4.8 Article

Anomalous enhancement of charge density wave in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 approaching the 2D limit

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Roton pair density wave in a strong-coupling kagome superconductor

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Summary: In a new kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5, temperature-dependent cascade of different symmetry-broken electronic states including tri-directional charge order and V-shaped spectral gap opening are discovered. Additional breaking of the six-fold rotational symmetry and presence of an additional 4a(0) unidirectional charge order through the superconducting transition are observed. The experiments reveal a complex landscape of electronic states on a kagome lattice, with intriguing parallels to high-Tc superconductors and twisted bilayer graphene.

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Multiband Superconductivity with Sign-Preserving Order Parameter in Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5

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Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Nature of Unconventional Pairing in the Kagome Superconductors AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs)

Xianxin Wu et al.

Summary: The recent discovery of AV(3)Sb(5) has revealed an intriguing arena for exotic Fermi surface instabilities in a kagome metal, with superconductivity near multiple van Hove singularities showing indications of unconventional pairing. The sublattice interference mechanism is crucial in understanding the formation of superconductivity in a kagome metal, with nonlocal Coulomb repulsion, the sublattice profile of the van Hove bands, and the interaction strength being crucial parameters determining the preferred pairing symmetry. Implications for potentially topological surface states are discussed, along with a proposal for additional measurements to determine the nature of superconductivity in AV(3)Sb(5).


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Competition of Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave in Selective Oxidized CsV3Sb5 Thin Flakes

Yanpeng Song et al.

Summary: This study explores the effects of hole doping on superconductivity and charge density wave (CDW) order in layered kagome metals AV3Sb5. The enhancement of superconducting properties and suppression of CDW were observed in thin flakes compared to bulk samples, indicating the crucial role of van Hove singularities in promoting correlated quantum states. The findings suggest a novel approach to tune carrier concentration in CsV3Sb5, providing a tunable 2D platform for further exploration of topology and correlation in kagome lattices.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Analysis of Charge Order in the Kagome Metal AV3Sb5 (A = K,Rb,Cs)

M. Michael Denner et al.

Summary: This article calculates the mechanism of electronically mediated charge density wave formation in kagome metals and finds that nematic chiral charge order is more likely. This helps to explain experimental results.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Twofold symmetry of c-axis resistivity in topological kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 with in-plane rotating magnetic field

Ying Xiang et al.

Summary: The authors report the two-fold rotational symmetry of superconductivity and signatures of an in-plane nematic electronic state in CsV3Sb5 under in-plane magnetic field. Interestingly, the two orders of superconductivity and nematic electronic state are orthogonal to each other in terms of the field direction of the minimum resistivity, shedding new light on understanding the physical properties of CsV3Sb5.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Superconductivity in the Z2 kagome metal KV3Sb5

Brenden R. Ortiz et al.

Summary: This study reports the observation of bulk superconductivity in single crystals of the two-dimensional kagome metal KV3Sb5, with further characterization of the normal state as a Z(2) topological metal using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The presence of superconductivity in the AV(3)Sb(5) (A: K, Rb, Cs) family of compounds suggests a common feature across these materials, establishing them as a rich arena for studying the interplay between bulk superconductivity, topological surface states, and likely electronic density wave order in an exfoliable kagome lattice.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Superconductivity and Normal-State Properties of Kagome Metal RbV3Sb5 Single Crystals

Qiangwei Yin et al.

Summary: The discovery of superconductivity in RbV3Sb5 single crystals with V kagome lattice is reported, showing a superconducting transition at around 0.92K. Anomalies in properties at T* around 102-103K are observed, possibly linked to the formation of a charge ordering state. The drastic change and sign reversal of the Hall coefficient R-H at T* can be partially explained by enhanced mobility of hole-type carriers, with quantum oscillations indicating the presence of small Fermi surfaces with low effective mass.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Chiral flux phase in the Kagome superconductor AV3Sb5

Xilin Feng et al.

