4.5 Letter

Fluorescence ureteral navigation for colorectal cancer invading seminal vesicle with peritoneal dissemination - A video vignette

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Oncology

Fluorescence ureteral navigation during laparoscopic surgery for clinically suspected stage T4 colorectal cancer: A cohort study

Shunjin Ryu et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the utility of NIRFUC for ureteral navigation during laparoscopic surgery for stage T4 colorectal cancer. Patients in the T4FUN + group had longer operative times but higher laparoscopic ratios, lower blood loss volumes, and tended to have lower ureteral injury rates compared to the T4FUN- group.


Letter Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Identification of the ureter during robotic colorectal surgery using lighted stents - a video vignette

A. E. R. Hamilton et al.