4.6 Editorial Material

On the Origin and Evolution of Sperm Cells

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Cell Biology

Sperm Numbers as a Paternity Guard in a Wild Bird

Melissah Rowe et al.

Summary: This study found that sperm quantity (indicated by cloacal protuberance volume) was associated with reproductive success in male red-backed fairy-wrens, while sperm morphology was not. This suggests that males use a large number of sperm as a defensive strategy to protect within-pair paternity success in a system with high risk of sperm competition and female control of copulation.

CELLS (2022)

Article Cell Biology

Energy Metabolism and Hyperactivation of Spermatozoa from Three Mouse Species under Capacitating Conditions

Ester Sansegundo et al.

Summary: Mammalian sperm show wide variation in morphology and physiology, especially in terms of ATP levels during capacitation and hyperactivation. The decrease in ATP levels is related to the development of hyperactivated motility and is steeper in species with higher levels of sperm competition. These findings suggest that ATP consumption is higher during capacitation and is associated with higher velocity and head displacement.

CELLS (2022)

Review Cell Biology

Atypical Centriolar Composition Correlates with Internal Fertilization in Fish

Katerina Turner et al.

Summary: The sperm competition theory predicts that sperm evolve through a cascade of changes, including morphological diversification. A study on fish species found that internally fertilizing fish are more likely to evolve sperm with atypical centriolar composition compared to externally fertilizing fish. This finding supports the sperm competition theory.

CELLS (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Fertilization mode differentially impacts the evolution of vertebrate sperm components

Ariel F. Kahrl et al.

Summary: The fertilization environment plays a significant role in the evolution and diversification of sperm morphology across vertebrate species, but the impact of fertilization mode varies among sperm components and vertebrate clades.


Article Cell Biology

Biophysical Determinants and Constraints on Sperm Swimming Velocity

Carl D. Soulsbury et al.

Summary: Over the last 50 years, sperm competition has been recognized as an important evolutionary force in shaping male ejaculate traits. The length of sperm has often been associated with faster swimming speed, but this relationship is more complex than previously thought. Different predictive models were tested, and the Constant Speed model was found to be more accurate in predicting the relationship between sperm length and velocity. Traditional models do not fully capture the biophysical interactions involved in sperm swimming. Future research should consider the microenvironment in which sperm operate and the importance of fertilizing environment.

CELLS (2022)

Article Cell Biology

Measuring Pre- and Post-Copulatory Sexual Selection and Their Interaction in Socially Monogamous Species with Extra-Pair Paternity

Emily Rebecca Alison Cramer

Summary: The study found that in socially monogamous species, tests related to sperm traits in extra-pair paternity situations can be highly biased, recommending the use of multivariate selection analysis and proportional regression to avoid biases.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

How Soon Hath Time horizontal ellipsis A History of Two Seminal Publications

Geoff A. Parker

Summary: These two papers discuss sperm competition, sexual selection, and the origin and evolution of gamete dimorphism, revealing the importance of sexual selection in biological evolution and influencing our understanding of sexual strategy differences between the sexes and gametic cells.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

The Legacy of Parker, Baker and Smith 1972: Gamete Competition, the Evolution of Anisogamy, and Model Robustness

Jussi Lehtonen

Summary: The evolution of anisogamy, the origin of female and male sexes, involves the selection for large and small gametes simultaneously. The robustness of the model to variations in its central assumptions suggests its reliability in understanding early evolutionary transitions.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Expression of Mst89B and CG31287 is Needed for Effective Sperm Storage and Egg Fertilization in Drosophila

Gurman Grewal et al.

Summary: Through RNA interference, it was found that knockdown of genes such as bor and CSN5 in Drosophila resulted in complete sterility, while knockdown of Manf led to a decrease in mature sperm production. Normal germ-line expression of Mst89B and CG31287 is essential for effective sperm usage and egg fertilization.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Sperm Cyst Looping: A Developmental Novelty Enabling Extreme Male Ornament Evolution

Zeeshan A. Syed et al.

