4.7 Editorial Material

Harnessing Crop Diversity through Genetics, Genomics and Phenomics Approaches

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Plant Sciences

Genetic Variation of Zinc and Iron Concentration in Normal, Provitamin A and Quality Protein Maize under Stress and Non-Stress Conditions

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Summary: Currently, increasing the micronutrient densities in maize is a top priority for breeders. The study found significant variations in grain zinc and iron concentration among the hybrids, with the zinc-enhanced quality protein maize showing the highest concentration. Different environments also resulted in significant differences in grain zinc and iron concentration, suggesting the potential to develop micronutrient-rich varieties for specific environments. Furthermore, there was a positive and highly significant correlation between grain zinc and iron, indicating the possibility of improving both traits simultaneously. However, there was a moderate negative correlation between grain yield and grain zinc/iron concentration, suggesting slight dilution effects.


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Genetic and Pomological Determination of the Trueness-to-Type of Sweet Cherry Cultivars in the German National Fruit Genebank

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Summary: Genebank collections preserve old cultivars with breeding history, but often with synonymous or incorrect names. Pomological and genetic characterization is essential for confirming trueness-to-type of cultivars in genebank collections.


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Summary: Genetic dissection of agronomically important traits in closely related Japanese rice cultivars is challenging due to their narrow genetic diversity. In this study, a genotyping method called GRAS-Di was used to develop genetic linkage maps in four recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations. The GRAS-Di technology enabled the identification of QTLs associated with heading date, providing a cost-effective and efficient way to study the narrow genetic diversity in Japanese rice cultivars.


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Summary: Genetic diversity and population structure of cowpea accessions from Portugal and Mozambique were analyzed using molecular markers. The study revealed two different gene pools and suggested the existence of a valuable gene pool for future cowpea breeding programs.


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Summary: Different Solina wheat accessions in the Abruzzo region of Italy were analyzed using genetic data from SNP markers. The analysis revealed two main clusters, with Solina being genetically closer to landraces from Turkey and the central fertile crescent. Significant differences in quality traits were found between the two Solina clusters.


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Summary: This study characterized the diversity of pod phenotypes in a snap bean panel, established a core set with maximum pod phenotype diversity, and found significant marker-trait associations for pod traits. The established core set provides valuable characteristics for future breeding programs and genetic analysis.


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Summary: This study established the first genome assembly of Diplotaxis tenuifolia and identified specific SSR and SNP loci for the establishment of DNA markers. By using SSR and SNP-CAPS markers, a clear discrimination between D. tenuifolia and E. sativa was achieved, providing unequivocal molecular fingerprints for the analyzed accessions.


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Summary: This study assessed the genetic diversity and population structure of 90 cowpea accessions using SNP markers. The results showed that cowpea has high tolerance to heat and drought stresses, making it important for improving crop production resilience. The study also revealed low genetic diversity and high homozygosity among cowpea accessions.


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Summary: This study investigated the genomic structure of Vanilla planifolia and found genomic variability among samples, supporting the hypotheses that cultivated vanilla resulted from hybridization and multiple domestication events. The study also revealed high cultural diversity within the region, further confirming the occurrence of multiple domestication processes.


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Summary: Drought stress is a significant factor limiting plant growth. The study evaluates the drought tolerance of 74 rice genotypes using specially designed mini-hoop structures. Different shoot and root traits were measured and analyzed. The results showed a wide range of variability among genotypes, with leaf area being the most significantly affected trait. Drought had a limited effect on root traits. The study highlights the importance of using root traits as better descriptors for drought tolerance screening.