4.8 Review

Regulation of systemic metabolism by tissue-resident immune cell circuits

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Immunology

Prolonged hypernutrition impairs TREM2-dependent efferocytosis to license chronic liver inflammation and NASH development

Xiaochen Wang et al.

Summary: Obesity-induced chronic liver inflammation, a characteristic of NASH, is sustained in the liver through the macrophage phagocytic receptor TREM2. However, prolonged hypernutrition leads to the shedding of TREM2, resulting in the accumulation of dying hepatocytes and augmenting proinflammatory cytokine production. This vicious cycle drives the transition from simple steatosis to NASH, highlighting impaired macrophage efferocytosis as a key pathogenic event.


Article Immunology

Human early-onset dementia caused by DAP12 deficiency reveals a unique signature of dysregulated microglia

Yingyue Zhou et al.

Summary: Colonna and colleagues found dysregulated gene expression in microglia with DAP12 mutations in individuals with Nasu-Hakola disease. The TREM2-DAP12 receptor complex is important for microglial function. Heterozygous hypofunctional TREM2 variants can lead to late-onset Alzheimer's disease.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A comprehensive single-cell map of T cell exhaustion-associated immune environments in human breast cancer

Sandra Tietscher et al.

Summary: Immune checkpoint therapy in breast cancer is limited to triple negative patients and shows rare long-term clinical benefit. This study explores the immune environments of human breast tumors with or without exhausted T cells, focusing on luminal subtypes. The presence of a PD-1(high) exhaustion-like T cell phenotype is associated with an inflammatory immune environment, increased myeloid cell activation, elevated immunomodulatory and cytokine signaling, accumulation of natural killer T cells, and altered spatial organization. PD-1 and CXCL13 expression on T cells, and MHC-I expression on tumor cells are distinguishing features between the immune environments.


Article Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Myeloid p38 activation maintains macrophage-liver crosstalk and BAT thermogenesis through IL-12-FGF21 axis

Maria Crespo et al.

Summary: Obesity leads to chronic low-grade inflammation, causing diabetes, steatosis, and insulin resistance. Activation of the p38 pathway in macrophages plays a crucial role in this inflammation, suggesting p38 inhibition as a potential treatment for obesity comorbidities. However, lack of p38 activation in myeloid cells worsens high-fat diet-induced obesity, diabetes, and steatosis. Deficient p38 activation increases macrophage IL-12 production, leading to inhibition of hepatic FGF21 and reduction of thermogenesis in the brown fat.


Article Cell Biology

Sterile liver injury induces a protective tissue-resident cDC1-ILC1 circuit through cDC1-intrinsic cGAS-STING-dependent IL-12 production

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Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

The Risk of Severe Hypoglycemia and Mortality in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Discharged With Acute Liver Injury

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Summary: This study compared the risks of severe hypoglycemia and mortality between type 2 diabetes patients discharged with and without acute liver injury. The results showed that patients with acute liver injury had higher risks of severe hypoglycemia and mortality within 90 days and 365 days after discharge. Except for sex difference, there were no significant interactions between other factors such as age, chronic kidney disease, and medications and hypoglycemia risk in patients discharged with acute liver injury.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Spatial proteogenomics reveals distinct and evolutionarily conserved hepatic macrophage niches

Martin Guilliams et al.

Summary: This study presents a spatial proteogenomic atlas of the liver, combining multiple omics datasets, and reveals the cellular niches and transcriptomic identities of Kupffer cells and lipid-associated macrophages. It also demonstrates the inducibility of lipid-associated macrophages by local lipid exposure and the crucial role of ALK1-BMP9/10 axis in Kupffer cell development.
Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Adipose-tissue plasticity in health and disease

Alexander Sakers et al.

