4.7 Editorial Material

Protecting Amazonia Should Focus on Protecting Indigenous, Traditional Peoples and Their Territories

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Environmental Sciences

Mining threatens isolated indigenous peoples in the Brazilian Amazon

Sara Villen-Perez et al.

Summary: The largest concentration of isolated indigenous peoples in the world is located in the indigenous lands of the Brazilian Legal Amazon. However, the survival and right to self-isolation of these societies are at risk due to the potential exploitation of their untouched territories. A recent bill proposes opening up indigenous lands to mining, and the threat posed by this to isolated indigenous groups and their territories has been assessed.


Article Environmental Studies

Government policies endanger the indigenous peoples of the Brazilian Amazon

Katyanne Conceicao et al.

Summary: The study revealed an ongoing deforestation process in the Brazilian Amazon region, driven by squatters and land grabbers who are rapidly developing in an illegal manner, hoping for future legalization through a land regularization law. This process seems to be promoted by Brazilian Federal Government rhetoric and mediated by local politicians, conveying a message of weak repression against invasions of public lands.


Letter Ecology

The Brazilian Amazon deforestation rate in 2020 is the greatest of the decade

Celso H. L. Silva Junior et al.


Article Forestry

Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Diversity and Life Zone for Uncontacted Indigenous People: Deforestation Hotspots in the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve, Ecuadorian Amazon

Marco Heredia-R et al.

Summary: Land use and land cover change is crucial for monitoring environmental change in areas of high biodiversity like the Amazon biome. This study in northern Ecuador aimed to investigate territorial dynamics of land use changes and found that most land in the study area was transformed into pastures. Improved territorial planning is essential to avoid conflicts between different populations living in the area.

FORESTS (2021)

Article Forestry

Relationship between Biomass Burning Emissions and Deforestation in Amazonia over the Last Two Decades

Guilherme A. V. Mataveli et al.

Summary: This study used remote sensing data to estimate biomass burning emissions and deforestation in the Amazon region, finding a significant impact of deforestation on biomass burning emissions and a correlation between the two in terms of time and space.

FORESTS (2021)

Article Political Science

The Colonial Reproduction of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Violence Against Indigenous Peoples for Land Development

Danilo Urzedo et al.

Summary: This article argues that land clearing of the Amazon rainforest has been historically determined by colonial plans that lead to high rates of tropical deforestation and social injustice. The destruction of the Amazon has resulted in ecocide through large-scale environmental degradation accompanied by historical genocide and the ongoing dispossession of Indigenous peoples.


Article Environmental Studies

Environmental Threats over Amazonian Indigenous Lands

Ana C. Rorato et al.

Summary: The study reveals that Amazonian Indigenous Lands are facing various internal and external environmental threats, such as deforestation, forest degradation, fires, and illegal mining. To protect the rights of indigenous peoples, surveillance actions should be enhanced, illegal activities should be combated, and invaders should be removed promptly.
Article Environmental Sciences

Brazilian amazon indigenous peoples threatened by mining bill

Ana C. Rorato et al.


Letter Multidisciplinary Sciences

Smoke pollution's impacts in Amazonia

Gabriel de Oliveira et al.

SCIENCE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Brazil’s deforestation is exploding—and 2020 will be worse

Herton Escobar

SCIENCE (2019)

Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

A spatial overview of the global importance of Indigenous lands for conservation

Stephen T. Garnett et al.