4.5 Editorial Material

Editorial to the Special Issue on Ocular Imaging for Eye Care

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Optics

Trade-Off Asymmetric Profile for Extended-Depth-of-Focus Ocular Lens

Lenny A. Romero et al.

Summary: This article explores the possibility of extending the depth of focus of an imaging lens using an asymmetric quartic phase-mask, while keeping aberration within a relatively low level. The proposed method is suitable for ophthalmic applications, relying on the patient's neural adaptation to their own aberrations for clear imaging. The numerical and experimental results are validated.


Article Optics

Visual Acuity at Various Distances and Defocus Curve: A Good Match

Laura Clave et al.

Summary: This study reevaluated the accuracy of the defocus curve (DC) method in assessing visual performance and found that it is equivalent in precision and accuracy to the varying test distance (VD) method. However, the DC method is more practical for clinical use.


Article Optics

Assessment of a New Trifocal Diffractive Corneal Inlay for Presbyopia Correction Using an Adaptive Optics Visual Simulator

Anabel Martinez-Espert et al.

Summary: This work analyzes a proposal for a new intracorneal diffractive lens for presbyopia correction, which can provide good distance, intermediate, and near vision. Using an adaptive optics visual simulator, the study investigates the impact of spherical aberration (SA) and potential thickness errors on the inlay performance. The results demonstrate that the through-the-focus imaging performance of the inlay can be customized by adjusting the SA value, allowing for either distance-intermediate or intermediate-near vision. Additionally, it is found that even with a 10% thickness variation, the inlay maintains its trifocal nature.


Article Optics

Improvement of Retinal Images Affected by Cataracts

Enrique Gonzalez-Amador et al.

Summary: This paper presents a concept proof study on the use of the CLAHE technique to improve the visualization of eye fundus images affected by blurring due to cataracts. The experimental results show that the proposed method can enhance the detection of features not observable by the naked eye. Additionally, an online image processing tool is developed, allowing clinicians to adjust the algorithm parameters for better visualization and select regions of interest for processing.


Article Optics

The Effect of Accommodation on Peripheral Refraction under Two Illumination Conditions

Raquel van Ginkel et al.

Summary: The clinical importance of peripheral refraction in relation to accommodation, especially in myopia control, has been increasingly recognized. This study investigated the low order ocular aberrations in response to different accommodative demands and illumination conditions. The findings suggest that peripheral refraction is influenced by both accommodation and illumination, with red light having a significant impact.


Article Optics

Retinal and Choroidal Thickness in Myopic Young Adults

Enrique J. Fernandez et al.

Summary: The study found that retinal thickness correlated with refraction at all eccentricities except the fovea, and the retinal thickness in the high myopia group was significantly different from the other two groups. In contrast, choroidal thickness showed a significant correlation with refraction at the fovea, but only in high myopes. Correlation with refraction was also found at the nasal location, between emmetropic and high myopia groups.


Article Optics

Gullstrand Intracapsular Accommodation Mechanism Revised

Norberto Lopez-Gil

Summary: It has been more than a century since Allvar Gullstrand proposed the mechanism of intracapsular accommodation. This study compares the intracapsular accommodation of Gullstrand's original eye model with a six-surfaces model eye based on actual experimental data. The results show that Gullstrand's model produces a larger accommodation through the proposed mechanism, while the model based on actual data demonstrates a smaller intracapsular disaccommodation.


Article Optics

Understanding In Vivo Chromatic Aberrations in Pseudophakic Eyes Using on Bench and Computational Approaches

Maria Vinas-Pena et al.

Summary: In this study, the researchers compared the chromatic aberration in patients implanted with different designs and materials of intraocular lenses (IOLs) to the predictions from computer modeling and bench measurements. They found that computational ray tracing and on bench measurements allowed for evaluating in vivo chromatic aberration with different materials and designs for multifocal diffractive IOLs.


Article Optics

Scaling the Retinal Image of the Wide-Angle Eye Using the Nodal Point

Michael J. Simpson

Summary: Research shows that angles subtended at the second nodal point of the eye roughly match input visual angles over a large range, with the relationship influenced by the cornea, lens, and retina interacting in a complex way.


Article Optics

Simulations of Decentration and Tilt of a Supplementary Sulcus-Fixated Intraocular Lens in a Polypseudophakic Combination Using Ray-Tracing Software

Grzegorz Labuz et al.

Summary: The study found that low-power sulcus-fixated IOLs may maintain good optical quality when misaligned. An extreme tilt of 10 degrees has a more detrimental effect on IOL performance than a 1 mm decentration. Proper alignment of high-power capsular fixation lenses is crucial for achieving desirable postoperative outcomes.


Article Optics

Separate Detection of Stromal and Epithelial Corneal Edema on Optical Coherence Tomography Using a Deep Learning Pipeline and Transfer Learning

Pierre Zeboulon et al.

Summary: The study developed a corneal edema detection model using transfer learning and a limited training set, consisting of a three-model pipeline. Comparison between the new pipeline and the previous model showed that the new pipeline performed better in detecting minimal edema.


Article Optics

Digital Image Processing and Development of Machine Learning Models for the Discrimination of Corneal Pathology: An Experimental Model

Andres Bustamante-Arias et al.

Summary: Machine learning was used to distinguish healthy and pathological corneal images through analysis of digitally processed SD-OCT images, with the TL-SVM and TL-RF methods demonstrating the best performance. CNN proved to be a strong predictor in image classification.