Summary: Adipose tissue, known as fat, plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological aspects of the body. Its high plasticity allows for significant changes in metabolism, structure, and phenotype in response to physiological stimuli. Limitations in this plasticity contribute to decreased or aberrant responses to physiological cues, leading to the progression of cardiometabolic disease.
Article Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Stimulatory MAIT cell antigens reach the circulation and are efficiently metabolised and presented by human liver cells

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Review Immunology

Inflammation in obesity, diabetes, and related disorders

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Summary: Obesity can cause chronic systemic inflammation, leading to insulin resistance, beta-cell dysfunction, and ultimately type 2 diabetes. This inflammatory state also contributes to long-term complications of diabetes and may be associated with other conditions like Alzheimer's disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome.


Article Immunology

Group 3 innate lymphoid cells produce the growth factor HB-EGF to protect the intestine from TNF-mediated inflammation

Lei Zhou et al.

Summary: Group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) protect the intestine from TNF-induced cell death by producing heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF), thereby playing a crucial role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).


Article Immunology

The neuropeptide VIP potentiates intestinal innate type 2 and type 3 immunity in response to feeding

Maud Pascal et al.

Summary: The nervous system and the immune system have close interactions in perceiving and responding to external disturbances. This study demonstrates that Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), produced by the nervous system during feeding, enhances the production of effector cytokines by intestinal innate lymphoid cells, thereby increasing innate immunity against potential threats associated with food intake.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A single-cell atlas of human and mouse white adipose tissue

Margo P. Emont et al.

Summary: White adipose tissue, once considered bland, is now seen as dynamic, plastic and involved in various biological processes. High-fat feeding and other metabolic stressors lead to significant changes in adipose tissue, linked to insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes. Research provides detailed cellular atlases of human and mouse adipose tissue, highlighting interactions between different cell types in lean and obese states.

NATURE (2022)

Review Cell Biology

Adipose tissue aging: mechanisms and therapeutic implications

Min-Yi Ou et al.

Summary: Adipose tissue undergoes significant changes during aging, leading to physiological declines and age-related diseases in the elderly population. These changes involve redistribution of fat deposits, decline in the function of adipocyte progenitors, and accumulation of senescent cells. Pathogenic pathways induce adipose tissue dysfunction, which can result in chronic inflammation, metabolic system disruption, and acceleration of the aging process.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multiomics reveals persistence of obesity-associated immune cell phenotypes in adipose tissue during weight loss and weight regain in mice

Matthew A. Cottam et al.

Summary: The imprinting of AT immune cells that occurs in obesity persists during weight loss and worsens with weight regain, leading to impaired recovery of regulatory cells, activation of antigen presenting cells, T cell exhaustion, and enhanced lipid handling in macrophages. Understanding these immunological causes of weight cycling-accelerated metabolic disease is crucial.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

ZBTB46 defines and regulates ILC3s that protect the intestine

Wenqing Zhou et al.

Summary: This study defines ROR gamma t(+) immune cells in the intestine at single-cell resolution and identifies a subset of ILC3s that expresses ZBTB46, a transcription factor shared with conventional dendritic cells. ZBTB46 restrains the inflammatory properties of ILC3s and plays a non-redundant role in orchestrating intestinal health.

NATURE (2022)

Article Cell Biology

Dietary lipids inhibit mitochondria transfer to macrophages to divert adipocyte-derived mitochondria into the blood

Nicholas Borcherding et al.

Summary: Adipocytes transfer mitochondria to macrophages to maintain metabolic homeostasis, but this transfer is inhibited in obesity. Lard-rich diet diverts mitochondria into the blood for delivery to other organs, such as the heart.


Review Immunology

Liver macrophages in health and disease

Martin Guilliams et al.

Summary: Single-cell and spatial transcriptomic technologies have uncovered the heterogeneity of liver macrophages, which is crucial for understanding their roles in liver homeostasis and disease.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A RORγt+ cell instructs gut microbiota-specific Treg cell differentiation

Ranit Kedmi et al.

Summary: The mutualistic relationship between gut-resident microbiota and the host immune system is crucial for maintaining homeostasis. Helicobacter species and other gut bacteria direct T cell differentiation through targeting specific antigen-presenting cells.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

ILC3s select microbiota-specific regulatory T cells to establish tolerance in the gut

Mengze Lyu et al.

