4.6 Editorial Material

Special Issue Advances in Monitoring Metabolic Activities of Microorganisms by Calorimetry

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Microbiology

Distinct Effects of Chemical Toxicity and Radioactivity on Metabolic Heat of Cultured Cells Revealed by Isotope-Editing

Jana Oertel et al.

Summary: The study of chemical compound toxicity using isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) is a rapidly growing field that utilizes the metabolic heat from living microorganisms. By using IMC, we have discovered the effect of low dose rates of radioactive beta(-)-decay on bacterial metabolism. The sensitivity of IMC allows for the distinction between the metabolic interferences caused by radioactivity and chemical toxicity, providing valuable insights into contaminated environmental sites.


Review Chemistry, Analytical

Analytical methods for obtaining binding parameters of drug-protein interactions: A review

Lijuan Wang et al.

Summary: This article reviews the methods and parameters for studying drug-protein interactions, providing important guidance and reference for drug development.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Leveraging Isothermal Titration Calorimetry to Obtain Thermodynamic Insights into the Binding Behavior and Formation of Metal-Organic Frameworks

Fanrui Sha et al.

Summary: Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) is a technique for measuring the thermodynamic parameters of binding events, which has applications not only in biological macromolecules but also in synthetic systems like metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Utilizing ITC in MOFs can provide insights into small molecule adsorption mechanisms and the formation of MOF-based composite materials through non-covalent interactions, with specific experimental considerations discussed. Furthermore, underexplored research directions related to MOFs that could benefit from ITC are highlighted.


Article Microbiology

A Method to Determine the Efficacy of a Commercial Phage Preparation against Uropathogens in Urine and Artificial Urine Determined by Isothermal Microcalorimetry

Aurelia Pahnita Sigg et al.

Summary: This study investigated the efficacy of a phage cocktail against urinary tract infection pathogens using isothermal microcalorimetry. The results showed that the phage cocktail successfully inhibited bacterial metabolic activity, but some regrowth was observed in urine.


Article Microbiology

Simple Growth-Metabolism Relations Are Revealed by Conserved Patterns of Heat Flow from Cultured Microorganisms

Karim Fahmy

Summary: Quantitative analysis of cell replication explores the relationship between metabolism and growth by proposing a growth model with enthalpy as a variable. Isothermal microcalorimetry traces show consistent patterns in the enthalpy domain, which align with a Langmuir adsorption reaction model. The proposed formalism accurately captures the lifespan of cultured microorganisms from exponential growth to metabolic decline.


Article Microbiology

Fungal Lignocellulose Utilisation Strategies from a Bioenergetic Perspective: Quantification of Related Functional Traits Using Biocalorimetry

Hieu Linh Duong et al.

Summary: This study investigated the functional traits of free-living saprotrophic decomposer fungi using a non-invasive metabolic heat flux analysis, and identified parameters related to fungal biomass production and ecological strategies. These parameters provide insights into the life history traits of fungi and their impacts on ecosystem processes.


Review Chemistry, Analytical

Recent advances of microcalorimetry for studying cellular metabolic heat

Ye Wang et al.

Summary: This review discusses microcalorimetry-based techniques for measuring Delta P-M and its extended applications, including improving device performance, measurement in microorganisms and mammalian cells, and applications in metabolism research and drug testing. Measurement of Delta P-M at single-cell level is challenging but sheds light on cellular processes and enhances our knowledge in this field.


Article Microbiology

Detection and Drug Susceptibility Testing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Using Isothermal Microcalorimetry

Anabel E. Gruetter et al.

Summary: The study used isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) to monitor the growth and drug susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoea. Results showed that concentrations of N. gonorrhoea between 2000 and 1 CFU/mL could be detected within 12 to 33 hours, and drug susceptibility could be easily monitored. Overall, IMC provides a useful tool for detecting and characterizing fastidious microbes like N. gonorrhoea.


Review Microbiology

A Review of Methods to Determine Viability, Vitality, and Metabolic Rates in Microbiology

Olivier Braissant et al.