4.6 Article

The future ahead gas sensing with two-dimensional materials

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
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Review of recent progress on graphene-based composite gas sensors

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Summary: Graphene is considered a promising gas sensing material due to its high specific surface area and good conductivity. Recent studies have shown that graphene-based gas sensors doped with metals, polymers, and metal oxides exhibit good sensitivity, selectivity, and repeatability. Possible improvement methods and common problems characteristic of graphene-based gas sensors are discussed in this review.


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Sensing by Surface Work Function Modulation: High Performance Gas Sensing using van der Waals Stacked Bipolar Junction Transistor

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Summary: A new sensing principle based on the change of surface work function induced by various impacts has been proposed and demonstrated. Gas sensing devices using van der Waals stacked 2D atomic crystals have been fabricated to detect NH3 and NO2 gases selectively. The devices show superior sensing performances in terms of sensitivity, power dissipation, response and recovery time.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Operando Surface Spectroscopy and Microscopy during Catalytic Reactions: From Clusters via Nanoparticles to Meso-Scale Aggregates

Guenther Rupprechter

Summary: Operando characterization of catalysts is essential for identifying the relevant structure, composition, and adsorbed species, often achieved through techniques such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. Combining experimental results with density functional theory allows for thorough interpretation. Understanding restructuring, surface composition alterations, and metal/oxide interface effects on catalytic performance is crucial for rational design and improvement.

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Strain and Spin-Orbit Coupling Engineering in Twisted WS2/Graphene Heterobilayer

Cyrine Ernandes et al.

Summary: Researchers investigated the band structure of WS2/graphene heterobilayer for various twist angles and found that strain quantitatively affects electronic features of WS2 monolayers, including the spin-orbit coupling strength. They demonstrated that the WS2 spin-orbit splitting can be tuned by strain, showing potential for controlling the band dispersion of van der Waals materials.


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Gas sensing materials roadmap

Huaping Wang et al.

Summary: Gas sensor technology is widely utilized in various fields and continuous efforts are made to improve selectivity, sensitivity, and power consumption. Research has focused on the sensing layer, with emerging materials like nanocomposites and two-dimensional materials gaining interest. This roadmap aims to discuss the current status, progress, and challenges in gas sensing materials for future applications.


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Transfer of large-scale two-dimensional semiconductors: challenges and developments

Adam J. Watson et al.

Summary: Two-dimensional materials provide opportunities for exploring fundamental science and applications at atomic thickness limits. The family of 2D semiconductors, particularly the group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), have attracted attention for their potential in high on-off ratio transistors and optoelectronic devices. Methods for transferring 2D films, especially those grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), are crucial for further investigation and improvement of device performance.


Review Physics, Applied

Recent progress on 2D magnets: Fundamental mechanism, structural design and modification

Xue Jiang et al.

Summary: This review summarizes the recent progress on 2D magnets, focusing on magnetic exchange interaction, databases, and modification strategies. It presents various types of 2D magnetic materials and their interaction mechanisms.


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Recent advances in low-dimensional Janus materials: theoretical and simulation perspectives

Wen-Jin Yin et al.

Summary: Low-dimensional Janus transition metal chalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted increasing attention due to their peculiar properties, such as tunable electronic band gaps and coexistence of various effects. Experimental and theoretical studies have shown that these properties originate from the breaking of mirror asymmetry in the Janus TMD structure. Despite substantial research, there is currently a lack of comprehensive overview of the theoretical and computational advances in this field.


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Reduction of the Measurement Time of a Chemiresistive Gas Sensor Using Transient Analysis and the Cantor Pairing Function

Srinivasulu Kanaparthi et al.

Summary: A method was presented to quickly measure the concentration of CH4 at room temperature in just 30 seconds by analyzing the sensor's response at different fixed time intervals after gas exposure and mapping them to gas concentration for rapid measurement. This approach can be used in various applications where fast quantification of gas is essential.


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Advances in understanding the gas sensing mechanisms by in situ and operando spectroscopy

Aditya Sharma et al.

Summary: This review provides insights into the comprehensive understanding of gas sensor mechanisms, including the physicochemical properties of sensing materials and their interaction with analyte gas molecules. It discusses the proposed models for chemiresistive gas sensing mechanisms, the use of in situ and operando spectroscopic techniques to gain fundamental working principles, and the recent developments in spectroscopic techniques to understand electronic structure and surface chemistry associated with gas molecules adsorption. The combination of spectroscopic and electrical characterization methods from in situ and operando studies offers key insights for the design of superior gas sensor devices.


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Emerging oxidized and defective phases in low-dimensional CrCl3

Dario Mastrippolito et al.

Summary: Research on mechanically exfoliated CrCl3 flakes reveals that they spontaneously oxidize upon air exposure, forming an ordered oxidized structure on the surface and chromium oxide at the edges, with thermal stability up to 200 degrees C. The electronic structures of pure monolayer CrCl3 are insulating, while oxidized and defective phases show spin-polarized states and modifications in the band structures.


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Xiaohua Li et al.

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Ingvild J. T. Jensen et al.

Summary: In this study, the effect of charge transfer on the doping levels in MoS2 upon exposure to NOx gas was directly observed using scanning photoelectron microscopy (SPEM) on a monolayer MoS2 transistor. The results showed a downward shift in the Fermi level position, indicating that NOx gas made the MoS2 channel less n-type.


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Magnetic gas sensing: working principles and recent developments

Pratik Shinde et al.

Summary: Gas sensors work by translating gas adsorption effects on active materials into detectable signals, with magnetic gas sensors showing promise in addressing issues with chemical selectivity and sensitivity to humidity and high temperatures. However, challenges remain in modifying the magnetic properties of materials when exposed to gas molecules.


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Mauro Och et al.

Summary: Van der Waals atomically thin magnetic materials have been discovered recently and have potential for spin-based device properties, data storage, and communication devices. To understand magnetism in two dimensions, synthesis of 2D materials with precise thickness control over large areas is necessary. Ongoing research focuses on synthesis methods for these materials, challenges related to 2D magnets, and potential advancements in scalable production.


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Selective Hydrogen Adsorption in Graphene Rotated Bilayers

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Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

2D Metal Chalcogenide Nanopatterns by Block Copolymer Lithography

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Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and Metal Oxide Hybrids for Gas Sensing

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Defect Functionalization of MoS2 nanostructures as toxic gas sensors: A review

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Two-Dimensional Atomic-Layered Alloy Junctions for High Performance Wearable Chemical Sensor

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Response to NO2 and other gases of resistive chemically exfoliated MoS2-based gas sensors

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Charge-transfer-based Gas Sensing Using Atomic-layer MoS2

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Graphene oxide for gas detection under standard humidity conditions

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Sensing Behavior of Atomically Thin-Layered MoS2 Transistors

Dattatray J. Late et al.

ACS NANO (2013)

Article Chemistry, Physical

Tunable sulfur desorption in exfoliated MoS2 by means of thermal annealing in ultra-high vacuum

M. Donarelli et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Graphene Oxide as a Practical Solution to High Sensitivity Gas Sensing

Stefano Prezioso et al.


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Van der Waals heterostructures

A. K. Geim et al.

NATURE (2013)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Optical Identification of Single- and Few-Layer MoS2 Sheets

Hai Li et al.

SMALL (2012)

Article Chemistry, Physical

Detection of individual gas molecules adsorbed on graphene

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Graphene sensor achieves ultimate sensitivity

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Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Atom-resolved imaging of dynamic shape changes in supported copper nanocrystals

PL Hansen et al.

SCIENCE (2002)