Summary: This study reveals a critical pathway that controls the fate of inflammatory or tolerogenic T cell responses to microbial colonization of the mammalian intestine. By profiling all ROR gamma t(+) immune cells at single-cell resolution, the researchers found a dominant presence of T regulatory cells and ILC3s in the intestine-draining lymph nodes of mice. These ILC3s promote the formation of microbiota-specific ROR gamma t(+) T-reg cells and prevent their expansion as inflammatory T helper 17 cells through antigen presentation, alpha V integrin, and competition for interleukin-2. Single-cell analyses also suggest impaired interactions between ILC3s and ROR gamma t(+) T-reg cells in inflammatory bowel disease.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Novel antigen-presenting cell imparts Treg-dependent tolerance to gut microbiota

Blossom Akagbosu et al.

Summary: This study identifies a class of antigen-presenting cells called Thetis cells that play a crucial role in peripheral T-reg cell differentiation. Thetis cells express AIRE and promote self-tolerance, while Thetis cells lacking AIRE expression are enriched for molecules required for pT(reg) generation. Loss of MHCII or ITGB8 in Thetis cells impairs intestinal pT(reg) differentiation and leads to colitis.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Liver group 2 innate lymphoid cells regulate blood glucose levels through IL-13 signaling and suppression of gluconeogenesis

Masanori Fujimoto et al.

Summary: This study reveals the involvement of innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in regulating blood glucose levels in the liver through their interaction with specific hepatocytes. The ILC2s suppress gluconeogenesis and maintain glucose homeostasis via Interleukin-13 signaling. The findings provide insights into the important role and molecular mechanism of liver ILC2s in glucose metabolism.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Adipose tissue macrophages exert systemic metabolic control by manipulating local iron concentrations

Nolwenn Joffin et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates that manipulating macrophage mitochondrial iron levels has profound effects on systemic metabolism in male mice.


Review Immunology

Immune and non-immune functions of adipose tissue leukocytes

W. Trim et al.

Summary: The adipose tissue immune system is a complex dynamic organ with whole-body immunometabolic influence. Research has revealed both typical and non-typical functions of adipose tissue immune cells. Adipose tissue also holds therapeutic potential.


Article Cell Biology

Intercellular Mitochondria Transfer to Macrophages Regulates White Adipose Tissue Homeostasis and Is Impaired in Obesity

Jonathan R. Brestoff et al.

Summary: Recent studies have shown that mitochondria can be transferred between cells to support metabolically compromised cells. In white adipose tissue (WAT), macrophages acquire mitochondria from neighboring adipocytes, defining a transcriptionally distinct subpopulation. This process is regulated by heparan sulfates (HS) and is impaired in obesity, leading to metabolic dysregulation.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Tregs facilitate obesity and insulin resistance via a Blimp-1/IL-10 axis

Lisa Y. Beppu et al.

Summary: IL-10, produced by CD4(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells, can suppress adipocyte beiging, leading to reduced insulin resistance and obesity. Loss of IL-10 in Tregs, through the transcription factor Blimp-1, resulted in improved metabolic outcomes in high-fat diet-fed mice. This highlights the important role of Treg-derived IL-10 in regulating adipose tissue homeostasis.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

B cell-derived GABA elicits IL-10+ macrophages to limit anti-tumour immunity

Baihao Zhang et al.

Summary: This study reveals that small metabolites like GABA derived from B-lineage cells can influence immune responses by promoting anti-inflammatory macrophages and enhancing anti-tumour responses. The findings suggest that targeting these metabolites may offer a new approach to immunoregulation.

NATURE (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication using CellChat

Suoqin Jin et al.

Summary: By constructing an interaction database and developing the tool CellChat, the authors quantitatively inferred and analyzed cell-cell communication networks, revealing important signaling inputs and outputs between cells, and achieved classification of conserved and context-specific pathways.


