4.4 Article

Safety evaluation of the food enzyme α-glucosidase from the Aspergillus niger strain AE-TGU

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Article Food Science & Technology

Process-specific technical data used in exposure assessment of food enzymes

Claude Lambre et al.

Summary: Dietary exposure assessment of food enzymes requires the use of various input data and technical conversion factors to develop exposure models based on food processing. EFSA has categorized each food processing process and compiled technical conversion factors to ensure consistent application in assessments. Stakeholders have been consulted through open calls-for-data, with feedback being analyzed for further improvement.


Article Food Science & Technology

Scientific Guidance for the submission of dossiers on Food Enzymes

Claude Lambre et al.

Summary: EFSA has developed updated scientific guidance to help applicants prepare applications for food enzymes, covering data on source, production, characteristics, toxicology, allergenicity, and dietary exposure estimation. The agency will assess the safety of food enzymes based on the submitted data to determine if they pose a risk to human health.