4.4 Letter

Top 10 key takeaways from the 2021 pediatric surgery update course

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Pediatrics

30-day postoperative outcomes of neonatal versus delayed anoplasty for perineal and vestibular fistulas

Christopher W. Marenco et al.

Summary: This study compared the postoperative outcomes of neonatal versus delayed repair of rectoperineal and rectovestibular fistulae using a pediatric colorectal specific database. The study found no significant difference in the incidence of 30-day postoperative complications between the two surgical treatment strategies. Patients undergoing delayed repair had lower birth weights and were more likely to be female.


Article Pediatrics

Perioperative and long-term functional outcomes of neonatal versus delayed primary endorectal pull-through for children with Hirschsprung disease: A pediatric colorectal and pelvic learning consortium study

Zachary J. Kastenberg et al.

Summary: The study investigated the impact of endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung disease, finding that delayed surgery offers a safe alternative with at least equivalent functional outcomes compared to neonatal repair.