Review Immunology

Origins, Biology, and Diseases of Tissue Macrophages

Nehemiah Cox et al.

Summary: This review discusses the developmental biology of tissue-resident macrophages from an evolutionary perspective, emphasizing on their functional attributes. A framework for investigating macrophage functions in vivo is proposed, along with discussions on how genetic and somatic mutations contribute to macrophage roles in diseases.


Review Immunology

The metabolism-modulating activity of IL-17 signaling in health and disease

Rami Bechara et al.

Summary: IL-17, a cytokine discovered almost 30 years ago, has been found to play a crucial role in coordinating cellular and organismal metabolism. Understanding the relationship between IL-17 and downstream metabolic processes could potentially lead to new therapeutic opportunities for diseases associated with IL-17, even those not traditionally linked to this cytokine pathway.


Article Immunology

Single-cell multiomics defines tolerogenic extrathymic Aire-expressing populations with unique homology to thymic epithelium

Jiaxi Wang et al.

Summary: The study defines eTACs at the transcriptional, genomic, and proteomic level using single-cell multiomics, transgenic murine models, and functional approaches. It reveals that eTACs consist of migratory dendritic cells expressing CCR7(+) Aire and a population coexpressing Aire and RORγt, termed Janus cells, with highly accessible chromatin and broad gene expression. Transgenic self-antigen expression by eTACs induces negative selection and prevents autoimmune diabetes, highlighting a core program influencing self-representation and tolerance in immune development.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Auto-aggressive CXCR6+ CD8 T cells cause liver immune pathology in NASH

Michael Dudek et al.

Summary: Liver resident CD8 T cells play an essential role in immunopathology in a mouse model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. These cells display specific phenotypic and metabolic characteristics in the liver, making them susceptible to metabolic stimuli and leading to auto-aggressive responses. This study sheds light on the mechanisms underlying liver damage in NASH and highlights the distinction between auto-aggressive and protective T cell immunity.

NATURE (2021)

Article Immunology

Single-cell sequencing of human white adipose tissue identifies new cell states in health and obesity

Andrew D. Hildreth et al.

Summary: This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the cellular composition in healthy and obese human white adipose tissue, revealing changes in immune cell populations and inflammatory pathways in obese individuals. The findings highlight the importance of immune cell regulation in metabolic diseases and offer insights into new cellular networks and differentiation trajectories in white adipose tissue.


Review Cell Biology

The cellular and functional complexity of thermogenic fat

Paul Cohen et al.

Summary: Brown and beige adipocytes are mitochondria-enriched cells that can dissipate energy in the form of heat, regulating whole-body energy metabolism. They have diverse functions beyond thermogenesis, acting as metabolite sinks, secretory cells, and regulators of adipose tissue homeostasis, ultimately contributing to improved metabolic health.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

γδ T cells regulate the intestinal response to nutrient sensing

Zuri A. Sullivan et al.

Summary: Research has shown that carbohydrate intake plays a vital role in regulating intestinal epithelial gene expression and the enzymes and transport proteins required for carbohydrate digestion and absorption; gamma delta T cells regulate this process by suppressing interleukin-22 production by type 3 innate lymphoid cells; nutrient availability affects the tissue localization and transcriptome of gamma delta T cells, as well as the cellular remodeling of the epithelial compartment.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Dysregulation of ILC3s unleashes progression and immunotherapy resistance in colon cancer

Jeremy Goc et al.

Summary: Research shows that ILC3s play a protective role in cancer, and alterations in CRC may lead to dysfunctional adaptive immunity, tumor progression, and immunotherapy resistance.
Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The microbiota coordinates diurnal rhythms in innate immunity with the circadian clock

John F. Brooks et al.

Summary: The study found that the intestinal microbiota generates diurnal rhythms in innate immunity that synchronize with feeding rhythms to anticipate microbial exposure. This synchronization activates an immunological circuit triggering oscillations in epithelial STAT3 expression and activation that produce rhythmic antimicrobial protein expression, causing resistance to bacterial infection to vary across the day-night cycle.
Article Cell Biology

Adipocyte iron levels impinge on a fat-gut crosstalk to regulate intestinal lipid absorption and mediate protection from obesity

Zhuzhen Zhang et al.

