4.6 Article

IoT Adoption Model for E-Learning in Higher Education Institutes: A Case Study in Saudi Arabia

Related references

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A Smart Testing Model Based on Mining Semantic Relations

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Summary: Engaging personalization in education is crucial for improving the quality of the educational process. The COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed educational institutions' perspectives and made online learning a mandatory option. This research proposes an intelligent model that considers personalized student characteristics and adapts the exam to match their learning styles. The model has been successfully applied, resulting in a 92.36% improvement in students' exam results and enhanced exam quality.


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Summary: This study examines the trends and evolution of virtual tools in teaching-learning processes through bibliometric analysis. The results identify influential contributors, authors, journals, and emerging concepts, such as COVID-19 and online education. The study also categorizes research into four main topics: technology acceptance, instrument design, platform design, and relevant content. Virtual tools provide flexibility, coverage, and accessibility across all educational levels.


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E-Learning Performance Evaluation in Medical Education-A Bibliometric and Visualization Analysis

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Summary: This study aims to analyze scientific productivity and research collaboration in the field of performance evaluation in e-LMED. A total of 315 studies published between 1991 and 2022 were retrieved from the SCOPUS database. The findings show active publishing and collaboration in this domain, with a significant increase in publications in 2021. Most of the top publications, collaborations, countries, institutions, and journals are from first-world countries. The evaluation of performance in e-LMED mainly focuses on constructs such as efficacy, knowledge gain, student perception, confidence level, acceptability, feasibility, usability, and willingness to recommend e-learning, using pre-tests and post-tests experimental design methods. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of performance evaluation in e-LMED and serves as a foundation for further investigation and quantification of the efficacy of e-LMED evaluation.


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Multimodal motivation modelling and computing towards motivationally intelligent E-learning systems

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Summary: This paper proposes a framework for multimodal assessment of learners' motivation in e-learning environments. The framework utilizes machine learning classifier to predict motivational factors based on EEG and eye gaze data. An empirical study was conducted to evaluate the framework's applicability and valuable insights were obtained regarding the role of brain activities and eye movements in predicting motivational levels.


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Inclusion, access, and accessibility of educational resources in higher education institutions: exploring the Ethiopian context

Wondwossen Mulualem Beyene et al.

Summary: This paper aims to explore the issue of equal access to education and educational resources for persons with disabilities. Through interviews with students and staff at Hawassa University in Ethiopia, the barriers to accessing educational resources are identified and the role of libraries in addressing these issues is discussed.


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Collaborative activities recommendation based on students' collaborative learning styles using ANN and WSM

Christos Troussas et al.

Summary: This paper presents a framework for recommending collaborative activities to learners using Artificial Neural Network and Weighted Sum Model. The approach identifies learners' collaborative learning styles based on the Gardner and Korth framework and assigns different weights for each dimension as input data for the ANN. The results show high pedagogical affordance and positive impact on learning.


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Nahida Sultana et al.

Summary: This study examines the benefits and challenges experienced in Bangladesh's education, corporate, and service sectors while using IoT services during COVID-19. The findings reveal that saving time is the most potential benefit in the education sector, while the topmost benefit in the corporate and service sector is that it helps strictly maintain physical distance. However, the IoT also increases social distance and reduces individual communication in both sectors.


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Revising Technology Adoption Factors for IoT-Based Smart Campuses: A Systematic Review

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Summary: This paper presents a solution to the lack of a proper adoption model for smart campus initiatives. By conducting a systematic literature review, the study identifies taxonomy and IoT technologies as factors contributing to the wide adoption of IoT-based smart campuses. The research also discusses the limitations and challenges of adoption theories in the context of smart campuses and proposes multiple factors for the adoption of sustainable smart campuses.


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Sehnaz Ahmetoglu et al.

Summary: This study reviews and analyzes the current literature on IoT adoption in organizations. It identifies key factors and provides a taxonomy for future research. The paper also highlights the benefits and challenges of IoT adoption.


