4.5 Editorial Material

T1D exchange quality improvement collaborative: Accelerating change through benchmarking and improvement science for people with type 1 diabetes COMMENT

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Patient Demographics and Clinical Outcomes Among Type 1 Diabetes Patients Using Continuous Glucose Monitors: Data From T1D Exchange Real-World Observational Study

Daniel J. DeSalvo et al.

Summary: This study aimed to provide real-world evidence of the benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) on glycemic management. The results showed that CGM users had better glycemic control and lower rates of DKA and severe hypoglycemia events compared to nonusers. However, significant sociodemographic disparities in CGM use were observed.


Editorial Material Endocrinology & Metabolism

Addressing type 1 diabetes health inequities in the United States: Approaches from the T1D Exchange QI Collaborative

Osagie Ebekozien et al.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

5. Facilitating Behavior Change and Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021

Summary: The American Diabetes Association's Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes provides clinical practice recommendations, components of diabetes care, treatment goals, and evaluation tools. Effective behavior management and psychological well-being are essential for treatment goals, with diabetes self-management education, medical nutrition therapy, physical activity, smoking cessation counseling, and psychosocial care playing crucial roles. Collaborative person-centered care, guided by shared decision-making, is encouraged after comprehensive medical evaluation, with a focus not only on physical health but also behavioral and mental health outcomes.


Article Endocrinology & Metabolism

Longitudinal Changes in Depression Symptoms and Glycemia in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes

Paula M. Trief et al.


Meeting Abstract Endocrinology & Metabolism

Incorporating Depression Screening into Diabetes Clinics across the T1DX Learning Collaborative

Shideh Majidi et al.