Summary: Postcopulatory sexual selection plays a significant role in driving the rapid evolution of reproductive traits, leading to correlated evolution between sperm length and female sperm-storage organ dimension. Research in Drosophila has unveiled a novel spermatogenic mechanism, sperm cyst looping, which allows males to produce relatively long sperm in short testes. This evolutionary innovation removes the allometric constraint on sperm length, enabling males to evolve extremely long sperm while evading delays in reproductive maturation time.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Ejaculate Allocation and Sperm Characteristics Differ among Alternative Male Types in a Species of Fish with Cooperation and Competition among Unrelated Males

Suzanne H. Alonzo et al.

Summary: Through sperm competition driven sexual selection, immense variation in ejaculate allocation and sperm characteristics has evolved not only between species but also within males of a species. This study investigated differences in testes size, ejaculate production, and sperm morphology among male alternative reproductive types in the ocellated wrasse. Results showed that satellite males had larger testes, while sneakers produced smaller ejaculates but with larger sperm head size. Social interactions among males can influence sperm and ejaculate production.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Weapons Evolve Faster Than Sperm in Bovids and Cervids

Charel Reuland et al.

Summary: In polyandrous species, males face reproductive competition before and after mating, shaping the evolution of pre- and postcopulatory traits with differential resource allocation. Bovids and cervids exhibit accelerated evolution of male weaponry but slower evolution of sperm dimensions. Strong selection acts on both pre- and postcopulatory traits, with distinct evolutionary rates among different sperm components.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Can Sexual Selection Drive the Evolution of Sperm Cell Structure?

Leigh W. Simmons et al.

Summary: Research has found a general relationship between the length of sperm cells and their constituent parts and the strength of sperm competition in different species. Experimental evolution using dung beetles as a model showed that the length of sperm cell nuclei may respond differently to monogamy and sexual selection, while other components of sperm cells do not show significant differences. This suggests that different components of sperm cells may independently respond to sexual selection, contributing to their divergent evolution.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Molecular Evolution of CatSper in Mammals and Function of Sperm Hyperactivation in Gray Short-Tailed Opossum

Jae Yeon Hwang et al.

Summary: The study investigated the molecular evolution and conservation of the CatSper channel in eutherians and marsupials. It found that CatSper proteins evolve slowly in marsupials and demonstrated the expression and function of CatSper in the American marsupial gray short-tailed opossum. A conserved IQ-like motif in CatSper zeta interacts with the pH-tuned Ca2+ sensor EFCAB9 to regulate CatSper activity.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Sperm Accumulation Induced by the Female Reproductive Fluid: Putative Evidence of Chemoattraction Using a New Tool

Alessandro Devigili et al.

Summary: There is evidence of intimate interaction between female reproductive fluid (FRF) and sperm, affecting sperm traits and fertilization success. While most evidence comes from mammals and invertebrates, this study found sperm accumulation towards FRF in zebrafish, indicating potential chemoattraction.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Food Limitation but Not Enhanced Rates of Ejaculate Production Imposes Reproductive and Survival Costs to Male Crickets

Saoirse McMahon et al.

Summary: Research found negative effects of food limitation but no significant impact on the costs of ejaculate production. High mating rates may drive males to maximize their capacity of ejaculate production, reducing the likelihood of trade-offs with other fitness-related traits.

CELLS (2021)

Review Cell Biology

Co-Adaptation of Physical Attributes of the Mammalian Female Reproductive Tract and Sperm to Facilitate Fertilization

Chih-Kuan Tung et al.

Summary: The female reproductive tract plays multiple essential roles in the reproductive process, supporting the development and transport of fertilized eggs while protecting against invasive pathogens. Sperm are considered pusher microswimmers, propelled by pushing fluid, and their migration is influenced by the architecture and flow characteristics of the tract. The viscoelasticity of fluids in the tract improves sperm cooperation and prevents pathogen invasion.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Longer Sperm Swim More Slowly in the Canary Islands Chiffchaff

Emily R. A. Cramer et al.

