4.7 Article

Variations in the fecal microbiota and their functions of Thoroughbred, Mongolian, and Hybrid horses

Related references

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Integrative biology defines novel biomarkers of resistance to strongylid infection in horses

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An Oligosaccharide Rich Diet Increases Akkermansia spp. Bacteria in the Equine Microbiota

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Article Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science

Resilience of Faecal Microbiota in Stabled Thoroughbred Horses Following Abrupt Dietary Transition between Freshly Cut Pasture and Three Forage-Based Diets

Karlette A. Fernandes et al.

Summary: Abrupt changes in dietary management of horses can lead to gastrointestinal disturbances due to negative effects on gut microbiota. This study investigated how quickly bacterial communities in horse feces respond and stabilize following sudden diet changes. Stable fecal microbiota profiles were observed in horses consuming conserved forage-based diets within 96 hours, emphasizing the importance of incorporating large proportions of forage into equine diets for resilient microbiota.

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Comparison of the Gut Microbiota of Jeju and Thoroughbred Horses in Korea

Taemook Park et al.

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Inter-breed diversity and temporal dynamics of the faecal microbiota in healthy horses

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Factors Influencing Equine Gut Microbiota: Current Knowledge

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A genome-wide scan for candidate lethal variants in Thoroughbred horses

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Abrupt dietary changes between grass and hay alter faecal microbiota of ponies

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Short-chain fatty acids as potential regulators of skeletal muscle metabolism and function

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Genetic Costs of Domestication and Improvement

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The Equine Gastrointestinal Microbiome: Impacts of Age and Obesity

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Microbiome and Blood Analyte Differences Point to Community and Metabolic Signatures in Lean and Obese Horses

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Comparison of Fecal Microbiota of Mongolian and Thoroughbred Horses by High-throughput Sequencing of the V4 Region of the 16S rRNA Gene

Yiping Zhao et al.


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Cross-species comparisons of host genetic associations with the microbiome

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A Microbiological Map of the Healthy Equine Gastrointestinal Tract

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Heritable components of the human fecal microbiome are associated with visceral fat

Michelle Beaumont et al.