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Towards Creating a Model of IoT to be used in Library Activities for Saudi Arabia's Taibah University

Saqar Moisan F. Alotaibi

Summary: The article suggests that the library needs to adopt a new organizational system to address issues such as information loss, operational difficulties, and difficulty in maintaining current information. It also proposes the use of an IoT application model and online browsing to improve library operations.


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Radhwan Sneesl et al.

Summary: This study prioritizes the adoption factors of an IoT-based smart campus through an analytical hierarchical process (AHP). The most significant contributing factors include government support, privacy concerns, social influence, facilitating conditions, and service collaboration. Moreover, factors from organizational, environmental, and end-user categories were found to be more significant than technology specific factors. The findings of this study can help improve the adoption and utilization of smart campus solutions by university administrators, manufacturers, and policy-makers.


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Syed Hamid Hussain Madni et al.

Summary: This research investigates the factors influencing the adoption of IoT in E-Learning in higher educational institutes in developing countries. A proposed adoption model categorizes the influencing factors into four groups: individual, organizational, environmental, and technological. The significant factors identified include privacy, infrastructure readiness, financial constraints, ease of use, support of faculty, interaction, attitude, and network and data security.


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Acceptance of educational use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the context of individual innovativeness and ICT competency of pre-service teachers

Sahin Gokcearslan et al.

Summary: This study proposes and tests a structural model that determines the acceptance of IoT technologies in education, finding that individual innovativeness and ICT competencies play a role in pre-service teachers' intention to use these technologies.


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Barriers and facilitators to adoption of e-learning in higher education institutions of Pakistan during COVID-19: perspectives from an emerging economy

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Summary: This study examines the barriers and facilitators to the adoption of e-learning in higher education institutions in Pakistan. The findings highlight the lack of resources and training, infrastructure issues, inadequate e-learning policies, and concerns among teachers, students, and parents as barriers. On the other hand, prior training and awareness, government assistance, the role of IT, and computer knowledge and skills of students and faculty were identified as facilitators. The study emphasizes the importance of e-learning in health emergencies like COVID-19 and suggests that governments should provide the necessary infrastructure and support for HEIs to implement e-learning.


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Summary: This paper provides an overview of important practices in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational contexts, with a focus on the main teaching platforms. It includes definitions, a brief historical overview, and an overview of goals and practices of using computational methods in education. The current state of AI adaptation and use is discussed, along with potential benefits and challenges. The paper also outlines the methodology and key steps for achieving research goals at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Mozambique.


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Summary: The purpose of this study was to examine the adoption of IoT applications for educational purposes from students' perspectives. The results showed that social support, facilitated conditions, innovativeness, and effort expectancy had the strongest impact on the acceptance and usage of IoET applications. On the other hand, performance expectancy and perceived usefulness had weaker effects on IoET adoption. The relationship between perceived ease of use and IoET behavioral intention was not supported.


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Article Computer Science, Information Systems

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Anjus George et al.

Summary: Mez is a novel publish-subscribe messaging system designed for latency sensitive multi-camera machine vision applications at the IoT Edge. By dynamically adjusting video frame quality and using image transformation techniques, Mez is able to simultaneously satisfy latency and application accuracy requirements. Additionally, experimental evaluation shows that Mez can tolerate latency variations and maintain application accuracy in IoT Edge systems.


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Perceptions of E-learning among undergraduates and academic staff of higher educational institutions in north-eastern Nigeria

Muhammed Kuliya et al.

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Considerations on the Implications of the Internet of Things in Spanish Universities: The Usefulness Perceived by Professors

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Kamran Ahmad Awan et al.


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E-Learning Material Development Framework Supporting 360VR Images/Videos Based on Linked Data for IoT Security Education

Yoshihiro Okada et al.


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Academics' e-learning adoption in higher education institutions: a matter of trust

Jorge Tiago Martins et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

From e-Learning 1.0 to e-Learning 2.0: Threats & Opportunities for Higher Education Institutions in the Developing Countries

G. M. Kundi et al.


Proceedings Paper Education & Educational Research

E-Learning system on higher education institutions in KSA: attitudes and perceptions of faculty members

Salem Alkhalaf et al.