4.4 Editorial Material

Reply to Comment on 'Angles in the SI: a detailed proposal for solving the problem' Reply

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Instruments & Instrumentation

A comparison of traceable spatial angle autocollimator calibrations performed by PTB and VTT MIKES

Ralf D. Geckeler et al.

Summary: Autocollimators are versatile devices used in engineering and manufacturing for angle metrology. Recently, PTB and VTT MIKES have developed specialized calibration devices to expand the calibration capabilities of autocollimators from plan angles to spatial angles. Comparing calibration results allows for evaluation of measurement errors and uncertainty of the devices.


Editorial Material Instruments & Instrumentation

Comment on 'Angles in the SI: a detailed proposal for solving the problem'

B. P. Leonard

Summary: Paul Quincey argues for recognizing angle as a base quantity and radian as the base unit. He demonstrates how rotational motion equations can be explained by dimensionally consistent explicit-radian equations using the radian convention. However, based on fundamental physical principles, it is shown that the radian convention cannot be applied to torque, angular momentum, or moment of inertia.


Article Instruments & Instrumentation

Angles in the SI: a detailed proposal for solving the problem

Paul Quincey

Summary: A recent proposal suggests changing the status of radians and steradians in the International System of Units, while still allowing their use within equations as before. This change aims to provide a physics-based, consistent, and logically robust unit system, with clearer units for all physical quantities, while minimizing disruptions to familiar equations for typical end-users.


Article Instruments & Instrumentation

The role of unit systems in expressing and testing the laws of nature

Paul Quincey et al.