Summary: The role of iron in adipocytes plays an important role in maintaining systemic metabolism by regulating caloric influx through the adipocyte-enterocyte axis. Iron levels in adipose tissue can impact lipid absorption from the intestine and provide a protective effect against metabolic disorders induced by high-fat diets.


Article Cell Biology

Liver-fibrosis-activated transcriptional networks govern hepatocyte reprogramming and intra-hepatic communication

Anne Loft et al.

Summary: Liver fibrosis is a strong predictor of long-term mortality in individuals with metabolic-associated fatty liver disease. The study shows comprehensive alterations in hepatocyte genomic and transcriptional settings during NASH progression, leading to a loss of hepatocyte identity. The reprogramming of hepatocytes is under tight cooperative control of a network of fibrosis-activated transcription factors, promoting hepatocyte dysfunction and directing intra-hepatic crosstalk necessary for NASH and fibrosis progression.


Article Cell Biology

Spatial mapping reveals human adipocyte subpopulations with distinct sensitivities to insulin

Jesper Baeckdahl et al.

Summary: By studying the composition and structure of WAT, we identified that human WAT is composed of three classes of mature adipocytes, only one of which is insulin responsive.


Article Cell Biology

IL-33 causes thermogenic failure in aging by dysfunctional adipose ILC2

Emily L. Goldberg et al.

Summary: The study highlighted the decrease in type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) in aged adipose tissue, leading to changes in the immune system and thermogenic failure. Supplementation of IL-33 and transplantation of adult ILC2 cells can protect old mice from the effects of cold stress to some extent.


Article Cell Biology

Extracellular vesicle-based interorgan transport of mitochondria from energetically stressed adipocytes

Clair Crewe et al.

Summary: Adipocytes under energetic stress release sEVs containing damaged mitochondrial particles, which enter circulation and trigger antioxidant signaling in cardiomyocytes, protecting them from oxidative stress. This functional mitochondrial transfer between tissues provides potent cardio-protection against stresses induced by obesity.


Article Immunology

A subset of Kupffer cells regulates metabolism through the expression of CD36

Camille Bleriot et al.

Summary: The study shows that tissue macrophages in the murine liver (KCs) have more subpopulations, with one of them being associated with metabolic functions. Depletion of this subpopulation leads to increased liver oxidative stress, especially in obesity.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Neuro-mesenchymal units control ILC2 and obesity via a brain-adipose circuit

Filipa Cardoso et al.

Summary: Signals from sympathetic neurons and immune cells regulate adipocytes and contribute to fat tissue biology. A neuro-mesenchymal unit via a brain-adipose circuit controls ILC2s in adipose tissue, affecting metabolism and obesity. This study identifies a complex interaction between neuronal and immune cells in the regulation of host metabolism and obesity.

NATURE (2021)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

XCR1+ type 1 conventional dendritic cells drive liver pathology in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

Aleksandra Deczkowska et al.

Summary: Single-cell analyses reveal cDC1 as conserved immunological drivers of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice and humans. The study identified the significant role of cDC1 in NASH and confirmed their importance in liver pathology.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Diet-regulated production of PDGFcc by macrophages controls energy storage

Nehemiah Cox et al.

Summary: This study identified a macrophage-dependent mechanism involving the PDGFcc ortholog that controls lipid storage in adipose tissues of mice. Production of PDGFcc is regulated by diet and blocking PDGFcc leads to redirection of excess lipids toward thermogenesis in brown fat.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Metabolic Messengers: tumour necrosis factor

Jaswinder K. Sethi et al.

