4.6 Editorial Material

Microplastics in Water Bodies and in the Environment

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Environmental Sciences

Use of the Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Mollusca, Bivalvia) as a Bioindicator of Microplastics Pollution in Freshwater Ecosystems: A Case Study from Lake Iseo (North Italy)

Paolo Pastorino et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the use of zebra mussels as potential bioindicators of microplastic pollution in freshwater lakes. Samples were collected from three sites at the northern end of Lake Iseo in Italy and compared for microplastic accumulation, showing a significant difference in microplastic content between the sites at different distances from a wastewater treatment plant. The findings suggest that zebra mussels could be an effective tool for monitoring microplastic pollution in lakes.

WATER (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Baseline Study on Microplastics in Indian Rivers under Different Anthropogenic Influences

Simone Lechthaler et al.

Summary: Microplastic particles are receiving attention worldwide, particularly in aquatic environments. This study focused on comparing microplastic concentrations in urban and rural rivers in South India, finding differences in levels between the two types of rivers. The Adyar River in Chennai was estimated to discharge a significant amount of microplastic particles annually into the Bay of Bengal.

WATER (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastic Pollution in the Surface Waters from Plain and Mountainous Lakes in Siberia, Russia

Natalia Malygina et al.

Summary: Microplastic contamination in lakes of southern Siberia is present at moderate concentrations, mainly in the form of fragments and films. The sources of microplastics in these lakes are mainly from local human activities, emphasizing the need for increased attention to waste management and sustainable water use in Siberian freshwater environments.

WATER (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics Investigation Using Zooplankton Samples from the Coasts of Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean)

Grigoria Vasilopoulou et al.

Summary: This study investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of microplastics in the 0-50 m depth layer along the coasts of Cyprus, revealing that the Eastern Mediterranean is more polluted than the western basin. The abundance of fibers far exceeded that of fragments, with most microplastics being transparent fibers. A positive correlation was found between the abundance of microplastics and the total zooplankton.

WATER (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Microplastics in Agricultural Soils: A Case Study in Cultivation of Watermelons and Canning Tomatoes

Ekavi A. Isari et al.

Summary: The study found that the soil samples from fields with watermelon cultivation had a higher concentration of microplastics compared to fields with canning tomatoes, due to double planting each year and the closer proximity of the second planting to the sampling time. All samples were collected from agricultural fields away from industrial areas, indicating that agricultural activities may have caused soil contamination with microplastics.

WATER (2021)