Summary: The swimming speed of sperm is negatively correlated with total sperm length and relative midpiece length, but does not correlate with relative flagellum length in Canary Islands chiffchaff populations. Mitochondrial DNA differentiation was confirmed between Gran Canaria and other islands. The study adds to the evidence that passerine birds do not support sperm morphology-swimming speed hypotheses and suggests that predictions from mammalian hydrodynamic models should not be applied to this taxon.

CELLS (2021)

Review Cell Biology

Fisher vs. the Worms: Extraordinary Sex Ratios in Nematodes and the Mechanisms that Produce Them

Justin Van Goor et al.

Summary: This article discusses how anisogamy leads to the emergence of separate sexes in multicellular organisms and introduces the phenomenon of sperm competition. In large populations, the sex ratio tends towards unity, while in small inbred populations, skewed sex ratios can occur. Recent research has revealed the mechanisms underlying highly skewed sex ratios in nematodes.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Selection on Sperm Count, but Not on Sperm Morphology or Velocity, in a Wild Population of Anolis Lizards

Ariel F. Kahrl et al.

Summary: This study measured univariate and multivariate selection on sperm traits in a wild population of brown anole lizards. Significant negative directional and quadratic selection were found on sperm count, but no selection on other sperm traits or trait combinations was detected. The results suggest pressure on males to produce many small ejaculates and mate frequently over a six-month reproductive season.

CELLS (2021)

Article Cell Biology

Ancestral Sperm Ecotypes Reveal Multiple Invasions of a Non-Native Fish in Northern Europe

Leon Green et al.

Summary: In externally fertilising organisms in the aquatic environment, salinity can be a strong selective force for sperm performance. Some species within the Gobiidae family have adapted to reproduce across a wide salinity range, showing clear ancestral adaptations to different salinity environments. Population genomic analyses suggest that ancestral ecotypes generally establish themselves in environments that fit their sperm adaptations, while outbreeding and admixture near ports with intense shipping can also impact sperm performance. Rapid adaptation to local conditions is supported at some sites, with historical and contemporary evolution of round goby sperm cells traits closely linked to population and seascape genomics. Genotype by environment match, port connectivity, and ancestry of the round goby population may be useful for predicting species spread.

CELLS (2021)

Article Ecology

Fertilization mode drives sperm length evolution across the animal tree of life

Ariel F. Kahrl et al.

Summary: The study reveals that fertilization mode is a key factor influencing the evolution of sperm length across animals. Species with sperm diluted in aquatic environments (external fertilizers and spermcasters) have shorter sperm, while species with sperm directly transferred to females (internal fertilizers) have longer sperm. Additionally, sperm length evolves faster and with more adaptive shifts in species where sperm operate within females (e.g. spermcasters and internal fertilizers).


Article Cell Biology

Apical Sperm Hook Morphology Is Linked to Sperm Swimming Performance and Sperm Aggregation in Peromyscus Mice

Kristin A. Hook et al.

Summary: Research shows that the width of the sperm hook in rodents is negatively correlated with sperm aggregation and swimming speed, indicating that larger hooks may hinder sperm movement within this group.

CELLS (2021)

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Post-ejaculatory modifications to sperm (PEMS)

Scott Pitnick et al.


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Methodological considerations for examining the relationship between sperm morphology and motility

Kristin A. Hook et al.


Editorial Material Biology

Fifty years of sperm competition: the structure of a scientific revolution

Leigh W. Simmons et al.


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Conceptual developments in sperm competition: a very brief synopsis

Geoff A. Parker


Article Biology

How sperm competition shapes the evolution of testes and sperm: a meta-analysis

Stefan Lupold et al.


Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Sperm competition and the evolution of sperm form and function in mammals

Eduardo R. S. Roldan


Review Developmental Biology

Sperm wars and the evolution of male fertility

Leigh W. Simmons et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Female promiscuity promotes the evolution of faster sperm in cichlid fishes

John L. Fitzpatrick et al.


Article Biology

Sperm morphology and sperm velocity in passerine birds

Stefan Luepold et al.