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Decarbonizing the energy supply one pandemic at a time

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Impact analysis of COVID-19 responses on energy grid dynamics in Europe

Annette Werth et al.

Summary: The study found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, most European countries experienced a significant decrease in electricity generation, with a notable drop in energy consumption. Additionally, there was an increase in renewable energy generation, as well as fossil gas in some countries. The European grid helped balance these changes by increasing both energy exports and imports, with some countries transitioning from net exporters to net importers.


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Electricity demand during pandemic times: The case of the COVID-19 in Spain

I Santiago et al.

Summary: The lockdown measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 led to a significant decrease in electricity consumption in Spain, with changes in power demand profiles at homes, hospitals, and overall demand. Despite increased uncertainty in demand forecasts, production deviations only slightly increased thanks to a diversified generation mix, increased proportion of renewable sources, and reduced CO2 emissions.


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The impact of COVID 19 on air pollution levels and other environmental indicators - A case study of Egypt

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Summary: The study found that during the COVID-19 lockdown in Egypt, environmental noise, beaches, surface, and groundwater pollution decreased, while medical solid waste and municipal solid waste increased. The efficiency of waste recycling processes also decreased.


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Quantitative assessment of US bulk power systems and market operations during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Summary: This study uses data-driven analysis to validate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the U.S. power systems and markets. It reveals that electric power demand and prices noticeably dropped during the pandemic, with the northeast region being the most severely affected.


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How did the German and other European electricity systems react to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Stephanie Halbruegge et al.

Summary: The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in decreased electricity demand and an increased share of Renewable Energy Sources in power generation in various countries, with Germany seeing a rise in renewable energy generation compared to the same period in 2019. Analysis of the German and other European electricity systems during the pandemic showed significant changes in consumption, generation, prices, and imports/exports, while grid stability and ancillary services remained unaffected. The flexibility options during the pandemic, such as increased grid capacity due to reduced consumption, may have contributed to maintaining grid stability.


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Do unemployment benefits and economic aids to pay electricity bills remove the energy poverty risk of Spanish family units during lockdown? A study of COVID-19-induced lockdown

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Summary: The study analyzed the effectiveness of unemployment benefits and social measures in helping Spanish families pay their electricity bills, finding that unemployment aids can alleviate energy poverty, but social measures are not sufficient to prevent it. The application of variable discount percentages based on income and the month of the year on the electricity bill could reduce the risk of energy poverty during future lockdowns.


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Impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown on energy consumption in a Canadian social housing building

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Summary: The COVID-19 lockdown led to changes in home occupancy and work patterns, impacting building energy consumption. During the initial lockdown period, electricity and hot water consumption patterns changed with a slight overall increase.


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Summary: The study aimed to calculate and assess the electricity load trends in Brazil and its regions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The South subsystem showed the highest decrease in electricity load, while the North region almost returned to initial levels.


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Linking social-psychological factors with policy expectation: Using local voices to understand solar PV poverty alleviation in Wuhan, China

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Summary: The study found that neighbors and village agents play a crucial role in influencing the adoption of solar photovoltaics, while common goals of community improvement increased villagers' likelihood of adoption. Local social interactions helped reduce residents' fears and increase knowledge about solar energy.


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What does the China's economic recovery after COVID-19 pandemic mean for the economic growth and energy consumption of other countries?

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Summary: China is the first major economy to show signs of recovery after the economic slowdown induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study findings suggest that China's economic recovery post-COVID-19 has the most significant impact on the economic growth of upper-middle-income countries and on the energy consumption of high-income countries.


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Environmental impacts of shifts in energy, emissions, and urban heat island during the COVID-19 lockdown across Pakistan

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A preliminary assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on environment ? A case study of China

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Impact of COVID-19 outbreak measures of lockdown on the Italian Carbon Footprint

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