4.7 Article

How does energy trilemma eradication reduce carbon emissions? The role of dual environmental regulation for China

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Breaking carbon lock-in: the role of green financial inclusion for China

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Summary: This article evaluates the composite index of carbon lock-in (CLI) and investigates the impact of green financial inclusion (GFI) on CLI. It also identifies asymmetric, threshold, and mediating effects in the GFI-CLI relationship. The findings indicate that GFI plays a significant role in reducing CLI, particularly in eastern China, first-tier cities, non-resource-based cities, and capital cities. GFI exhibits an asymmetric correlation with CLI and internet penetration strengthens this negative relationship. Moreover, GFI indirectly accelerates the elimination of CLI through channels such as innovation, government support, and the development of the digital economy.


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Plastics and climate change-Breaking carbon lock-ins through three mitigation pathways

Fredric Bauer et al.

Summary: The plastic industry heavily relies on fossil fuels and generates significant carbon emissions. Achieving global net-zero targets requires comprehensive changes in the entire plastic value chain, including reducing demand, using bio-based feedstocks, and promoting circular economy principles.

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Environmental regulation and CO2 emissions: Based on strategic interaction of environmental governance

Lu Zhang et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of environmental regulations on carbon emissions and the interactive behavior of environmental regulations. It finds that there is diversified competitive behavior among local governments in China in enforcing environmental regulations. The results suggest that environmental regulations mainly affect CO2 emissions through industrial structure and technological progress, and that the central government should strengthen supervision and incentives to promote joint emission reduction.


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Balancing the Energy Trilemma in energy system planning of coastal cities

Rui Jing et al.

Summary: This study developed a multi-objective optimization framework to address the Energy Trilemma in urban energy transition. The case study in Xiamen, a typical coastal city, revealed that pathways to achieve different objectives come with different costs and effects.


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How does technological innovation mitigate CO2 emissions in OECD countries? Heterogeneous analysis using panel quantile regression

Cheng Cheng et al.

Summary: This study examines how technological innovation can effectively reduce CO2 emissions in OECD countries and finds that it has direct impact with significant heterogeneity and asymmetry. Additionally, technological innovation also moderates the impacts of economic growth and renewable energy.


Article Thermodynamics

Asymmetric impacts of energy efficiency on carbon emissions: A comparative analysis between developed and developing economies

Bamadev Mahapatra et al.

Summary: This study examines the asymmetric impacts of energy efficiency on carbon emissions for developed and developing economies from 1990 to 2017. It finds that the long-run impacts are asymmetric while the short-run impacts are symmetric. Therefore, broader benefits of energy efficiency should be considered in policy assessment, and developing economies should establish strong substitution effects.

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The nexuses between energy investments, technological innovations, emission taxes, and carbon emissions in China

Qiang Ma et al.

Summary: This paper analyzed the impacts of emission taxes, investments in the energy sector, expenditure on research and development, technological innovation, and tertiary sector development on Chinese provincial carbon dioxide emission figures between 1995 and 2019. The study found that provincial growth and tertiary sector development exacerbated carbon dioxide emissions, while higher energy investments, technological innovation, renewable energy use, expenditure on research and development, and carbon emission taxes mitigated carbon dioxide emissions. Policy-level recommendations were made based on the findings.


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Dynamic Nexus between Technological Innovation and Building Sector Carbon Emissions in the BRICS Countries

Seyfettin Erdogan

Summary: The building sector in BRICS countries contributes significantly to global CO2 emissions, and technological innovation plays a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions in this sector. Encouraging investments related to technological innovation can lead to positive environmental outcomes in the long term.


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Irfan Khan et al.

Summary: The impact of energy trilemma and population growth on economic growth is significant in the long run, while energy use and financial development influence economic growth in both the short run and the long run. Policymakers are advised to levy energy taxes to promote efficiency in the energy system and emphasize energy conservation and support for financial development.


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