4.1 Article

Plant mineral nutrition on ultramafic rocks of New Caledonia

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Article Plant Sciences

Plant formations on ultramafic rocks in New Caledonia

Tanguy Jaffre

Summary: New Caledonia is renowned for its diverse geological substrates, which have shaped the unique and diverse flora. This article describes the impact of soil on vegetation, focusing on contact zones between ultramafic and other substrates. It discusses the main vegetation formations on ultramafic soils, including low and medium altitude rainforests, high altitude rainforests, and maquis. The types of maquis and the biological characteristics of maquis species are also presented.


Article Plant Sciences

Plant communities of the maquis on ultramafic rocks of New Caledonia

Tanguy Jaffre

Summary: This study analyzed the plant communities derived from ultramafic rock soils in New Caledonia. It identified 17 different plant associations, which are influenced by parameters such as elevation, precipitation, topography, as well as local edaphic, physicochemical, and hydric conditions. The diversity of plant associations observed in New Caledonia is among the most remarkable worldwide.