4.6 Editorial Material

Special Issue on Advanced Combustion and Combustion Diagnostic Techniques

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Engineering, Chemical

The Prediction of Spark-Ignition Engine Performance and Emissions Based on the SVR Algorithm

Yu Zhang et al.

Summary: This study aimed to verify the applicability of the machine learning method in predicting engine efficiency and emission performance by using the support vector regression algorithm. The trained SVR algorithm successfully predicted fuel consumption rate, unburned hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide emissions. The results showed that the SVR model was suitable for the applications studied in this research.


Article Engineering, Chemical

An Artificial Neural Network Model to Predict Efficiency and Emissions of a Gasoline Engine

Ruomiao Yang et al.

Summary: This study built an artificial neural network model to predict power, emissions, and combustion phasing indicators of internal combustion engines. The results showed that it is feasible to integrate these three parameters in a single machine learning model, demonstrating the potential for future research in optimizing powertrain control strategies.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Effects of Methanol Application on Carbon Emissions and Pollutant Emissions Using a Passenger Vehicle

Zhao Zhang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the effects of blending methanol with gasoline on fuel performance and emissions. The results demonstrate that methanol blending can reduce CO2 emissions, improve pollutant emissions, and shorten acceleration time.


Review Engineering, Chemical

Review of Development and Comparison of Surface Thermometry Methods in Combustion Environments: Principles, Current State of the Art, and Applications

Siyu Liu et al.

Summary: This paper summarizes and compares the main surface thermometry techniques used in combustion processes. It discusses both contact-based thermometry and non-intrusive thermometry methods. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are analyzed, and special attention is given to radiation thermometry and laser-induced phosphorescence thermometry. The research progress and applications of these techniques are also discussed, highlighting the great development potential of laser-induced phosphorescence in surface thermometry.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Gas Flow and Ablation of 122 mm Supersonic Rocket Nozzle Investigated by Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis

Jatuporn Thongsri et al.

Summary: In this research, CHTA method was employed to investigate the gas flow and ablation of a 122 mm nozzle in actual operating conditions. The results showed that the gas flow, temperature, pressure, etc. of the nozzle were consistent with theoretical values, and matched the ablation results from experiments. It was also found that ablation was most severe near the throat and decreased with increasing distance from the throat. Increasing the thickness of the insulator reduced ablation.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Investigation of Thermal Radiation from Soot Particles and Gases in Oxy-Combustion Counter-Flow Flames

Chaoyang Wang et al.

Summary: Oxy-combustion with high flame temperature is being studied for its advantages in efficiency and emissions. The majority of heat transfer comes from thermal radiation from soot particles and gases, and adjustments can be made through fuel and oxidant concentration.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Numerical Study on the Characteristics of Methane Hedging Combustion in a Heat Cycle Porous Media Burner

Fei Wang et al.

Summary: This study focused on the design and combustion characteristics improvement of micro-scale burners filled with porous media, showing that the heat cycle structure can reduce heat loss and improve combustion efficiency, while filling porous media can raise the center temperature and make the temperature distribution more uniform. Additionally, it was found that as the intake air velocity increases, the outer wall temperature gradually rises when methane is combusted in the burner.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Equivalence Ratio Measurements in CH4/Air Gases Based on the Spatial Distribution of the Emission Intensity of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Filament

Ming Li et al.

Summary: The study proposes a method for equivalence ratio measurements in CH4/air gases based on femtosecond laser filamentation. By analyzing the spatially resolved spectra of the femtosecond laser-induced filament, the equivalence ratio was calibrated using the relative spatial positions of N-2 and C-2 signals in the filament, overcoming interference and achieving lower measurement uncertainty.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Simultaneous Quantitative Detection of HCN and C2H2 in Combustion Environment Using TDLAS

Wubin Weng et al.

Summary: The quantitative measurement of hydrogen cyanide and acetylene concentrations in combustion processes using infrared laser absorption spectroscopy was achieved, with improved accuracy by mitigating water vapor interference.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Influence of Porous Media Aperture Arrangement on CH4/Air Combustion Characteristics in Micro Combustor

Fei Wang et al.

Summary: The research indicates that embedding porous media in the micro-combustor can enhance combustion performance. Reasonable porous media layout and proper pore sizes in the inner and outer layers can improve combustion stability and efficiency, providing significant application value.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Investigation of Hydrogen Content and Dilution Effect on Syngas/Air Premixed Turbulent Flame Using OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence

Li Yang et al.

Summary: This study utilized OH-PLIF technology to study the stable combustion characteristics of syngas produced by gasification, finding that hydrogen proportion and dilution have significant effects on flame speed and hydrogen concentration, and turbulence has an independent impact on syngas combustion under low turbulent intensity regardless of composition.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Laminar Burning Velocity of Lean Methane/Air Flames under Pulsed Microwave Irradiation

Elna J. K. Nilsson et al.

Summary: Experimental results show that the laminar burning velocity of lean methane/air flames exposed to pulsed microwave irradiation can be significantly enhanced, with the magnitude of the enhancement depending on the pulse sequence and electric field strength. Among the investigated pulse sequences, the longest pulse had the largest effect on the flame in terms of increasing burning velocity.


Article Engineering, Chemical

A Theoretical Study on the Thermodynamic Cycle of Concept Engine with Miller Cycle

Jungmo Oh et al.

Summary: The Atkinson cycle with higher expansion ratio than compression ratio can improve engine thermal efficiency. Miller cycle, a technique that controls intake or exhaust valve closing timing, enhances the Atkinson cycle. The Otto-Miller cycle can increase thermal efficiency and reduce NOx emissions by reducing compression work, but must compensate for compression pressure and intake air mass through effective compression ratio or turbocharge.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Combustion of Laser-Induced Individual Magnesium Microparticles under Natural Convection

Chengyuan Lin et al.

Summary: A new experimental setup was proposed to observe the combustion of individual micron-sized Mg particles, revealing four main stages in the combustion process. A combustion model of individual Mg microparticles was built through experimental results and analysis, providing insights into the combustion mechanism of metal microparticles.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Interactive Effects in Two-Droplets Combustion of RP-3 Kerosene under Sub-Atmospheric Pressure

Hongtao Zhang et al.

Summary: The study found that the normalized spacing distance between droplets and ambient pressure were proportional to the flame propagation time, and the burning rate decreased with pressure reduction. The interaction coefficient was generally less than one, and puffing and microexplosion during interactive combustion significantly impacted secondary atomization, ignition, and extinction.