4.8 Article

Risk-embedded scheduling of a CCHP integrated with electric vehicle parking lot in a residential energy hub considering flexible thermal and electrical loads

Related references

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A RA-IGDT model for stochastic optimal operation of a microgrid based on energy hub including cooling and thermal energy storages

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Modeling an electric vehicle parking lot with solar rooftop participating in the reserve market and in ancillary services provision

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Summary: This study proposes a novel aggregator agent in the energy system, which is an EV charging station with an installed PV system. By optimizing the operational strategy for solar-powered EV parking lots to participate in various energy and ancillary services markets, higher profits can be achieved. The results show that this novel agent can actively participate in the energy system in an economically viable manner, providing important ancillary services.


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Optimal Scenario-based Operation and Scheduling of Residential Energy Hubs Including Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Heat Storage System Considering the Uncertainties of Electricity Price and Renewable Distributed Generations

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Summary: The article introduces a probabilistic scenario-based model for optimizing the operation cost of REH, which considers uncertainties of renewable energy sources and electricity prices. The proposed model is validated by test results and compared with Monte Carlo simulation-based models, showing less than 2% inaccuracy. Seasonal heat and power demand changes are studied, and it is found that PHEV and heat storage system can decrease the operation costs of REH.


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Stochastic optimal operation of a microgrid based on energy hub including a solar-powered compressed air energy storage system and an ice storage conditioner

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Summary: This paper investigates the optimization model for energy hub in a microgrid, aiming to minimize operational and environmental costs, manage dispatchable and nondispatchable generations, as well as energy storage systems under various technical constraints. The study shows that using a novel solar-powered compressed air energy storage system can improve the efficiency of energy hub operation and reduce environmental costs.


Article Thermodynamics

Design optimization of off-grid Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems considering the effects of building energy performance and climate change: Case study of Algeria

Charafeddine Mokhtara et al.

Summary: This study explores the optimal design of a diesel/PV/wind/battery hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) for the electrification of residential buildings in rural areas, taking into account climate diversity and building energy efficiency. GIS tools were used to develop a renewable energy potential map for Algeria, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm was employed to minimize energy cost while maximizing system reliability and renewable fraction. Different optimal HRES configurations were identified based on building efficiency levels, with some locations achieving a COE as low as $0.21/kWh.

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Robust multi-objective thermal and electrical energy hub management integrating hybrid battery-compressed air energy storage systems and plug-in-electric-vehicle-based demand response

Saeed Zeynali et al.

Summary: This study investigates the cooperation between a compressed air energy storage (CAES) and a battery energy storage system (BESS) in energy hubs to optimize residential thermal and electrical systems for cost and emission reduction. The proposed formulation includes various renewable energy units and demand response programs, with uncertainties handled by a computationally effective robust method.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Economic-environmental analysis of renewable-based microgrid under a CVaR-based two-stage stochastic model with efficient integration of plug-in electric vehicle and demand response

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Summary: This paper focuses on the optimal risk assessment of microgrid systems by incorporating an electric vehicle parking lot, demand response program, and high penetration of renewable energy. The study aims to enhance financial and environmental goals through strategies such as risk-taker or risk-aversion in daily scheduling.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Robust scenario-based concept for stochastic energy management of an energy hub contains intelligent parking lot considering convexity principle of CHP nonlinear model with triple operational zones

Seyyed Mostafa Nosratabadi et al.

Summary: This paper introduces an energy management system that controls distributed energy resources within an entity, presenting a novel convexity principle to address nonlinearity and proposing a robust scenario-based optimization strategy. By conducting a real case study, the effectiveness of the strategy is demonstrated.


Article Energy & Fuels

Peer to peer transactive energy for multiple energy hub with the penetration of high-level renewable energy

Wei Gan et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a market mechanism based on EH's peer-to-peer transaction, applies cooperative game theory to develop a fair and convincing payoff allocation scheme, and proves that the cooperative game of multiple EH operations is a balanced game.


Article Thermodynamics

CVaR-based retail electricity pricing in day-ahead scheduling of microgrids

Ahmad Ghasemi et al.

Summary: A new retail electricity pricing method is proposed in this study using a CVaR optimization framework to determine the next day's energy management planning of Micro-grid and retail electricity prices. The optimization under risk-averse conditions resulted in a significant reduction in the standard deviation of optimal retail prices and the expected cost, as well as a decrease in peak demand value.

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Article Thermodynamics

A multi-criteria logical based approach for optimal planning and assessment of rule-based hybrid load following micro combined heat and power systems

Hesam Mohammadi et al.

Summary: This study introduces a logical based approach with constraint programming technique to apply rule-based hybrid strategies in optimal planning of micro cogeneration systems. Five operation strategies are evaluated under three optimization criteria, resulting in the common hybrid strategy and the proposed strategy as the most suitable for integrated criterion with significant reductions in total annual cost, primary energy consumption, and greenhouse gas generation. The proposed strategy achieves higher reductions in total annual cost and overall performance for energy matching compared to the common hybrid strategy. Sensitivity analysis reveals the feed-in tariff for power generation as the most dominant economic parameter, while stochastic analysis shows the capacity of the micro cogeneration unit as the most affected outcome.


Review Thermodynamics

A review of sensitivity analysis practices in wind resource assessment

Olga Tsvetkova et al.

Summary: The review provides an overview of sensitivity analysis in wind resource assessment, highlighting the lack of consensus in defining sensitivity analysis, the prevalence of nonlinear models, and the common pitfalls in the field. It calls for a rethinking on how to conduct sensitivity analysis and includes a comparison of one-at-a-time and global sensitivity analysis methods for linear and nonlinear models.


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Investigations of thermo-hydrodynamics, structural stability, and thermal energy storage for direct steam generation in parabolic trough solar collector: A comprehensive review

Ram Kumar Pal et al.

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Interconnected-energy hubs robust energy management and scheduling in the presence of electric vehicles considering uncertainties

B. Poursmaeil et al.

Summary: This paper proposes an optimal scheduling method for interconnected multi-energy hubs based on robust optimization, considering uncertainties in electricity price, renewable energy resource generation, and loads. The results demonstrate that the proposed model can effectively reduce the total operation cost and carbon emissions of energy hubs.


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Investing into third generation nuclear power plants - Review of recent trends and analysis of future investments using Monte Carlo Simulation

B. Wealer et al.

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