4.8 Editorial Material

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Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Biology

Science Forum: Is preclinical research in cancer biology reproducible enough?

Patrick Bodilly Kane et al.

Summary: The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology aims to provide evidence on reproducibility in cancer research and identify factors influencing reproducibility. Results suggest the current diagnostic machine in cancer research recommends many non-reproducible findings for further advancement, raising concerns. However, further evaluation is needed, with unanswered questions on the machine's accuracy, societal costs of false positives and negatives, and interpretation of its outputs by scientists and others.

ELIFE (2021)

Article Biology

Investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology

Timothy M. Errington et al.

Summary: Replicability is an important feature of scientific research, but aspects of contemporary research culture, such as an emphasis on novelty, can make replicability seem less important than it should be. The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology aimed to provide evidence about the replicability of preclinical research in cancer biology by repeating selected experiments from high-impact papers. The study found that most of the original effects were positive effects, and in replication experiments, the effect sizes were generally smaller compared to the original experiments.

ELIFE (2021)

Article Biology

Experiments from unfinished Registered Reports in the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

Timothy M. Errington et al.

Summary: Out of the remaining 11 papers, four initiated experimental work but stopped without any outcomes, two resulted in incomplete outcomes due to unexpected challenges, and five had only some experiments completed due to technical or methodological challenges. This provides evidence of the challenges in repeating preclinical cancer biology experiments and the replicability of completed experiments.

ELIFE (2021)

Article Biology

Reproducibility in Cancer Biology: Challenges for assessing replicability in preclinical cancer biology

Timothy M. Errington et al.

Summary: The study found that replicating preclinical research in cancer biology poses various challenges and barriers, such as lack of key data, insufficient experimental descriptions, and difficulties in obtaining author assistance, limiting the number of successful replications.

ELIFE (2021)

Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences

Reproducibility: expect less of the scientific paper Comment

Olavo B. Amaral et al.

Summary: To enhance the reliability of science, it is important to shift the burden of replicability to the community as a whole, rather than relying solely on individual laboratories.

NATURE (2021)

Article Biology

The Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative

Olavo B. Amaral et al.

ELIFE (2019)

Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences


Monya Baker

NATURE (2016)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in economics

Colin F. Camerer et al.

SCIENCE (2016)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science

Alexander A. Aarts et al.

SCIENCE (2015)

Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences

Raise standards for preclinical cancer research

C. Glenn Begley et al.

NATURE (2012)

Letter Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets?

Florian Prinz et al.