4.6 Letter

The banned herbal medicine induced liver injury in Taiwan

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Herbal and dietary supplement-induced liver injury in Taiwan: comparison with conventional drug-induced liver injury

Yi-Shin Huang et al.

Summary: The study found that herbal and dietary supplements accounted for more than one-fifth of drug-induced liver injuries in Taiwan, and patients with HILI were more severe and had a higher mortality rate compared to those with CILI. Hepatitis B carriers, individuals with elevated baseline liver tests, and users of crude herbs may face a higher risk of HILI-related mortality. Prudent use of HDS is recommended for these high-risk individuals.


Article Integrative & Complementary Medicine

The Chinese medicine Kuan-Sin-Yin improves liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis C: A randomised and placebo-controlled trial

Chia-Yu Liu et al.


Article Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Adjunctive traditional Chinese medicine therapy improves survival of liver cancer patients

Yueh-Hsiang Liao et al.