4.3 Editorial Material

Discussion of the paper by Galuskin and Galuskina (2003), Evidence of the anthropogenic origin of the 'Carmel sapphire' with enigmatic super-reduced minerals

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Immiscible metallic melts in the upper mantle beneath Mount Carmel, Israel: Silicides, phosphides, and carbides

William L. Griffin et al.

Summary: This study examines xenolithic corundum aggregates from Mount Carmel's Cretaceous mafic pyroclastics. The presence of silicate melts with specific mineral assemblages provides insights into the magmatic temperatures and oxygen fugacity of the region. Microstructural evidence suggests that immiscible metallic melts separated during the crystallization of the silicate melts. The study highlights the importance of understanding the evolution of magmas under reducing conditions and the role of melt-melt immiscibility.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ti3+ in corundum traces crystal growth in a highly reduced magma

Benat Oliveira et al.

Summary: The study reveals aggregates of corundum crystals with skeletal to hopper morphology in pyroclastic rocks erupted from Cretaceous basaltic volcanoes on Mt Carmel, N. Israel. The growth of these crystals trapped volumes of the parental melt and phenocrysts of tistarite in the trapped melts suggest crystallization at specific oxygen fugacities. Cathodoluminescence images show growth zoning within individual crystals, linked to the substitution of Ti3+ in the corundum structure.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Ultra-reduced phases in ophiolites cannot come from Earth's mantle

Chris Ballhaus et al.

Summary: Recent papers have claimed to find ultra-reduced minerals in ophiolitic mantle sections, but some researchers question this view. They conducted high-temperature experiments to determine the stability conditions of SiC in the mantle, and proposed a model of ultra-reduced mantle composition based on their findings.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Immiscible metallic melts in the deep Earth: clues from moissanite (SiC) in volcanic rocks

Jin-Xiang Huang et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Cr2O3 in corundum: Ultrahigh contents under reducing conditions

William L. Griffin et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Ultra-high pressure and ultra-reduced minerals in ophiolites may form by lightning strikes

C. Ballhaus et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

On the reaction scheme and liquidus surface in the ternary system Fe-Si-Ti

Franz Weitzer et al.