4.6 Letter

Universal Genetic Testing to Identify Pathogenic Germline Variants in Patients With Cancer COMMENT

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Oncology

Comparison of Universal Genetic Testing vs Guideline-Directed Targeted Testing for Patients With Hereditary Cancer Syndrome

N. Jewel Samadder et al.

Summary: This cohort study found that universal multigene panel testing among patients with solid tumor cancer was associated with an increased detection of heritable variants over the predicted yield of targeted testing based on guidelines. Nearly 30% of patients with high-penetrance variants had modifications in their treatment based on the finding. The uptake of cascade FVT was low despite being offered at no cost.


Article Oncology

Evaluating Susceptibility to Pancreatic Cancer: ASCO Provisional Clinical Opinion

Elena M. Stoffel et al.