4.0 Review

The Cambrian (Furongian) olenid trilobite Peltura from Avalonian Nova Scotia, Canada, with a review of some species from Baltica

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
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Summary: Avalonia is a distinctive region defined by unique uppermost Ediacaran-Ordovician rocks. It has been determined that Avalonia was an insular microcontinent rather than a part of Gondwana, with its origin and movement linked to the Avalonian transform fault (Atf). This finding challenges previous paleogeography and plate tectonics models.


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Furongian (upper Cambrian) trilobites and agnostoids from the Alum Shale Formation of Bornholm, Denmark: revised taxonomy and biostratigraphy

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Pseudocryptic species of the Middle Cambrian trilobite Eodiscus Hartt, in Walcott, 1884, from Avalonian and Laurentian Newfoundland

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