article summarizes the sources, characteristics, and environmental fate of microplastics in agricultural soils. It also highlights the effects of microplastics on soil fauna and plants in agricultural soils. Furthermore, future research directions are proposed to address current research gaps.


Article Environmental Sciences

Effect of plastic film mulching on the distribution of plastic residues in agricultural fields

Vinoth M. Kumar et al.

Summary: In this study, plastic residues were found in four regions of Tamil Nadu, India, with the highest distribution in Sulur. The mulching practice did not affect the dehydrogenase enzyme activity of the rhizosphere soil. Plastic debris was mainly in the form of films in the study area.


Article Environmental Sciences

Influences of different source microplastics with different particle sizes and application rates on soil properties and growth of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.)

Min Yang et al.

Summary: The experiment revealed that the application of microplastics can affect soil enzyme activity, plant growth, and leaf nutrient concentrations. The effects of microplastics varied depending on their type and particle size, indicating that the overaccumulation of microplastics in agriculture may pose an ecological risk and negatively impact agricultural sustainability and food safety.


Article Soil Science

Optimal soil sampling design based on the maxvol algorithm

Anna Petrovskaia et al.

Summary: Spatial soil sampling is crucial for describing spatial variability in soil properties. Optimal experiments can reduce costs and select sample locations with significant dissimilarities. The maxvol algorithm-based sampling design outperforms popular methods in soil taxa prediction.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics occurrence and frequency in soils under different land uses on a regional scale

Fabio Corradini et al.

Summary: This study reveals the presence of microplastic pollution in soils under different land uses in the central valley of Chile, with agricultural activities being a potential major source. Contrary to common belief, the distance to mining operations, roads, or urban areas did not increase the microplastic particles count.


Article Environmental Sciences

A temporal record of microplastic pollution in Mediterranean seagrass soils

Martin Dahl et al.

Summary: The study found a significant increase in microplastic contamination and accumulation in seagrass soil since the mid-1970s, with the highest accumulation rate in Roquetas where intense agricultural industry is present. This indicates a direct correlation between anthropogenic activities, plastic use, and plastic pollution in coastal marine ecosystems.


Article Soil Science

Soil sampling strategy in areas of difficult acess using the cLHS method

Nathalie Cruz Sena et al.

Summary: The study introduces a method for selecting soil sampling points based on cLHS, which aims to reduce accessibility issues and provide a more flexible field sampling strategy by utilizing multivariate distribution of environmental variables.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Simply Applicable Method for Microplastics Determination in Environmental Samples

Urska Sunta et al.

Summary: Microplastics and their identification methods have been widely researched in marine environments, but there is a lack of studies on their presence in soil environments. This study proposes a new method for the determination of commonly present polymer MPs in environmental samples using headspace-solid phase microextraction followed by GC-MS.Identification of compounds formed during melting process allows for successful application in complex matrices such as soil and algae biomass.


Article Environmental Sciences

Comparative study of three sampling methods for microplastics analysis in seawater

Yifan Zheng et al.

Summary: Three commonly used sampling methods for microplastic collection were studied, showing orders of magnitude difference in abundance across the methods. Polymer types and proportions of microplastics collected also varied between the methods. Trawling method had higher sampling efficiency but weaker stability compared to other methods.


Article Soil Science

Fine grinding is needed to maintain the high accuracy of mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for soil property estimation

Nuwan K. Wijewardane et al.

Summary: This study focused on investigating the necessity of fine grinding in mid-infrared diffuse reflectance (MIR) soil spectroscopy and comparing model performance with and without fine grinding for eight soil properties using different modeling techniques. The results showed that fine grinding is important for ensuring the best MIR spectroscopic model performance.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Effects of marine pollution, climate, and tidal range on biomass and sediment organic carbon in Chinese mangrove forests

Gang Wang et al.

Summary: The study investigated the effects of climate, tidal range, and marine pollution on the spatial patterns of biomass and sediment organic carbon in China's mangrove forests. It was found that these factors play a crucial role in regulating the latitudinal variations in biomass and carbon content. Additionally, heavy metal pollution and suspended solid concentration were found to negatively impact carbon storage in the mangrove ecosystems.

CATENA (2021)

Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Microplastic pollution in soil and groundwater: a review

Rogers Wainkwa Chia et al.

Summary: This article provides an overview of the sources, shapes, impacts, and mitigation strategies of microplastics in soil and groundwater, emphasizing the harmful effects on human health and the environment.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Plastics in the Earth system

Aron Stubbins et al.

Summary: Plastic pollution has become a global issue, prompting us to consider plastics as emergent geomaterials never before seen in Earth's history. With high carbon content, plastics can rival natural organic carbon in some ecosystems, prompting geochemists to include plastics in their analyses to expedite understanding of plastics in the Earth system. Furthermore, plastics can serve as global-scale tracers to advance Earth system science.

SCIENCE (2021)

Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Development Goals, and Need to Focus on Circular Economy and Policy Interventions

Rakesh Kumar et al.

Summary: Plastic pollution is a widespread issue in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, leading to significant concerns for all life forms. The management of plastic waste presents a challenging problem that requires interdisciplinary approaches and global collaboration to address.


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