4.7 Article

Decarbonization blueprints for developing countries: The role of energy productivity, renewable energy, and financial development in environmental improvement

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Do financial development, economic growth, energy consumption, and trade openness contribute to increase carbon emission in Pakistan? An insight based on ARDL bound testing approach

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Summary: This study investigates the influence of financial development, economic growth, trade openness, non-renewable and renewable energy utilization on carbon dioxide (CO2) emission in Pakistan. The findings indicate that financial development and renewable energy penetration have a positive impact on environmental quality, while economic growth, non-renewable energy utilization, and trade openness lead to environmental degradation. The short-run estimate shows that non-renewable energy utilization and trade openness negatively affect environmental quality, whereas renewable energy is beneficial. The study also reveals a unidirectional Granger causality relationship from economic growth, trade openness, and energy utilization to carbon emission in Pakistan.


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Summary: This study examines the role of ICT, financial development, trade openness, and fossil fuel energy in the rising level of ecological footprints in Pakistan. The findings show that financial development, ICT, and fossil fuels have significant predictive power for ecological footprint, demonstrating asymmetric predictability over ecological distribution. Furthermore, ICT and financial development found a significant interaction when it pertains to predicting country pollution levels.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

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Summary: This study investigates the impacts of real income, renewable energy consumption, and their interaction effect on carbon emissions in low-income countries. The results show that renewable energy reduces emissions, but the interaction effect remains positive. Policymakers should promote the adoption and use of renewable energy to mitigate carbon emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

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Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

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Summary: The impact of clean energy consumption on CO2 emissions in France, as the third largest European economy, from 1987 to 2019 was analyzed. The study found that clean energy consumption does not contribute to emissions reduction in the long run, while economic policy uncertainty poses a threat to environmental sustainability by increasing emissions levels. Economic growth boosts CO2 emissions, while urbanization supports environmental quality.


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Summary: Accurate measurement of carbon emissions is crucial for climate strategy, and this study investigates the impact of globalization and renewable energy utilization on consumption-based carbon emissions in MINT countries. The findings suggest that economic growth and nonrenewable energy use contribute to environmental degradation, while globalization and renewable energy utilization help to mitigate it.

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Global perspectives on environmental kuznets curve: A bibliometric review

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Summary: This study utilizes bibliometric analysis and data visualization techniques to empirically determine the tendencies and patterns in the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) literature, as well as explore the intellectual structure, construct development, evolution, collaborations, and research clusters within the EKC research domain. Most studies in the EKC domain focus on developing regions facing the dual challenge of growth and environmental sustainability, and the study categorizes the EKC knowledge domain into major research areas for further exploration.


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Realization of Paris Agreement pledges may limit warming just below 2 °C

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Summary: Over the past five years, many countries have submitted their new or updated mitigation goals for 2030, with some also making longer-term pledges. A study suggests that if all these pledges are fully implemented and on time, warming can be kept just below 2 degrees Celsius. However, achieving this goal will require urgent and significant emission reductions in this decade, leading to global net-zero CO2 emissions by the mid-century.

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Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The role of renewable energy and urbanization towards greenhouse gas emission in top Asian countries: Evidence from advance panel estimations

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Summary: This paper investigates the impact of clean energy, urbanization, and economic growth on greenhouse gas emissions in ten Asian States from 1995 to 2018 using a cross-sectional autoregressive distributed lagged (CS-ARDL) model. The study finds that clean energy and GDP(2) play a constructive role in reducing GHG emissions, while urbanization and economic growth contribute to increased emissions. The findings have policy implications for energy economics and environmental sustainability.


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Summary: The global outbreak of COVID-19 has had a significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions and the environment, resulting in lower CO2 levels and reduced GHG emissions. Through a systematic review of scientific literature, the study compares GHG emissions data from different periods and discusses the impacts of COVID-19 on the global economy and energy.


Article Economics

Financial development, renewable energy and CO2 emission in G7 countries: New evidence from non-linear and asymmetric analysis

Deyi Xu et al.

Summary: The G7 countries have been facing challenges in achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 13 and 7 due to financialization issues and implementation problems with renewable energy generation. This study analyzes the nonlinear and asymmetric effects of financial development and renewable energy generation on carbon emissions, and proposes an SDG-oriented policy framework.


Article Environmental Studies

The role of renewable energy and natural resources for sustainable agriculture in ASEAN countries: Do carbon emissions and deforestation affect agriculture productivity?

Ritika Chopra et al.

Summary: This paper examines the impact of carbon emissions, deforestation, renewable energy consumption, natural resources, and regional integration on agricultural productivity in the ASEAN countries. The study finds that environmental degradation and deforestation reduce agricultural productivity in the region, while the use of renewable energy sources positively contributes to the agricultural sector. Regional integration among ASEAN members does not boost agricultural productivity. The study provides policy recommendations for ASEAN economies to improve the environmental performance of agriculture and achieve the SDGs by 2030.


Article Economics

Examining the heterogeneity of financial development in the energy-environment nexus in the era of climate change: Novel evidence around the world

Hai Hong Trinh et al.

