4.7 Editorial Material

Editorial: Plant-Production Platforms for Veterinary Biopharmaceuticals

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Editorial Material Microbiology

Emerging infections and the integrative environment-health sciences: the road ahead

Matthew C. Fisher et al.

Summary: The integrative environment-health sciences, encompassing various disciplines, help in understanding the complex factors behind emerging infections, paving the way for effective risk reduction strategies and promoting sustainable future development.


Review Veterinary Sciences

Novel Vaccine Technologies in Veterinary Medicine: A Herald to Human Medicine Vaccines

Virginia Aida et al.

Summary: Although traditional vaccine technologies have been successful in enhancing livestock productivity and reducing disease morbidity, they also have their limitations. The emergence of third generation vaccines has addressed many of the drawbacks associated with classical vaccines, offering a more comprehensive immune response, cost-effective production, and safety.