Summary: This review focuses on tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in the context of metabolic inflammation, highlighting its immunometabolic actions and relevance to other pro-inflammatory signals and metabolic diseases. It presents a conceptual framework applicable to the complex network of pro-inflammatory signals and their integration with metabolic regulation.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Inhibition of the IL-17A axis in adipocytes suppresses diet-induced obesity and metabolic disorders in mice

Ana Teijeiro et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates that inhibiting the IL-17A axis can suppress diet-induced obesity and metabolic disorders, while promoting adipose tissue browning, thermogenesis, and energy expenditure. IL-17A also induces pathological changes in adipocytes, leading to obesity and metabolic syndrome.


Review Physiology

Peripheral neurotransmitters in the immune system

Chien-Sin Chen et al.

Summary: The nervous system exerts significant control over the immune system, with different branches of the peripheral nervous system releasing neurotransmitters to modulate immune function and produce varying effects on inflammation.


Article Immunology

ILC3-derived OX40L is essential for homeostasis of intestinal Tregs in immunodeficient mice

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Article Gastroenterology & Hepatology

CD8+ T cells regulate liver injury in obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Feeding-dependent VIP neuron-ILC3 circuit regulates the intestinal barrier

Jhimmy Talbot et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Biochemical Research Methods

NicheNet: modeling intercellular communication by linking ligands to target genes

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Innate lymphoid cells control signaling circuits to regulate tissue-specific immunity

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Tissue-resident macrophages actively suppress IL-1beta release via a reactive prostanoid/IL-10 pathway

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Determinants of Resident Tissue Macrophage Identity and Function

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Diet Diurnally Regulates Small Intestinal Microbiome-Epithelial-Immune Homeostasis and Enteritis

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Deconstructing Mechanisms of Diet-Microbiome-Immune Interactions

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Senescent cells promote tissue NAD+ decline during ageing via the activation of CD38+ macrophages

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Ketogenesis activates metabolically protective γδ T cells in visceral adipose tissue

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Review Immunology

The intestinal microbiota fuelling metabolic inflammation

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Adventitial Stromal Cells Define Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Tissue Niches

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Article Immunology

Antigen-presenting ILC3 regulate T cell-dependent IgA responses to colonic mucosal bacteria

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Aire-expressing ILC3-like cells in the lymph node display potent APC features

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A lipase-independent pathway of lipid release and immune modulation by adipocytes

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The IL-17 Family of Cytokines in Health and Disease

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Lipid-Associated Macrophages Control Metabolic Homeostasis in a Trem2-Dependent Manner

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A stromal cell niche sustains ILC2-mediated type-2 conditioning in adipose tissue

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Interaction of neurotransmitters and neurochemicals with lymphocytes

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A human liver cell atlas reveals heterogeneity and epithelial progenitors

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NATURE (2019)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Adipose group 1 innate lymphoid cells promote adipose tissue fibrosis and diabetes in obesity

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Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Adaptive adipose tissue stromal plasticity in response to cold stress and antibody-based metabolic therapy

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Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Light-entrained and brain-tuned circadian circuits regulate ILC3s and gut homeostasis

Cristina Godinho-Silva et al.

NATURE (2019)

Review Immunology

Innate Immune Control of Adipose Tissue Homeostasis

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Western Diet and the Immune System: An Inflammatory Connection

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The Role of Kupffer Cells as Mediators of Adipose Tissue Lipolysis

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Contribution of Macrophage Efferocytosis to Liver Homeostasis and Disease

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The many secret lives of adipocytes: implications for diabetes

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Metabolic Messengers: adiponectin

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Functional interactions between innate lymphoid cells and adaptive immunity

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IL-10 Signaling Remodels Adipose Chromatin Architecture to Limit Thermogenesis and Energy Expenditure

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Anatomical, Physiological, and Functional Diversity of Adipose Tissue

Rachel K. Zwick et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Innate Lymphoid Cells: 10 Years On

Eric Vivier et al.

Review Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems

Inflammageing: chronic inflammation in ageing, cardiovascular disease, and frailty

Luigi Ferrucci et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single cell RNA sequencing of human liver reveals distinct intrahepatic macrophage populations

Sonya A. MacParland et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Adipose-derived circulating miRNAs regulate gene expression in other tissues

Thomas Thomou et al.