Summary: This paper sheds light on the nexus among renewable energy consumption, energy efficiency, and financial development (FD) in mitigating climate change risk using a novel panel data of 180 countries worldwide over the last three decades. The study presents the linkages between renewable energy consumption, energy efficiency, and FD in mitigating carbon risk, and tests the multidimensional functionality of the energy-environment nexus with several sub-proxies of FD across the globe. The results provide critical policy implications for sustainable energy transition, environment, and green growth.


Article Energy & Fuels

The role of clean energy, fossil fuel consumption and trade openness for carbon neutrality in China

Binlin Li et al.

Summary: This study explores the relationships between CO2 emissions, real GDP, clean energy, fossil fuel consumption, and trade openness in China from 1992 to 2020. The findings confirm the existence of long-term equilibrium cointegration and support the validity of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). The study highlights the positive impact of clean energy consumption on environmental quality and suggests reinforcing environmental policies and encouraging clean energy use to achieve carbon neutrality.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Re-visiting the Environmental Kuznets curve for ASEAN: A comparison between ecological footprint and carbon dioxide emissions

Mohd Arshad Ansari

Summary: This study reexamines the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis in ASEAN countries between 1991 and 2016, comparing two different environmental proxies. The empirical findings suggest that the 'inverted U-shaped hypothesis' is valid when using ecological footprint as an environmental proxy, but not when using CO2 emissions. Additionally, non-renewable energy consumption has a positive effect on environmental pollution, while renewable energy consumption reduces pollution. The study also identifies a unidirectional causality between economic growth and environmental degradation, as well as a bidirectional relationship between non-renewable energy consumption and ecological footprint.


Article Environmental Studies

The effects of globalization, energy consumption and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions in South Asian countries

Muhammad Bilal Khan et al.

Summary: This study reveals a significant deterioration in environmental quality in the South Asian region, with countries like Bangladesh having a significant impact on CO2 emissions. Additionally, the study confirms the EKC hypothesis.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Financial Instability and Consumption-based Carbon Emission in E-7 Countries: The Role of Trade and Economic Growth

Adnan Safi et al.

Summary: The study focuses on the impact of financial instability, technological innovation, international trade, and economic growth on consumption-based carbon emission in Emerging Seven countries from 1995 to 2018. The results show that imports and economic growth increase carbon emission, while financial instability, technological innovation, and exports significantly reduce consumption-based carbon emission. Policymakers are advised to implement financial reforms that promote environmentally friendly technologies to reduce carbon emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The effects of trade openness on decoupling carbon emissions from economic growth e Evidence from 182 countries

Qiang Wang et al.

Summary: The study found that trade openness decreased carbon emissions in high-income and upper-middle-income countries, had no significant impact on lower-middle-income countries, and increased carbon emissions in low-income countries. This suggests that trade openness has a positive impact on decoupling economic growth from carbon emissions in rich countries, but has a negative impact on poor countries.


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Evaluation of energy resilience and adaptation policies: An energy efficiency analysis

Luigi Aldieri et al.

Summary: This paper examines the impact of environmental innovation on energy efficiency, finding that knowledge spillovers from environmental innovation can reduce inefficiency in economies, enhancing their resilience to transitioning to sustainable technologies. OECD countries improve their energy efficiency scores over time, while non-OECD countries do not show the same trend. This indicates that sustainable technology transition is facilitated by environmental innovation but boosted by having a resilient economic system.


Article Environmental Sciences

Exploring the nexus between agriculture and greenhouse gas emissions in BIMSTEC region: The role of renewable energy and human capital as moderators

Gagan Deep Sharma et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of agriculture value-added, pesticide use, renewable energy adoption, human capital, and economic growth on greenhouse gas emissions in BIMSTEC countries. The findings suggest a U-shaped relationship between agriculture value-added and emissions, with human capital having a negative effect and pesticide use having a positive effect. The moderation effect of human capital and renewable energy on emissions is also discussed, highlighting the potential of renewable energy adoption in mitigating the impact of pesticide use on greenhouse gas emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The effect of financial development on renewable energy demand: The case of developing countries

Muhammad Shahbaz et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of financial development on renewable energy consumption in upper middle income developing countries, finding that financial development increases the demand for renewable energy. Economic growth has a negative effect on renewable energy consumption, while consumer prices have a statistically insignificant impact.


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Summary: This study investigates the impact of natural resources rent, green investment, financial development, and energy consumption on carbon emissions in China. Results show that energy consumption and financial development have a positive impact on carbon emissions, while green investment is negatively correlated and natural resources rent is positively associated with carbon emissions. Recommendations include strengthening natural resource tax laws and promoting green investment and environmental policies to control carbon emissions.


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Summary: This paper explores the impacts of economic growth, energy use, exports and human capital on the environmental quality of newly industrialised countries (NICs) over the period of 1979-2017. The study found in the long run, economic growth and human capital improved environmental quality, while energy consumption and exports deteriorated it. Energy consumption was found to have the highest impact on the environment.


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Beyond the environmental Kuznets Curve in E7 economies: Accounting for the combined impacts of institutional quality and renewables

Festus Victor Bekun et al.

Summary: This study examines the applicability of the conventional environmental Kuznets curve in emerging industrialized economies, with a focus on institutional quality and renewable energy. The findings suggest that weak institutions and renewable energy play significant roles in influencing environmental quality in these economies.


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General diagnostic tests for cross-sectional dependence in panels

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