Summary: The study identifies a chiral flux phase in the quasi-2D Kagome superconductor AV(3)Sb(5), which has the lowest energy and exhibits 2 x 2 charge orders observed experimentally. This phase breaks time-reversal symmetry and displays anomalous Hall effect.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Highly Robust Reentrant Superconductivity in CsV3Sb5 under Pressure

Xu Chen et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the superconducting performance and high robustness of structural stability of kagome CsV3Sb5 under high pressures, revealing the variation of Tc under different pressures. Changes in electronic structure and electron-phonon coupling may be responsible for the pressure-induced reentrant superconductivity.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Unconventional chiral charge order in kagome superconductor KV3Sb5

Yu-Xiao Jiang et al.

Summary: The study reveals an unconventional chiral charge order in KV3Sb5, a material with both a topological band structure and a superconducting ground state, using high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy. A 2 x 2 superlattice structure is observed in the experiment, along with an energy gap opening and charge modulation across the Fermi level.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Charge Density Waves and Electronic Properties of Superconducting Kagome Metals

Hengxin Tan et al.

Summary: In this study, electronic and structural properties of the CDW phase in Kagome metals AV(3)Sb(5) were investigated using first-principles calculations. It was found that the CDW phase features an inverse Star of David structure, inherits nontrivial topological band structure, and has weak electron-phonon coupling indicating unconventional pairing mechanism for superconductivity. These results provide essential insights into the superconductivity and topology in Kagome metals.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Double Superconducting Dome and Triple Enhancement of Tc in the Kagome Superconductor CsV3Sb5 under High Pressure

K. Y. Chen et al.

Summary: The study reveals that the CDW transition in CsV3Sb5 decreases with pressure, with an unusual M-shaped double dome in the T-c(P) curve showing enhancement up to 8 K at 2 GPa. This indicates a strong competition between CDW-like order and SC, particularly in the intermediate pressure range of P-c1 <= P <= P-c2.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Nodeless superconductivity in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5

Weiyin Duan et al.

Summary: CsV3Sb5 exhibits nodeless superconductivity consistent with two-gap s-wave superconductivity description, and is confirmed under multiple Fermi surfaces.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Electronic instabilities of kagome metals: Saddle points and Landau theory

Takamori Park et al.

Summary: Electronic instabilities of a kagome metal with Fermi energy close to saddle points at the hexagonal Brillouin zone face centers were studied using parquet renormalization group, which determined superconducting, charge, orbital moment, and spin density waves. Landau theory was then applied to discuss how different primary density wave orders result in charge density wave modulations.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Complex charge density waves at Van Hove singularity on hexagonal lattices: Haldane-model phase diagram and potential realization in the kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=K, Rb, Cs)

Yu-Ping Lin et al.

Summary: The study investigates the interaction between real and imaginary charge density waves at the Van Hove singularity on hexagonal lattices. It reveals the formation of 3Q complex orders and the rich phase diagram they constitute. The theoretical model offers transparent interpretations of experimental observations in kagome metals and sheds light on the nature of topological charge density waves.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Concurrence of anomalous Hall effect and charge density wave in a superconducting topological kagome metal

F. H. Yu et al.

Summary: A giant anomalous Hall effect (AHE) has been observed in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5, with a conductivity reaching up to 2.1 x 10(4)Ω⁻¹ cm⁻¹, larger than most ferromagnetic metals. The emergence of AHE is strongly correlated with the higher-temperature charge-density-wave (CDW) transition, and AHE disappears when the CDW transition is completely suppressed under high pressure.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Pressure-induced reemergence of superconductivity in the topological kagome metal CsV3Sb5

Zhuyi Zhang et al.

Summary: This study reports pressure-induced reemergence of superconductivity in CsV3Sb5, where the superconducting critical temperature initially increases and then decreases with pressure, forming a dome-shaped superconducting phase diagram. A new superconducting state emerges with further compression above 16.5 GPa, with T-c reaching a second maximum around 5.0 K and remaining stable up to 47.9 GPa. The reemergence of superconductivity in V-based superconductor is suggested to be attributed to a pressure-induced Lifshitz transition, supported by high-pressure synchrotron x-ray-diffraction measurements showing the stability of the pristine hexagonal phase up to 43.1 GPa.


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