NATURE (2017)

Review Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Mechanisms of hepatic stellate cell activation

Takuma Tsuchida et al.


Review Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Lipid droplets and liver disease: from basic biology to clinical implications

Nina L. Gluchowski et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

ILC1 Confer Early Host Protection at Initial Sites of Viral Infection

Orr-El Weizman et al.

Review Immunology

Interleukin 17 is a chief orchestrator of immunity

Marc Veldhoen


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Perinatal Licensing of Thermogenesis by IL-33 and ST2

Justin I. Odegaard et al.

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Microbiota Diumal Rhythmicity Programs Host Transcriptome Oscillations

Christoph A. Thaiss et al.

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Gut microbiota directs PPAR-driven reprogramming of the liver circadian clock by nutritional challenge

Mari Murakami et al.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

IL-33-driven ILC2/eosinophil axis in fat is induced by sympathetic tone and suppressed by obesity

Xiaofeng Ding et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

CD47-blocking antibodies restore phagocytosis and prevent atherosclerosis

Yoko Kojima et al.

NATURE (2016)

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Innate lymphoid cells as regulators of immunity, inflammation and tissue homeostasis

Christoph S. N. Klose et al.


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Signals from the gut microbiota to distant organs in physiology and disease

Bjoern Schroeder et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Activated Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells Regulate Beige Fat Biogenesis

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Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Quantifying Memory CD8 T Cells Reveals Regionalization of Immunosurveillance

Elizabeth M. Steinert et al.

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Depletion of fat-resident Treg cells prevents age-associated insulin resistance

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NATURE (2015)

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NK cells link obesity-induced adipose stress to inflammation and insulin resistance

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Tissue residency of innate lymphoid cells in lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs

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SCIENCE (2015)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Group 2 innate lymphoid cells promote beiging of white adipose tissue and limit obesity

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NATURE (2015)

Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Interleukin-1β mediates macrophage-induced impairment of insulin signaling in human primary adipocytes

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IL-17 Signaling Accelerates the Progression of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mice

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Purinergic signaling via P2Y receptors up-mediates IL-6 production by liver macrophages/Kupffer cells

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Interleukin-22 alleviates metabolic disorders and restores mucosal immunity in diabetes

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Innate lymphoid cells regulate CD4+ T-cell responses to intestinal commensal bacteria

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Critical role of Trib1 in differentiation of tissue-resident M2-like macrophages

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P2X7 receptor-mediated purinergic signaling promotes liver injury in acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in mice

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PPAR-γ is a major driver of the accumulation and phenotype of adipose tissue Treg cells

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Interleukin-17 exacerbates hepatic steatosis and inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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Involvement of Th17 and Th1 Effector Responses in Patients with Hepatitis B

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A bone-protective role for IL-17 receptor signaling in ovariectomy-induced bone loss

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IL-23 and Th17 cytokines in intestinal homeostasis

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The control of hepatic glycogen metabolism in an in vitro model of sepsis

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Macrophage-specific PPARγ controls alternative activation and improves insulin resistance

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Angiogenic role of LYVE-1-positive macrophages in adipose tissue

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CCR2 modulates inflammatory and metabolic effects of high-fat feeding

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Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Role of STAT-3 in regulation of hepatic gluconeogenic genes and carbohydrate metabolism in vivo

H Inoue et al.


Article Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Reduced hepatic glycogen stores in patients with liver cirrhosis

L Krähenbühl et al.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Chronic inflammation in fat plays a crucial role in the development of obesity-related insulin resistance

HY Xu et al.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Chronic exposure to interleukin-6 causes hepatic insulin resistance in mice

PJ Klover et al.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Interleukin-6 induces cellular insulin resistance in hepatocytes

JJ Senn et al.


Review Immunology

The liver as a site of T-cell apoptosis: graveyard, or krilling field?

IN Crispe et al.