4.5 Article

Effect of freshwater and wastewater irrigation on buildup of toxic elements in soil and maize crop

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
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A critical analysis of wastewater use in agriculture and associated health risks in Pakistan

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Summary: Freshwater shortage and contamination is a major global issue impacting socioeconomic values. This review focuses on the use of wastewater for crop production in semiarid and arid areas, highlighting its potential as a source of essential nutrients but also its negative effects due to toxic substances such as heavy metals. The case study of Pakistan, which faces severe freshwater scarcity, examines the use of untreated wastewater in agriculture and its impact on soil chemistry and human health. The review provides data analysis and proposes solutions and future perspectives for addressing the challenges.


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Natasha Natasha et al.

Summary: This study investigated the accumulation pattern and risk assessment of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in wastewater-irrigated arable soils and crops in Vehari, Pakistan. The results showed that the PTE concentrations in soil samples exceeded their limit values, indicating severe soil contamination and potential ecological risks. Some vegetables also exhibited high metal accumulation, posing potential health hazards. It is important to minimize and manage wastewater irrigation practices to ensure food safety in the study area.


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Cadmium, chromium, nickel and nitrate accumulation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using wastewater irrigation and health risks assessment

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Summary: The study found that wastewater irrigation negatively affects plant growth and physiological parameters. Risk quotient (RQ (TEs)) and cumulative risk index (RI (TEs)) values were calculated for each toxic element. Wastewater irrigation significantly increased the accumulation rate of metals and nitrate in wheat, causing potential health risks for children and adults.


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Summary: This study examined the impact of using municipal wastewater for irrigation on arsenic levels in soil and food plants in Pakistan, finding potential health risks in certain areas, particularly for children consuming wheat crops. It recommends the use of diverse food crops in the study area to minimize the risk of arsenic exposure and poisoning. The study also highlights the importance of considering future perspectives on wastewater use, potential human exposure to metal(oids), and associated health concerns at local and global levels.


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Risk assessment of potentially toxic metal(loid)s in Vigna radiata L. under wastewater and freshwater irrigation

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Summary: This study investigated the impact of municipal water irrigation in agriculture on plants, revealing that plants accumulated potentially toxic metals mainly in roots, leading to increased oxidative stress in mung beans. The irrigation treatments posed potential risks to human health due to elevated levels of toxic metals, highlighting the unsuitability of mixed wastewater and freshwater use in crop irrigation.


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Summary: This study critically elucidated the impact of soil amendments on trace-element-induced oxidative stress in plants, revealing distinct variations under different conditions. Specifically, when trace elements and soil amendments are co-applied, plant tolerance and growth parameters are enhanced, while stress parameters are reduced.


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Heavy metals in blood, milk and cow's urine reared in irrigated areas with wastewater

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Summary: This study aimed to determine the content and transfer rates of seven elements in blood, milk, and urine of cows fed with forage irrigated with sewage water near the Popocatepetl volcano. Results showed that metals ingested by cows in fodder are easily transferred to milk and urine through the blood, suggesting that cows can be considered as biomarkers for environmental contamination.

HELIYON (2021)

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